05-02-2009, 11:08 PM
Jmz Rom 2.0 Build 050209
Thanks goes to so many people. Juicy, Calcu, dharvey, showaco (xda), wapvirus (xda), savage25rcracer, joeball88, cmonex, Conflipper, FayFay, carburano (xda), hellonasty (xda), Juggalo_X, dharvey, and everybody else at PPCGEEKS and XDA. Sorry if I missed you.
The reason for the large changelog is because I rebuilt this rom from the ground up. Between my computer going down and all the testing I was doing working on the rhodium dialer, I screwed my kitchen all up. So new and cleaned up a little.
Also made a self-extracting exe. Only double click once. You will see nothing happen until the RUU pops up. It extracts to temp directory then deletes after flashing.
Download (
v2.0 050209
[#]Removed World Clock
[#]1% Rapid Charge
[#]Updated D3D Drivers **Thanks Juicy
[#]Finger Keyboard 2_1_408
[#]hTorch Flashlight 3_2
[#]Rhodium Manila T-mobile Theme
[#]nueDynamic Clock 1_0
[#]PHM Registry Editor 0_70
[#]PIM Backup 2_8
[#]Microsoft MyPhone (CAB)
[#]Opera 9_5_16277 (CAB) **Thanks Juicy
[#]Manila Today Plugin (CAB) **Freaking awesome
[#]Selboriyorker Screenshot
[#]AdobePDF 2_5_1_0_378273_00B
[#]Album 3_0_19141129_0
[#]App_Service 1_65_0_0
[#]ArcsoftMMS 5_0_82_79R1
[#]Audio Booster 2_2_19131926_2
[#]AudioManager_Eng 1_7_19122322_h1
[#]AutoRun 4_31_3_0
[#]AutoShortcut 1_1_2_0
[#]BluetoothSetting 2_11_0_0
[#]BootLauncher 1_0_37394_1
[#]BTBPP 1_7_1_R3
[#]BTFTP 1_2_33309_91
[#]CAMERA 6_4_32007_00
[#]CDMA_RSSI_PPC 1_29_0_0
[#]CleanGPSData 1_1_0_0
[#]ClearStorage 1_40_0_0
[#]CommManager 2_8_15_1
[#]ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19113219_0000
[#]ContactsEnhancement 1_0_19141230_0
[#]ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19132213_0000
[#]DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
[#]DeviceInfo 1_35_0_1
[#]DRMMiddleware 1_5_19122329_00
[#]DShow 2_0_19141126_0
[#]EnlargeStartMenu 1_2_37403_1
[#]Finger Keyboard 2_1_408
[#]FootPrintsVE 1_0_18223925_0
[#]FullScreenPlayer 1_7_19133625_01
[#]GSensor Calibrator 1_0_18192126_0
[#]AdvancedPowerManagement 1_5_18193426
[#]Calculator 1_0_19132026_00
[#]HTCGesture 1_0_32356_0
[#]HTC_EmailSetupWizard 1_1_19123533_0
[#]HTCApplication 1_9_7_0
[#]HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
[#]HTCFramework 1_0_19132632_01
[#]HTCMessage 1_93_281_0
[#]HTCScroll 1_0_19113219_0
[#]HTCSettings 1_3_8_1
[#]HTCUtil 4_9_0_0
[#]InCallRecorder 1_0_1821_2426
[#]LockStreamDRM 1_1_081216_O9_05
[#]LongPressEndKey 1_2_19134026_00
[#]HTC_EmailSetupWizard 1_0_19132328_0
[#]MediaToolkit 1_0_19141129_00
[#]MenuEnhancement 1_0_19133520_00
[#]MessageEnhancement 1_0_19133631_00
[#]mHub 6_57_080529_E0
[#]mHubVO 1_71_090331_X0
[#]MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_2
[#]MP3Trimmer 1_2_19123729_1
[#]Mute 1_1_2_0
[#]MyCPL 3_13_0_6
[#]NewContactCard 1_0_19131529_00
[#]Notification_Enhancement 2_0_1914_1131
[#]OutlookEnhancement 1_1_1822_3121
[#]PictureEnhancement 1_50_19121428_00
[#]PKG 1_1_0_0
[#]Power 2_22_0_2
[#]PowerOffWarning 2_5_0_0
[#]QuickGPS 1_01_19131225_00
[#]RandomAccess 4_1_18222125_0
[#]Redial 1_2_0_0
[#]ResourceProxy 1_0_19132627_00
[#]RingtonePlugin 1_00_080624_2
[#]RSSHub 2_1_1_1087_01
[#]SensorSDK 4_0_19132930_00
[#]SharedModules 1_01_19131231_00
[#]SlidingSound 1_2_0_0
[#]SmartTouch 1_2_19132132_W001
[#]SMSInboxThreading 1_35_0_0
[#]HTCAnimation 1_1_5_999
[#]StorageLow 1_0_0_2
[#]StreamingMedia 3_1_19141226_00
[#]StreamingSDK 2_7_19132219_00
[#]TaskManager 2_1_37655_1
[#]Teeter 1_4_18201925_0
[#]TouchFLO 3_0_19141226_TC00
[#]TVOutPopUp 1_2_19111221_1
[#]USBtoPC_exe 1_21_0_0
[#]VoiceRecorder 1_10_19123431_0
[#]VolumeControl 2_1_19122221_0
[#]YouTube 1_6_1822_2028
[#]zlibce_m 1_2_3_0
v2.0 090415
[+] Twikini
[+] nueNullKB 1.0
[#] Adobe PDF
[#] AudioBooster 2.2.19131926.2
[#] Enlarge Start Menu 1.2.37648.1
[#] HTC Calculator 1.0.19132026.00
[#] Menu Enhancement 1.0.19133520.00
[#] Notification Enhancement 2.0.1914.1131
[#] Album 3.0.19141129.0
[#] CMBandSwitchingm0.9.2.2
[#] CMBluetooth
[#] CMPhone
[#] CMPin
[#] Wi-FiWizard
[#] CommManager
[#] MP3 Trimmer 1.2.19123729.1
[#] QuickGPS 1.01.19131225.00
[#] VoiceRecorder 1.10.19123431.0
[#] VolumeControl 2.1.19122221.0
[#] Email Setup Wizard 1.1.19123533.0
[#] Moved Opera to cab
[#] Moved Myphone to cab
[-] Removed Sprint extras
v2.0 090410
[#] Updated nueBattery drivers to 1% and Fast charge
[+] Rhodium Comm Manager with Wizards
[+] Rhodium Power Off Warning
[+] nueUSBKeyboard
[+] T-mobile theme for Rhodium Manila
Common to All Versions
[#] Updated D3D Drivers
[#] HTC Message
[#] HTC Util
[#] HTC Lockstream DRM 1.1.081216.O9.05
[#] HTC Message Enhancement 1.0.19131712.01
[#] HTC mHubVO 1.71.090227.X0
[#] HTC Outlook Enhancement 1.1.1822.3121
[#] HTC Sensor SDK 4.0.19131532.00
[#] HTC Shared Modules 1.01.19131231.00
[#] HTC Streaming Source Filter 2.6.19123019.00
[#] HTC Voice Recorder 1.10.19121928.1
[#] HTC WLAN Settings
[#] HTC zlibce_m
[+] Added HTC Home
[#] Fixed Comm Manager
Rhodium Manila Version
[#] Fixed Time Zone bug
[#] Fixed Comm Manager
[#] Highly modified[-] Removed Manila Start Menu
[+] Added Programs Tab
[+] Added Sprint theme to manila (thanks to showaco for making the clock work)
[+] Sprint Themed Comm Manager
Known Bugs:
[+] On standard manila, on first flash you must manually refresh the weather before changing it. Then it will work perfectly the rest of the time.
[#] Fixed landscape keyboard
[+] Htorch 3.2
[+] Tsowen's Taskbar Icons
[+] Changed Calendar Tab Icon (better flowing into theme)
[+] nueGPSSecurity 1.2
[+] Lumos V10 RC1
[#] Fixed background
[+] BG4All
[#] Changed HTC menus to Sprint Yellow (Thanks wapvirus--xda)
[#] Fixed GPS
[#] Made Opera Default
[ ] CE OS 21038
[+] Debranded Sprint Manila 1.2.35348.2.1813.6
[+] Call History Tab
[+] HD People Tab
[+] HD Weather Tab
[+] Calendar Tab
[+] Comm Manager Tab
[+] Rhodium Program Icons
[+] no2chem Quick Charge
[+] Adobe Flash 3.1
[+] Adobe PDF
[+] Advanced Power Management 1.5.1819.3426.1
[+] Album 2.5.1820.4127
[+] Arcsoft MMS
[+] Audio Booster 2.0.1819.2227
[+] Audio Manager 1.6.1822.1325
[+] BootLauncher 1.0.37394.1
[+] BT Explorer 1.7.18.R1
[+] Camera 6.4.32007
[+] Concurrence Manager 1.2.1819.2826
[+] DShow
[+] Email Wizard 1.0.1911.2428
[+] Enlarge Start Menu 1.2.37393.1
[+] Facebook 0.14
[+] FdcSoft Task Manager 3.1
[+] Footprints 1.0.1822.3925
[+] Full Screen Player 1.6.1912.2025
[+] Google Maps
[+] GSensor Calibrator 1.0.1819.2126
[+] HTC Application 1.11
[+] HTC Calculator 1.0.1822.4128
[+] HTC Gesture 1.0.32356
[+] HTC Settings
[+] HTC Scroll 1.0.1911.1624
[+] HTC Util 3.22
[+] In Call Recorder 1.0.1821.2426
[+] Lockstream DRM 1.1.080625.09.04
[+] Long Press End Key 1.1.34078.1
[+] Menu Enhancement 1.0.1911.1624
[+] mHub 6.57.080529.E0
[+] mHub VO 1.65.081121.X0
[+] Microsoft Myphone Beta
[+] Music ID 1.3.20
[+] Mute 1.1.21
[+] MyCPL 3.13.06
[+] Notification Manager 1.2.1912.3027 (With Fixed Notifications)
[+] nueKBLight 1.3
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5.15954
[+] Outlook Enhancement 1.0.35074.1
[+] PHM Registry Editor .70
[+] PhoneCanvas 3.40.33475
[+] Picture Enhancement 1.50.1912.1428
[+] Pocket RAR 3.8
[+] psShutXP for Power Button
[+] QuickGPS 1.00.1822.1120
[+] Random Access 4.1.1822.2125
[+] Resource Proxy 1.0.1911.32204
[+] Ringtone
[+] RSS Hub
[+] Touch Pro 2 keyboard (Working visual and tactile feedback, and fully working hard keyboard **Thanks Juicy)
[+] Sensor SDK 3.3.1819.2831.1
[+] Shared Modules 1.01.1912.2732
[+] ShareDLL 2.0.080710.00v2
[+] Smart Touch 1.2.1911.2622
[+] Selboriyorker Screenshot
[+] Streaming Media 3.0.1822.1528
[+] Streaming Source Filter 2.5.1912.2019
[+] Task Manager 2.1.37385.1
[+] Teeter 1.4.1820.1925
[+] Touch Incall Screen Tweak 1.0.12
[+] TouchFlo 3.0.33125
[+] TV Out Popup 1.0.1817.3231
[+] USB to PC 2.2.1912.2329
[+] Volume Control 1.6.1820.1829
[+] YouTube 1.6.1822.2028
more info
Thanks goes to so many people. Juicy, Calcu, dharvey, showaco (xda), wapvirus (xda), savage25rcracer, joeball88, cmonex, Conflipper, FayFay, carburano (xda), hellonasty (xda), Juggalo_X, dharvey, and everybody else at PPCGEEKS and XDA. Sorry if I missed you.
The reason for the large changelog is because I rebuilt this rom from the ground up. Between my computer going down and all the testing I was doing working on the rhodium dialer, I screwed my kitchen all up. So new and cleaned up a little.
Also made a self-extracting exe. Only double click once. You will see nothing happen until the RUU pops up. It extracts to temp directory then deletes after flashing.
Download (
v2.0 050209
[#]Removed World Clock
[#]1% Rapid Charge
[#]Updated D3D Drivers **Thanks Juicy
[#]Finger Keyboard 2_1_408
[#]hTorch Flashlight 3_2
[#]Rhodium Manila T-mobile Theme
[#]nueDynamic Clock 1_0
[#]PHM Registry Editor 0_70
[#]PIM Backup 2_8
[#]Microsoft MyPhone (CAB)
[#]Opera 9_5_16277 (CAB) **Thanks Juicy
[#]Manila Today Plugin (CAB) **Freaking awesome
[#]Selboriyorker Screenshot
[#]AdobePDF 2_5_1_0_378273_00B
[#]Album 3_0_19141129_0
[#]App_Service 1_65_0_0
[#]ArcsoftMMS 5_0_82_79R1
[#]Audio Booster 2_2_19131926_2
[#]AudioManager_Eng 1_7_19122322_h1
[#]AutoRun 4_31_3_0
[#]AutoShortcut 1_1_2_0
[#]BluetoothSetting 2_11_0_0
[#]BootLauncher 1_0_37394_1
[#]BTBPP 1_7_1_R3
[#]BTFTP 1_2_33309_91
[#]CAMERA 6_4_32007_00
[#]CDMA_RSSI_PPC 1_29_0_0
[#]CleanGPSData 1_1_0_0
[#]ClearStorage 1_40_0_0
[#]CommManager 2_8_15_1
[#]ConcurrenceMgr 1_5_19113219_0000
[#]ContactsEnhancement 1_0_19141230_0
[#]ContactUtilityEngine 1_0_19132213_0000
[#]DataDisconnect 1_14_0_0
[#]DeviceInfo 1_35_0_1
[#]DRMMiddleware 1_5_19122329_00
[#]DShow 2_0_19141126_0
[#]EnlargeStartMenu 1_2_37403_1
[#]Finger Keyboard 2_1_408
[#]FootPrintsVE 1_0_18223925_0
[#]FullScreenPlayer 1_7_19133625_01
[#]GSensor Calibrator 1_0_18192126_0
[#]AdvancedPowerManagement 1_5_18193426
[#]Calculator 1_0_19132026_00
[#]HTCGesture 1_0_32356_0
[#]HTC_EmailSetupWizard 1_1_19123533_0
[#]HTCApplication 1_9_7_0
[#]HTCFontLink 1_0_19132133_1
[#]HTCFramework 1_0_19132632_01
[#]HTCMessage 1_93_281_0
[#]HTCScroll 1_0_19113219_0
[#]HTCSettings 1_3_8_1
[#]HTCUtil 4_9_0_0
[#]InCallRecorder 1_0_1821_2426
[#]LockStreamDRM 1_1_081216_O9_05
[#]LongPressEndKey 1_2_19134026_00
[#]HTC_EmailSetupWizard 1_0_19132328_0
[#]MediaToolkit 1_0_19141129_00
[#]MenuEnhancement 1_0_19133520_00
[#]MessageEnhancement 1_0_19133631_00
[#]mHub 6_57_080529_E0
[#]mHubVO 1_71_090331_X0
[#]MicrophoneAGC 0_91_0_2
[#]MP3Trimmer 1_2_19123729_1
[#]Mute 1_1_2_0
[#]MyCPL 3_13_0_6
[#]NewContactCard 1_0_19131529_00
[#]Notification_Enhancement 2_0_1914_1131
[#]OutlookEnhancement 1_1_1822_3121
[#]PictureEnhancement 1_50_19121428_00
[#]PKG 1_1_0_0
[#]Power 2_22_0_2
[#]PowerOffWarning 2_5_0_0
[#]QuickGPS 1_01_19131225_00
[#]RandomAccess 4_1_18222125_0
[#]Redial 1_2_0_0
[#]ResourceProxy 1_0_19132627_00
[#]RingtonePlugin 1_00_080624_2
[#]RSSHub 2_1_1_1087_01
[#]SensorSDK 4_0_19132930_00
[#]SharedModules 1_01_19131231_00
[#]SlidingSound 1_2_0_0
[#]SmartTouch 1_2_19132132_W001
[#]SMSInboxThreading 1_35_0_0
[#]HTCAnimation 1_1_5_999
[#]StorageLow 1_0_0_2
[#]StreamingMedia 3_1_19141226_00
[#]StreamingSDK 2_7_19132219_00
[#]TaskManager 2_1_37655_1
[#]Teeter 1_4_18201925_0
[#]TouchFLO 3_0_19141226_TC00
[#]TVOutPopUp 1_2_19111221_1
[#]USBtoPC_exe 1_21_0_0
[#]VoiceRecorder 1_10_19123431_0
[#]VolumeControl 2_1_19122221_0
[#]YouTube 1_6_1822_2028
[#]zlibce_m 1_2_3_0
v2.0 090415
[+] Twikini
[+] nueNullKB 1.0
[#] Adobe PDF
[#] AudioBooster 2.2.19131926.2
[#] Enlarge Start Menu 1.2.37648.1
[#] HTC Calculator 1.0.19132026.00
[#] Menu Enhancement 1.0.19133520.00
[#] Notification Enhancement 2.0.1914.1131
[#] Album 3.0.19141129.0
[#] CMBandSwitchingm0.9.2.2
[#] CMBluetooth
[#] CMPhone
[#] CMPin
[#] Wi-FiWizard
[#] CommManager
[#] MP3 Trimmer 1.2.19123729.1
[#] QuickGPS 1.01.19131225.00
[#] VoiceRecorder 1.10.19123431.0
[#] VolumeControl 2.1.19122221.0
[#] Email Setup Wizard 1.1.19123533.0
[#] Moved Opera to cab
[#] Moved Myphone to cab
[-] Removed Sprint extras
v2.0 090410
[#] Updated nueBattery drivers to 1% and Fast charge
[+] Rhodium Comm Manager with Wizards
[+] Rhodium Power Off Warning
[+] nueUSBKeyboard
[+] T-mobile theme for Rhodium Manila
Common to All Versions
[#] Updated D3D Drivers
[#] HTC Message
[#] HTC Util
[#] HTC Lockstream DRM 1.1.081216.O9.05
[#] HTC Message Enhancement 1.0.19131712.01
[#] HTC mHubVO 1.71.090227.X0
[#] HTC Outlook Enhancement 1.1.1822.3121
[#] HTC Sensor SDK 4.0.19131532.00
[#] HTC Shared Modules 1.01.19131231.00
[#] HTC Streaming Source Filter 2.6.19123019.00
[#] HTC Voice Recorder 1.10.19121928.1
[#] HTC WLAN Settings
[#] HTC zlibce_m
[+] Added HTC Home
[#] Fixed Comm Manager
Rhodium Manila Version
[#] Fixed Time Zone bug
[#] Fixed Comm Manager
[#] Highly modified[-] Removed Manila Start Menu
[+] Added Programs Tab
[+] Added Sprint theme to manila (thanks to showaco for making the clock work)
[+] Sprint Themed Comm Manager
Known Bugs:
[+] On standard manila, on first flash you must manually refresh the weather before changing it. Then it will work perfectly the rest of the time.
[#] Fixed landscape keyboard
[+] Htorch 3.2
[+] Tsowen's Taskbar Icons
[+] Changed Calendar Tab Icon (better flowing into theme)
[+] nueGPSSecurity 1.2
[+] Lumos V10 RC1
[#] Fixed background
[+] BG4All
[#] Changed HTC menus to Sprint Yellow (Thanks wapvirus--xda)
[#] Fixed GPS
[#] Made Opera Default
[ ] CE OS 21038
[+] Debranded Sprint Manila 1.2.35348.2.1813.6
[+] Call History Tab
[+] HD People Tab
[+] HD Weather Tab
[+] Calendar Tab
[+] Comm Manager Tab
[+] Rhodium Program Icons
[+] no2chem Quick Charge
[+] Adobe Flash 3.1
[+] Adobe PDF
[+] Advanced Power Management 1.5.1819.3426.1
[+] Album 2.5.1820.4127
[+] Arcsoft MMS
[+] Audio Booster 2.0.1819.2227
[+] Audio Manager 1.6.1822.1325
[+] BootLauncher 1.0.37394.1
[+] BT Explorer 1.7.18.R1
[+] Camera 6.4.32007
[+] Concurrence Manager 1.2.1819.2826
[+] DShow
[+] Email Wizard 1.0.1911.2428
[+] Enlarge Start Menu 1.2.37393.1
[+] Facebook 0.14
[+] FdcSoft Task Manager 3.1
[+] Footprints 1.0.1822.3925
[+] Full Screen Player 1.6.1912.2025
[+] Google Maps
[+] GSensor Calibrator 1.0.1819.2126
[+] HTC Application 1.11
[+] HTC Calculator 1.0.1822.4128
[+] HTC Gesture 1.0.32356
[+] HTC Settings
[+] HTC Scroll 1.0.1911.1624
[+] HTC Util 3.22
[+] In Call Recorder 1.0.1821.2426
[+] Lockstream DRM 1.1.080625.09.04
[+] Long Press End Key 1.1.34078.1
[+] Menu Enhancement 1.0.1911.1624
[+] mHub 6.57.080529.E0
[+] mHub VO 1.65.081121.X0
[+] Microsoft Myphone Beta
[+] Music ID 1.3.20
[+] Mute 1.1.21
[+] MyCPL 3.13.06
[+] Notification Manager 1.2.1912.3027 (With Fixed Notifications)
[+] nueKBLight 1.3
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5.15954
[+] Outlook Enhancement 1.0.35074.1
[+] PHM Registry Editor .70
[+] PhoneCanvas 3.40.33475
[+] Picture Enhancement 1.50.1912.1428
[+] Pocket RAR 3.8
[+] psShutXP for Power Button
[+] QuickGPS 1.00.1822.1120
[+] Random Access 4.1.1822.2125
[+] Resource Proxy 1.0.1911.32204
[+] Ringtone
[+] RSS Hub
[+] Touch Pro 2 keyboard (Working visual and tactile feedback, and fully working hard keyboard **Thanks Juicy)
[+] Sensor SDK 3.3.1819.2831.1
[+] Shared Modules 1.01.1912.2732
[+] ShareDLL 2.0.080710.00v2
[+] Smart Touch 1.2.1911.2622
[+] Selboriyorker Screenshot
[+] Streaming Media 3.0.1822.1528
[+] Streaming Source Filter 2.5.1912.2019
[+] Task Manager 2.1.37385.1
[+] Teeter 1.4.1820.1925
[+] Touch Incall Screen Tweak 1.0.12
[+] TouchFlo 3.0.33125
[+] TV Out Popup 1.0.1817.3231
[+] USB to PC 2.2.1912.2329
[+] Volume Control 1.6.1820.1829
[+] YouTube 1.6.1822.2028
more info