View Full Version : [HTC-Diamond] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included
05-04-2009, 01:32 AM
Telus Mobility | Sprint PCS | MTS | Cricket | Alltel | Cellular South
Click Here To Download MightyROM4_06.20.09_Victor (
Click Here To Download MightyROM4_OEM_06.25.09_Victor (
Windows Mobile 6.1 CE OS 21051 Build 21051.1.6.4
[ ] Final Release!
[ ] Thank you everyone for the large support over the year.
See you soon with MightyROM6!
Windows Mobile 6.1 CE OS 21051 Build 21051.1.6.4
[ ] Converted Modules To DLL's (Solved Ringtone Bug)
*Huge Thanks To Indagroove For This Recommendation*
[ ] Fixed Bluetooth On > Data Connection
[ ] Fixed Windows Media Player Controls
[ ] Opera Mobile 9.5.16643
Windows Mobile 6.1 CE OS 21051 Build 21051.1.6.4 (Thanks Juicy)
[..] Built Using New GhettoFreeRyder Hybrid Kitchen
[..] EzInput 2.0 (Juicy)
[..] Updated Adobe Flash
[..] Updated Voice Command
[..] Updated Bluetooth
[..] Updated Remote Desktop Mobile
[..] Updated Windows Live
[..] Updated Windows Live Messenger
[..] Updated Volume Control
[..] Updated Google Maps
[..] Registry Tweak Overhaul
[..] Removed Opera From Bootloader
[..] Hybrid Mode Of Operation (EV / 1X Selection)
[..] Java Runtime Environment
Windows Mobile 6.1 - 20771 Build 20771
[ # ] Updated Adobe
[ # ] Updated RSSHub
[ # ] Updated Streaming Media
[ # ] Updated Google Maps
[ # ] Updated Task Manager
[ # ] Updated PocketRAR
[ # ] Updated Concurrence Manager
[ # ] Updated htc Animation
[ # ] Updated Icons
[ # ] Updated Power Settings
[ # ] Updated D3D Driver
[ # ] Optimized Registry Edits
[ # [ Updated nueGPSsecurity Registry Settings (Pin Code Reg)
[ # ] Ringtone Bug Fixed
[ # ] Much More, Cannot Remember!!!!
05-04-2009, 01:33 AM
MightyROM 4x Series Changelog:
MightyROM Release Log
o n e r o m t o r u l e t h e m a l l
Telus | Sprint | Alltel | MTS | Cricket | Bell Mobility |Cellular South | Verizon
( S e r v e r - 1 P r o v i d e d B y L i l R i c o )
( S e r v e r - 2 P r o v i d e d B y C e d o N u l l i )
( S e r v e r - 3 P r o v i d e d B y S t e v e d U S A )
( S e r v e r - 4 P r o v i d e d B y P y r o t e c h - T o t a l G a m e r )
Get Your Copy Of MightyROM 4.8 Right Here! (
Additional Cab's
[Tsowen Taskbar 3 (] MightyMike & Lil Rico Revision 1
[HTC Rhodium/Topaz Notification (]
MightyROM 4.8
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771
[ # ] nueGpsSecurity
[ # ] Volume Settings Set Default To "System"
[ # ] Package_Victor_Youtube_1.6.1822.2028
[ # ] Package_Victor_Microphone_AGC
[ # ] Package_Victor_Power_EXE
[ # ] Bluetooth Sent Files Target > Internal Storage
[ # ] Device ID - Diamond
[ # ] Minor Registry Edits
[ # ] Updated System .Dll's
MightyROM 4.7
[ # ] CE OS 20771 Build 20771
*Huge Thanks To Calkulin For The XIP*
[ ] Re Constructed Entire Kitchen
[ ] MightyROM 4.15 TouchPRO Base
[ ] All Bug Reports Fixed (Album, RSS, Etc)
[ # ] PACKAGE_Rodhium_Menu_Enhancement_1_0_19123021_01
[ # ] PACKAGE_Topaz_Icons
[ # ] PACKAGE_Diamond_EzInput_1.5.32437.0
[ # ] PACKAGE_Diamond_YouTube_1.0.1819.4027
[ # ] PACKAGE_Raphael_Audio_Manager_1.6.1820.3027.h
[ # ] PACKAGE_Opera_9.5.15954
[ # ] PACKAGE_Raphael_TouchFlo_3.0.33125
[ # ] PACKAGE_Raphael_ManilaEngine_1.2.35845.1_1813.6
[ # ] PACKAGE_Raphael_Album_2.5.1820.4127
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_USB_To_PC_2.2.1819.1228.1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_HTC_APM_1.5.1819.3426
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_Concurrence Manager_1.5.1911.1625
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BTFTP_1.2.33309.91
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BTBPP_1.7.18.R1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_BootLauncher_1.0.37394.1
[ # ] SYSTEM_Raphael_AutoShortcut_1.1.2.0
[ # ] PLUGIN_Raphael_Picture_Enhancement_1.50.1814.1822. c2
[ # ] MULTIMEDIA_Diamond_FM_Radio_1.6.1817.4024.1
MightyROM 4.6
[ # ] CE OS 20765 Build 20765 AKU 1.4.4
[ # ] New - Opera Mobile 9.5.15954
[ # ] New - Windows Mobile 6.5 Custom Logo By Me!
[ # ] New - Smart Phone Tracker (Track Your Lost/Stolen Phone) (NO Shortcut / Hidden In Program Files)
[ # ] New - HTC Calculator *Ported From DIamond2*
[ # ] Fixed - Sip Freeze Completely Fixed
[ # ] Fixed - Random Access (Contacts Appear Always At Top Now)
[ # ] Fixed - Camera Freezing On Burst/Sports Mode
[ # ] Fixed - Google Maps Contact Mapping
[ # ] Updated - HTC Album 2.5.1820.4127 - Diamond2
MightyROM 4.5 "Diamonds R 4Ever"
[ # ] ***Reverted*** EzInput & XT9 = Removes SIP Lag
[ # ] *** Fixed *** Camera
[ # ] Updated - TouchFLO = Smoother Scrolling Throughout OS
[ # ] Fixed - Volume Control Freezing
[ # ] Fixed - EPST Codes WORK For Sprint Users
[ # ] Fixed - Battery Registry Tweaks = Longer Battery Life For Your Beloved PRO!
[ # ] Fixed - Long Press End Key - Lock Device - Screen Now Dims
[ # ] Fixed - Disabled Fast Dormant Display On Phonecall
[ # ] Reverted - Stock HTC TouchPRO Manila "Green"
[ # ] Reverted - White Slide 2 Answer
[ # ] Reverted - White Calculator Skin
[ # ] Reverted - Stock AudioPara (In-Call Volume)
[ # ] NEW - 3 Row SMS Input *Thanks Lil RIco*
[ # ] NEW - Audio Booster Icon
[ # ] NEW - Quick GPS Icon
[ # ] NEW - Calculator Icon
[ # ] Default - 24MB PagePool
[ # ] Fixed - Landscape Onscreen Keyboard
[ # ] Added - Multi-Language Support EzInput
[ # ] Customized - Mighty Custom BLACK Theme ,Tsk
[ # ] Default - Slide 2 Answer BLACK - *Thanks Ruskiyab*
[ # ] Modified - Phone Pad Dialer *Thanks Lil Rico*
1) don't like the blackout .tsk ? No Problem! Start>Settings>Today>Select "HTC Black"... Enjoy
2) don't like the blackout theme ? No Problem! Visit Lil Rico's Custom Themes Here (
There is a HOTFIX Available for version 4.4.5
Please click here to view the hotfix detail (
[ # ] Complete Manila Overhaul By Lil Rico!
[ # ] Manila CFC Patched (Improves Manila Speed + Reduces Files By 6MB)
[ # ] Lil Rico Black Focus Highlights (Green Highlights Removed)
[ # ] Lil Rico Black Focus Communications Manager
[ # ] Lil Rico Custom Volume Control (Metallic/Black Gradients)
[ # ] Lil Rico Custom Black Microsoft Keyboard
[ # ] Added - MightyMike BLACKOUT Customization
Includes BLACK Slide 2 Answer + Black Call Log Upon Flash
Can be removed from Add/Remove Programs (Reverts To White)
[ # ] Reverted - Opera 9.5.15316
[ # ] FIXED - DISK Drive Mode
MightyROM 4.4.3
[ # ] MightyMike Hybrid Carrier Package *More Sprint Backend Features*
[ # ] Updated - Opera Mobile 9.5.15445
[ # ] Updated - Google Maps w. Latitude Feature
[ + ] Updated - Custom Manila Engine.exe *Faster TFLO3D*
[ + ] Added - Manila HD People Tab
[ # ] Fixed - RSS Hub.lnk
[ -- ] Removed - Preload Modules (Improves Overall OS Speed)
MightyROM 4.4.2
[ # ] Updated - Windows Live 10.6.0046.0800
[ # ] Updated - Adobe Flash (Custom Leaked Version) *Thanks Juicy*
[ # ] Tweaked - Vibrate On Phonecall Connect Set As Default
[ # ] Removed - Large Title Bar Icon In Settings Menu (Option Located In TouchFLO)
[ # ] Fixed - Signal Strength 5 Bar Display
[ # ] Fxied - RSS HUB Link Again... I Hope!!!! :)
MightyROM 4.4.1
[ # ] Re-Customized 20764 Sys (Fixed Some Missing Files)
[ # ] Fixed - Windows Live Messenger "Broken" Emoticons
[ # ] Fixed - RSSHub Link
[ # ] Fixed - Device Identified As "Diamond"
[ # ] Removed - Comm Manager Icon (Double Icons In Communications)
MightyROM 4.4
[ # ] Sprint Leaked 20764 System
[ # ] Complete OEM Overhaul
[ # ] Finally Fixed Ringtone Bugs
[ # ] Fixed Audio Booster Stretching Off Screen
[ - ] Removed Telus DNS Server Settings
I'd like to thank the following for making MightyROM What it is today!
GhettoFreeRyder, Calkulin, Conflipper, TobeyChris, Juicy, Cmonex, Juggalo X, Devileyezz, Lil Rico, Briggs
i take no credit for this and original thread can be found here:
05-04-2009, 01:33 AM
MightyROM 4.4.1
[ # ] Re-Customized 20764 Sys (Fixed Some Missing Files)
[ # ] Fixed - Windows Live Messenger "Broken" Emoticons
[ # ] Fixed - RSSHub Link
[ # ] Fixed - Device Identified As "Diamond"
[ # ] Removed - Comm Manager Icon (Double Icons In Communications)
MightyROM 4.4
[ # ] Sprint Leaked 20764 System
[ # ] Complete OEM Overhaul
[ # ] Finally Fixed Ringtone Bugs
[ # ] Fixed Audio Booster Stretching Off Screen
[ - ] Removed Telus DNS Server Settings
MightyROM 4.3
[ # ] MightyROM Touch Pro Base
[ # ] SYS OS 20764 Build 20764 Mighty Mike
[ # ] 20MB Page Pool
[ # ] Updated - Phonecanvas [Conflipper Build]
[ # ] Updated - EzInput 1.5.32285.0
[ # ] Updated - Opera Mobile 9.5.15316
[ # ] Fixed - Random Loss Ringtone Alerts
[ # ] Fixed - First Letter Disappearing On Text Input
[ # ] Fixed - Activsync Connection Issues
[ # ] Optimized - Registry Tweaks
[ # ] Optimized - Scroll Bar Width [2 Pixels Smaller]
[ # ] Optimized - "Reply" Feature Added to Outlook Email / Removed "Reply All"
[ # ] Removed - Inbox Menu Extensibility
MightyROM 4.2
[ # ] Updated - SYS - Custom Build
[ # ] Updated - Phonecanvas 3.40.33475.0 [Slide 2 Answer]
[ # ] Updated - Youtube 1.6.1822.2028
[ # ] Updated - Camera 6.02.32964.00
[ # ] Updated - DShow 081111.0
[ # ] Updated - RSS Hub w. Custom Icon :)
[ # ] Updated - Streaming Media 3.0.18221528.00
[ # ] Updated - BTFTP 1.2.33309.91
[ # ] Updated - EPST
[ # ] Updated - Random Access 4.1.18222125.0
[ # ] Updated - Audio Manager 1.6.18221325,0
[ # ] Updated - JBed Custom Icon :)
[ # ] Fixed - Games Icon
MightyROM 4.1
[ + ] Added - MightyROM Custom Splash *Thanks Briggs For The Wonderful Photoshop*
[ + ] Added - Social Networks Engine - Facebook & Youtube Uploads (Thanks Conflipper)
[ + ] Updated - SIP EzInput 1.5.32785.0
[ + ] Updated - SIP XT9 IME 1.5.33136.0
[ + ] Updated - D3D Drivers - HTC 2.03 Build
[ + ] Optimized - SIP Auto Deploy Feature Enabled
[ + ] Fixed - TF3D Email Tab/Envelope Icon *Thank You Juggalo*
[ + ] Fixed - TF3D People Tab/Left Softkey "All People" *Thank You Juggalo*
[ + ] Fixed - PIE6 System Loadup
MightyROM 4.0
[ + ] Added - OEM's Converted To Modules (Speeds Up OS) *Thanks Calkulin*
[ + ] Added - Internet Explorer Mobile 6.0
[ + ] Added - Soft Reset Shortcut w/ Custom Icon
[ + ] Added - Camera - Panorama 7 Mega Pixel Shots
[ + ] Added - Wireless Lan - G Compatibility
[ + ] Added - Adobe Flash 3.1
[ + ] Added - Inbox Stored To Internal Storage
[ # ] Updated - Large Title Bar
[ # ] Updated - Long Press End Key 1.1.34309.2
[ # ] Updated - Quick GPS 1.00.18173430.1
[ # ] Updated - Random Access 4.1.1819.2922.0
[ # ] Updated - Task Manager 2.1.35349.400
[ # ] Updated - Teeter 1.4.1819.2028.0
[ # ] Updated - Opera Mobile 9.5.15202
[ # ] Updated - Album 2.2.1820.3428.M0
[ # ] Updated - Audio Booster 2.1.1816.2328.4
[ # ] Updated - Audio Manager 1.6.1820.3027.h
[ # ] Updated - FM Radio 1.6.1817.4024.1
[ # ] Updated - Voice Recorder 1.10.1819.1927.1
[ # ] Updated - YouTube 1.0.1819.4027
[ # ] Updated - EzInput 1.5.32715.0
[ # ] Updated - Full Screen Player 1.05.081015
[ # ] Updated - GSensorCalibrator 1.0.1819.2126
[ # ] Updated - HTC Gesture 1.0.32356.0
[ # ] Updated - SmartTouch 1.0.32417.1
[ # ] Updated - Startup Animation
[ # ] Updated - USB To PC 2.2.1819.1228.1
[ # ] Updated - Display Drivers
[ # ] Updated - Manila Files
[ # ] Removed - Advanced Config Utility
[ # ] Removed - Music ID
I'd like to thank the following for making MightyROM What it is today!
GhettoFreeRyder, Calkulin, Conflipper, TobeyChris, Juicy, Cmonex, Juggalo X, Devileyezz, Lil Rico, Briggs
MightyROM 1x - 3x Series Changelog:
//MightyROM 3.9 Final (
SYS OS 20759 Build 20759.1.4.2 MightyMike
[ # ] Fixed - No2Chem's Rapid Charge
[ # ] Fixed - Esmertec JBed Softkey Glitch
[ # ] Updated - Drivers
[ - ] Removed - HTC Quicklaunch
//MightyROM 3.8 (
SYS OS 20759 Build 20759.1.4.2 MightyROM
[ # ] Fixed - Opera Browser - Real Exit (Reduces Memory Leak)
[ + ] Added - Large Title Bar (System Settings Enable / Disable)
[ + ] Added - Inbox Menu Enhancements (Extended Features In Tmail.Exe)
//MightyROM 3.7 (
SYS OS 19974 Build 19974.1.2.8 MightyROM 12MB Page Pool
[ # ] New Xip Provided By Calkulin (Faster Speeds, Pagepool Unlocked)
[ # ] Fixed - Data Connection Bars On Idle
[ # ] Fixed - Backlight Settings Not Changing
[ # ] Microphone AGC OEM - Stock
//MightyROM 3.6 (
SYS OS 19974 Build 19974.1.2.8 MightyROM 12MB Dynamic Page Pool
[ # ] Fixed - Video Camera Freezing Issue
[ # ] Fixed - Settings/Phone Menu Pinwheel Constant Spin
[ # ] Updated - JBED Java 0.0.20081016.21R2 *Thanks Juicy*
[ # ] Updated - Manila Base - 1.1.35345.1_1630.38
[ # ] Updated - Camera - 6.00.32837.00 *Thanks Juicy*
[ + ] Added - Black Diamond Calculator Skin
//MightyROM 3.5 (
SYS OS 20759 Build 20759.1.4.2 MightyROM 12MB Page Pool
[ # ] Unlocked Pagepool *HUGE Thanks To Conflipper*
[ + ] No2Chems Rapid Charge Battery Driver *Thanks Con*
[ # ] Enabled - Backlight Adjustment Sliders Visible
[ # ] Default - EZInput Full Qwerty Keyboard *Thanks Con*
[ # ] Improved - Flip_It Rotation Speeds
//MightyROM 3.4 (
SYS OS 19974 Build 19974.1.2.8 MightyROM
(Thank You Calkulin For Providing The SYS)
[ # ] Updated - Google Maps w/ Streetview *OEM Provided by Juggalo_X*
[ # ] Disabled - Enlarge Start Menu (Can be enabled through touchflo)
[ # ] Adjusted - Power Settings AC Timeout
[ # ] New Boot Image
[ - ] Removed - Windows Media Player Skin
//MightyROM 3.3 (
SYS OS 19972 Build 19972 MightyROM
[ # ] 19972 SYS - Restored Multi Select - Outlook
[ # ] Improved Boot Speeds
[ # ] Improved OS Functionality
[ # ] Reverted - Stock AudioPara (In Call Volume Levels)
[ # ] Updated - Battery Drivers
[ # ] Updated - Display Drivers
[ # ] Updated - Esmertec JBED (Opera Mini "Font Fize" Compatible)
[ # ] Updated - System Font Size
[ - ] Removed - Landscape Support (Missing Files - Waiting For Stable Build)
//MightyROM 3.2 (
[ + ] Advanced Configuration Utility
[ - ] Removed Communications TFlo Tab
[ # ] Relocated PHM Reg Edit> Programs Tab Only
[ # ] Advanced Config Utility Located > Settings Tab
05-18-2009, 02:53 PM
Very nice rom. Runs fast and very smooth. Has A good battery life. I installed a lot of programs that wasn't in the rom and everything seems to run flawless. Is there ever going to be a loaded MightyRom i wounder?:connie_mykilroy:
05-18-2009, 02:55 PM
Very nice rom. Runs fast and very smooth. Has A good battery life. I installed a lot of programs that wasn't in the rom and everything seems to run flawless. Is there ever going to be a loaded MightyRom i wounder?:connie_mykilroy:
Thanks for the feedback bro ,and who knows maybe he will maybe he wont
05-18-2009, 08:25 PM
Very nice rom. Runs fast and very smooth. Has A good battery life. I installed a lot of programs that wasn't in the rom and everything seems to run flawless. Is there ever going to be a loaded MightyRom i wounder?:connie_mykilroy:
i doubt that there will be since i feel he will stick to his roots.
05-20-2009, 03:40 AM
updated with newest version
05-20-2009, 09:48 PM
Hey guys, I just downloaded and installed this rom, replacing Juicy's rom so it was definately unlocked, it went through perfect, i started her up, calibrated the stylus, and it did its customization. it rebooted and it is stuck at the Touch diamond screen, with the red rom verion displayed. I have did a hard reset, with no luck, is there a way to get it to the bootloader to try and put another rom on this, or is it shot?
05-20-2009, 10:11 PM
Hey guys, I just downloaded and installed this rom, replacing Juicy's rom so it was definately unlocked, it went through perfect, i started her up, calibrated the stylus, and it did its customization. it rebooted and it is stuck at the Touch diamond screen, with the red rom verion displayed. I have did a hard reset, with no luck, is there a way to get it to the bootloader to try and put another rom on this, or is it shot?
Yea bro u can just put it bootloader mode and run another rom .
05-20-2009, 10:15 PM
thanks man, i was poopin a bright red brick! sorry mighty i couldnt get this one to work bro, i tried :)
05-20-2009, 11:46 PM
thanks man, i was poopin a bright red brick! sorry mighty i couldnt get this one to work bro, i tried :)
ummmm thats becasue this is for the diamond and not the touch pro as your profile has you sporting.
06-01-2009, 02:40 AM
updated first posts with newest version.
06-04-2009, 10:05 PM
updated with newest version
06-27-2009, 05:57 AM
updated with newest version for all diamond users :smile:
07-02-2009, 03:13 AM
a stupid question... but how do I download the software? TIA
07-02-2009, 03:33 AM
a stupid question... but how do I download the software? TIA
UP in the first post are the links to download the rom , if you need to know how to flash just take a look in my signature on how to flash a rom...
07-02-2009, 02:25 PM
and where may that be? Your signature?
07-02-2009, 03:11 PM
and where may that be? Your signature?
look below this typing im doing right here and you will see a button that says show sig.... click on that and you will see the signatures of people.
07-03-2009, 02:08 PM
Tried to unlock the phone... but so far unable to do so... maybe mine is defected... everytime it gets to the %.. the pc showed error!!!
07-03-2009, 02:13 PM
try to launch it in bootloader mode... look in my SIG below on flashing if you dont know what i mean.
07-03-2009, 02:16 PM
Tried to unlock the phone... but so far unable to do so... maybe mine is defected... everytime it gets to the %.. the pc showed error!!!
You follow all the setups it said about battery and making sure your phone is connected ? And you do have this Unlocker
If you are using this an it is still not work try hard reset will restore your back to like when you got it. Start/Setting/System/Storage Clear.
07-03-2009, 02:33 PM
followed most of the information here... had the unlock rom, mighty rom and even the telus ...but all stopped when the phone tried to run the softwares... the face turned to mutiple colors... stating the it is unlocking the phone... then come the % bar... 1 minute later the computer stated ERROR... not sure what is the problem. But thanks everyone for being so helpful..
07-03-2009, 02:37 PM
try taking the battery out and then putting it in back after a 10 secs. then press the volume down button and hold it and then press the power button.. if not repeat. "try taking the battery out and then putting it in back after a 10 secs." then press volume button down and power button at the same time... the screen show go into the the Tri-Color (Rainbow) screen... thats bootloader mode.. then look and see what verison you are running...
If it shows your unlocked..... proceed with flashing to a Custom ROM
If it doesnt show you unlocker, RUN the unlocker...
07-03-2009, 02:39 PM
Big Jew... thanks for your instruction... but it seems that every link leads to another discussion with lots of information to go through.. and it is so difficult to tell where or what is the exact instruction to do the task...
07-03-2009, 02:44 PM
Well... you do have to crawl before you can walk.. and you do have to walk before you can run.... My point.. Its a process and certain steps need to be taken before you can accomplish the greatness. You need to read alot to know what you are doing.. if you dont want to read, we offer a modding service.. feel free to PM me or DASH for more details. now :focus:
07-03-2009, 02:57 PM
followed most of the information here... had the unlock rom, mighty rom and even the telus ...but all stopped when the phone tried to run the softwares... the face turned to mutiple colors... stating the it is unlocking the phone... then come the % bar... 1 minute later the computer stated ERROR... not sure what is the problem. But thanks everyone for being so helpful..
whats the error that you are getting when you are trying to unlcok..... like what are the numbers and what does it say?
07-03-2009, 07:18 PM
Error (262) - update error
--------- New Post Merged on 3/7/2009 at 06:22:32 --------
MicroP-Diam (LED) vB
PSOC-Diam Stage_EVT v20
--------- New Post Merged on 3/7/2009 at 06:24:32 --------
MicroP-Diam (LED) vB
PSOC-Diam Stage_EVT v20
07-03-2009, 07:40 PM
Error (262) - update error
--------- New Post Merged on 3/7/2009 at 06:22:32 --------
MicroP-Diam (LED) vB
PSOC-Diam Stage_EVT v20
--------- New Post Merged on 3/7/2009 at 06:24:32 --------
MicroP-Diam (LED) vB
PSOC-Diam Stage_EVT v20
ok you are unlocked so i dont see what the problem is that you are having..... are you sure you are trying to flash a rom made for your device? roms can only be used on devices that they are masde for.
07-04-2009, 04:14 AM
I think so... I have a touch diamond.... I follow the touch diamond instruction
07-04-2009, 04:15 AM
I think so... I have a touch diamond.... I follow the touch diamond instruction
have you tried to flash from the card yet?
07-04-2009, 04:15 AM
after it gets to the rainbow screen... a minute later the phone shows 0%... and about 3 minutes later the computer gives me the error(262)
--------- New Post Merged on 4/7/2009 at 03:17:45 --------
have you tried to flash
( from the card yet?
sorry... which card are we talking about? I am kind of clueless at this
07-04-2009, 04:23 AM
after it gets to the rainbow screen... a minute later the phone shows 0%... and about 3 minutes later the computer gives me the error(262)
--------- New Post Merged on 4/7/2009 at 03:17:45 --------
have you tried to flash
( from the card yet?
sorry... which card are we talking about? I am kind of clueless at this
you will have to do from internal memory my bad, (you dont have cad slot)
Okay, so now I am at the point were I can start flashing at will with my diamond. but be warned this is a procedure as hand cramping as a hardreset.
As ALWAYS, you mess with your phone at your own risk, if you break something more often than not the good folks at ppcgeeks will try to help you, but anything you do is with the understanding that only you are liable for messing with your phone.
first make sure your diamond is unlocked using the stickies.
to do this follow Tobeychris' guide
follow this thread step by step for the UNLOCKING YOUR PHONE: section. after that come back here. (if you have already unlocked your phone at a previous time this is not needed unless you performed a re-lock at some point.)
from this point you need to find yourself the rom you want to flash. the rom will be in a file with a .nbh extension. there are numerous posts with custom roms, and you can find them in the upgrades threads or even tobey links to many of them. if when you download the rom its in an exe that means that someone put their rom into a self extraction zip file and you will need to open that exe using either 7zip (free) or winrar (not free) and pull the .nbh file (RUU_SIGNED.nbh) out of it and transfer it to your phone.
okay now you need to get your .nbh file on your root directory of the internal storage. by root directory that means directly on the "/internal storage" and not in a folder.
next rename that file from RUU_SIGNED.nbh to DIAMIMG.nbh (Note: if you rename it after transferring the file to your phone. Windows mobile hides extensions so don’t tack on an extra .nbh EG: RUU_SIGNED to DIAMIMG)
now you need to hold power, volume down, AND the "<-" button (the button just above end call) it is confirmed that the back button is required for flashing from the internal storage.
at this point once you have all of those buttons pressed, you need to do the magical dance to figure out how to press the stylus into the soft reset hole.
(as an alternative you can completely power off the phone, then hold backspace and volume and while holding those press and hold power till the bootloader pops up)
if done correctly, you will be prompted to press the power button to update the phone.
you are also given the option to press the circle button to cancel and not update if you decide at the last second to not flash.
once it reaches 100% it will just sit there so after it completes you will need to either soft reset or pull the battery. I recommend pulling the battery because sometimes certain roms are quirky and just need the harder reset than just pushing the soft reset button. (don't confuse that statement with a hard reset, though after a new flash I usually do that as well out of paranoia but usually is not needed unless you have some problems.)
It has been confirmed by hippity that flashing JUST the radio via this method does not initiate a hard reset so your data should stay in tact, though I recommend backing up anyways just in case.
I did a little more research, and this is called entering "Triggered bootloader mode" as apposed to the normal bootloader mode.
Happy flashing everybody
thanks to cornelious2 from ppcgeeks for the guide :)
07-04-2009, 04:29 AM
is there any photos that anyone can upload?
07-04-2009, 04:32 AM
DASH... you are awesome for helping... I'll keep trying to make it work
07-04-2009, 10:09 AM
DASH... you are awesome for helping... I'll keep trying to make it work
Make sure you thank BIg jew as he was a big part of you help as well
07-05-2009, 05:35 AM
Big thanks to GokuSS3, Big Jew And Dash for all the help.... the missing link was the Diamond Unlocker.rar. Previous unlock software was not doing the job.... this one DID IT. Now I will see how well the new ROM and the battery life last... thaks
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