View Full Version : Skin turning out wierd Please help

04-30-2009, 03:18 AM
ok so all I did was make the outside of the clock red. Nothing major just a simple start. These are right out of the qa_clock_small.dat file They just have a red ring.


Then when I save file put back into original .dat folder and overwrite to my phone this is what it looks like?????


Can someone please help me? I am using photoshop cs2 and that's it. I change the mod from indexed to RGB Color so I can edit, change back to indexed, overwrite and save. This is the turn out. :(

04-30-2009, 04:02 AM
Thread moved, because this is nowhere near a tutorial. As for your problem, I dunno. Hopefully one of our designers can hook you up.

04-30-2009, 04:38 AM
when you repacked the bmp file into the dat file did you relock with the password.....cuz it will not save without the pw i learned that the hard way

04-30-2009, 05:01 AM
when you repacked the bmp file into the dat file did you relock with the password.....cuz it will not save without the pw i learned that the hard way

Yeah I relocked with same password and then reopened to make sure it was overwriting and they were saved in the .dat as the modded picture.

04-30-2009, 05:46 AM
Yeah I relocked with same password and then reopened to make sure it was overwriting and they were saved in the .dat as the modded picture.

can you send me the bmp file(s) or the qa_layout.dat that you have with red ring around the clock and ill see if i can troubleshoot it.....pack them in a rar please

04-30-2009, 05:07 PM
can you send me the bmp file(s) or the qa_layout.dat that you have with red ring around the clock and ill see if i can troubleshoot it.....pack them in a rar please

here is a .rar with the .dat file and the two picture files

04-30-2009, 05:21 PM
here is a .rar with the .dat file and the two picture files

ok give me some time to troubleshoot this.