04-07-2009, 01:32 AM
Here is a Shipped US Cellular Touch Pro ROM
RUU_Herman_C_US_Cellular_WWE_1.08.573.1_RS1.07.06F _USC_1.80_0218_PRL39959_Ship
I am not even sure if this device is out yet. that is how new this rom is. hehe.
System is 20769, Looks like a new radio is in there if someone wants to take that out. all kinds of good things in here. and best thing about it. is that the device is not even out yet.
HTML Code:
SYSversion 1.2 by MrVanx - 2008
SYS Directory Found
No DSM Found! | .ROM
No DSM Found! | .VM
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | AUTOUPDATE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Autoupdate_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BaseApps
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BaseAppsFiles
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Base_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | base_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Base_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192_RESH_480_RESV_640
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Bluetooth
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Bluetooth_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BROWSING
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BROWSINGCORE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Browsing_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Browsing_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Bth_A2DP
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Bth_A2DP_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Bth_HID
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Bth_HID_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Catalog
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Catalog_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | CommonNonEA
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | DRM
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | FWUPDATE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Fwupdate_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | GPSID
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | INTERNETSHARING
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | IPSECVPN
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | IPSECVPN_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | IPSECVPN_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | MediaOS
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | MediaOSFiles
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | MediaOS_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | MediaOS_Lang_0409
0.0.0 aku 0 | Metadata
Error in version | NetCF
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Office
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Office_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Office_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Office_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | OneNote
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | OneNote_lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | OS
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | OSFiles
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Phone
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | PhoneRedist
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | PhoneRedist_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | PhoneRedist_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | PhoneRedist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | ppgprov
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Redist
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | RUNTIMES
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SampleMusic
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Shell
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SMIME
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SMS_Providers
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SQLCE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SqlCeMobile
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SqlCeMobile_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SQM
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Transcriber
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Transcriber_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Transcriber_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | VoiceCommand
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | VoiceCommand_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | WelcomeCenter
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WelcomeCenter_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | WindowsLive
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WindowsLive_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WindowsLive_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WWAN
everyone enjoy, and USCC users, you owe me big time hehe
Thanks to conflipper for sharing this here:
RUU_Herman_C_US_Cellular_WWE_1.08.573.1_RS1.07.06F _USC_1.80_0218_PRL39959_Ship
I am not even sure if this device is out yet. that is how new this rom is. hehe.
System is 20769, Looks like a new radio is in there if someone wants to take that out. all kinds of good things in here. and best thing about it. is that the device is not even out yet.
HTML Code:
SYSversion 1.2 by MrVanx - 2008
SYS Directory Found
No DSM Found! | .ROM
No DSM Found! | .VM
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | AUTOUPDATE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Autoupdate_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BaseApps
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BaseAppsFiles
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Base_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | base_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Base_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192_RESH_480_RESV_640
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Bluetooth
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Bluetooth_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BROWSING
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | BROWSINGCORE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Browsing_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Browsing_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Bth_A2DP
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Bth_A2DP_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Bth_HID
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Bth_HID_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Catalog
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Catalog_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | CommonNonEA
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | DRM
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Enterprise_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | FWUPDATE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Fwupdate_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | GPSID
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | INTERNETSHARING
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | IPSECVPN
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | IPSECVPN_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | IPSECVPN_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | MediaOS
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | MediaOSFiles
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | MediaOS_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | MediaOS_Lang_0409
0.0.0 aku 0 | Metadata
Error in version | NetCF
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Office
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Office_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Office_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Office_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | OneNote
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | OneNote_lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | OS
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | OSFiles
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Phone
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | PhoneRedist
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | PhoneRedist_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | PhoneRedist_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | PhoneRedist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Phone_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | ppgprov
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Redist
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Redist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | RUNTIMES
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SampleMusic
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | Shell
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SMIME
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SMS_Providers
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SQLCE
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SqlCeMobile
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SqlCeMobile_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | SQM
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Transcriber
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Transcriber_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | Transcriber_Lang_0409_DPI_192
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | VoiceCommand
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | VoiceCommand_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | WelcomeCenter
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WelcomeCenter_Lang_0409
5.2.20769 aku 1405 | WindowsLive
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WindowsLive_DPI_192
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WindowsLive_Lang_0409
5.2.20757 aku 1400 | WWAN
everyone enjoy, and USCC users, you owe me big time hehe
Thanks to conflipper for sharing this here: