06-02-2009, 07:30 PM
Palm Pre Touchstone sold early, for some reason
Posted by: Christopher Meinck on Jun 2, 2009
The Palm Pre might not be available for purchase for a few days, but that doesn't mean you cannot purchase Pre accessories, at least from some Sprint stores. Forum member Artap99 managed to purchase a Palm Touchstone to go with soon-to-be purchased Palm Pre. His local Sprint Store charged just $49.99, a bargain compared to the rumored $70 price that was floating around the Internet after the customer representative quoted him the incorrect price.
Posted by: Christopher Meinck on Jun 2, 2009
The Palm Pre might not be available for purchase for a few days, but that doesn't mean you cannot purchase Pre accessories, at least from some Sprint stores. Forum member Artap99 managed to purchase a Palm Touchstone to go with soon-to-be purchased Palm Pre. His local Sprint Store charged just $49.99, a bargain compared to the rumored $70 price that was floating around the Internet after the customer representative quoted him the incorrect price.