View Full Version : please help

04-15-2009, 07:57 PM
just got altel mogul flashed to metro wit mms and internet but i want to use kaos 420 rom but afraid to lose mms an internet can someone please let me no if it can be done without losing the new settings for metro it cost me 60 bucks cant afford to lose it thanks in advance kaos think ur rom is one of the best cant wait to try it

04-15-2009, 08:21 PM
just got altel mogul flashed to metro wit mms and internet but i want to use kaos 420 rom but afraid to lose mms an internet can someone please let me no if it can be done without losing the new settings for metro it cost me 60 bucks cant afford to lose it thanks in advance kaos think ur rom is one of the best cant wait to try it

Why didnt you direct this question within that thread for said Kaos rom... that is wherer this belongs...

regading your question you should be fine, especially if you know/remember the process your took to get those setting set back up in the first place... If not search around see if you can find a dcd carrier cab for metro and refer back to the Kaos thread, your answers may be there already...

shoudl you have any further questions regarding that rom, please direct your questions there, as you can bget more detailed specified answers to address your issues, thank you...

closing thread

04-15-2009, 10:30 PM
Moved to bin. thanks.