View Full Version : Adding ipa files to you iPhone/iPod

04-29-2009, 07:46 PM
So, how to install ipa files on an iPhone or iPod Touch?

So I have been refering friends and family to Wckediden and there are a few of which have for some reason decided to go with the iphone as their device of choice. So that I could speak knowledgeably when telling them how to go about modding I did a bit of research and came about these two different ways and thought that I would share them. I most definately would recommend the second one.

1. You need to be on jailbroken iPhone with Cydia installed. If you haven't then please search for it

2. Install OpenSSH from Cydia on your iPhone. Click on Cydia and then click Install (Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”).

3. Log into WinSCP. The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry several times (up to 20 times!) and it should work. If you still get an error, reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again.

4. Navigate to /private/var/mobile/ folder

5. Set the permission of the Applications folder to 777 (make sure reclusive is checked).

6. Stay in the /private/var/mobile/ folder.

7. Create a folder called “Documents” in the /private/var/mobile/ folder. Make sure to spell “Documents” correctly, with a capital “D”.

8. Set the permission to 777.

9. Navigate to the root level and open the /Applications folder.

10. Create a folder called “Documents” inside the /Applications folder and set permission to 777.

———Note: You will only need to create these two Documents folders once———

11. Go to <root> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework

12. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak”

13. Download this patched MobileInstallation file attached or from HERE. Note that you have to download the patched file for the firmware you are running. ie. if you are running 2.1, you need the MobileInstallation 2.1 patched file.

14. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file. If there is some type of extension (ie .dylib), then you need to remove that extension.

15. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch

16. Download cracked api Games and Apps from Here.

17. Download at least one App from Apple App Store (Free or Paid). What I do is I download one app from the App Store using iTunes, then I sync my iPhone and reboot it. Then I download one app from the App Store on the iPhone and reboot the phone. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once]

18. Drag and drop the .ipa file you downloaded into the iTunes Application library.

19. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!


The application “XXXXXXX” cannot be opened
Fix: Reboot your iPhone or iPod

0xE800001 Error:

FIX: Change usb port and reboot your iphone/ipod Touch.
If this doesnt work try going into: Control panel->System->Device Manager->Universal Serie Bus Controller->Right click Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and update driver.

0xE800013 Error:

You get this error when you already have the app
FIX: Simply delete the .app folder that u have sshd and reboot.

Use This:
MOBILE INSTALLATION.RAR (https://www.wckediden.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22281&stc=1&d=1241044678)

Another Way (which I find to be more simple):

I think it is very hard way to install apps and games on iPhone.

The one I offer is much easier IMHO:

You need jailbroken device.

Just install this program, run it, choose english language by clicking on its icon in a system tray. Then connect your iPhone to a PC via cable or Wi-Fi, program will install Panda daemon on a device. After restarting, click on a Apps icon in the left.

Then click Add button in the top left, choose *.ipa file, it will be transferred and installed on iPhone. Just few minutes - and game is ready for lauching.

You don't need to make any corrections to a file system, to install create MobileInstallation files, to set rights for the files, to sync iPhone with iTunes, to reboot your device - you don't need to do anything except just installing the app/game and running it.

Believe me, it is very easy...

This one goes with the other four downloads

05-07-2009, 12:20 PM
lol...I fear the way you have explained it my friend is much to difficult for the average user to do...it was at a time the only way to do it...when I originally got my iphone 3g, this was how I used to do it..but know with the tools of cydia, once jailbroken on pc, everything else can be done right on your iphone/itouch now to have the abilities to install cracked .ipa files...here is how you can do it more easily...either have me modd your device for you and have everything you can imagine done or just follow these short steps below in contrast to what this member has provided above which is true but old and long....

First things first you will need a jail broken iPhone/itouch, there are plenty of tutorials (Easiest way is to use "QuickPwn", few simple steps and your done). Once jailbroken, do this:

First you need to patch your mobile installation file. Until recently this meant manually SSH'ing into your iPhone and manually swapping files, but now there's an easier way.

Go to Cydia - Manage - Sources - Edit - Add and then add this source "http://www.iphone.org.hk/apt/". Once Cydia is finished downloading the source information, search for these files "MobileInstallation Patch", "Erica Utilities" and "UUID Generator". Install these three applications. Now your iPhone can install cracked apps. Just to let your iPhone adjust to the new files, turn your iPhone off and then back on.

Thats it...theres more that can be done...but this will let u install properly cracked .ipa files!

05-07-2009, 07:04 PM
lol...I fear the way you have explained it my friend is much to difficult for the average user to do...it was at a time the only way to do it...when I originally got my iphone 3g, this was how I used to do it..but know with the tools of cydia, once jailbroken on pc, everything else can be done right on your iphone/itouch now to have the abilities to install cracked .ipa files...here is how you can do it more easily...either have me modd your device for you and have everything you can imagine done or just follow these short steps below in contrast to what this member has provided above which is true but old and long....

First things first you will need a jail broken iPhone/itouch, there are plenty of tutorials (Easiest way is to use "QuickPwn", few simple steps and your done). Once jailbroken, do this:

First you need to patch your mobile installation file. Until recently this meant manually SSH'ing into your iPhone and manually swapping files, but now there's an easier way.

Go to Cydia - Manage - Sources - Edit - Add and then add this source "http://www.iphone.org.hk/apt/". Once Cydia is finished downloading the source information, search for these files "MobileInstallation Patch", "Erica Utilities" and "UUID Generator". Install these three applications. Now your iPhone can install cracked apps. Just to let your iPhone adjust to the new files, turn your iPhone off and then back on.

Thats it...theres more that can be done...but this will let u install properly cracked .ipa files!

You find this to be even easier than the second way i listed?

05-08-2009, 12:45 AM
yep...much quicker and easier for anyone...