View Full Version : Hot Sex: How To Do It (Audio Book)

07-02-2009, 02:45 AM
as by request by my man D/\SH!!! here you go bro!!! lol jk!!

Hot Sex: How To Do It (Audio Book)

This book is ideal for everybody. Sexually experienced readers will learn how to understand themselves and their partners better, such as how to make your orgasm last longer, and how to find the A-spot (halfway between the cervix and the G-spot). The writing style is lively, sexy, and often funny. You get explicit lessons in erotic massage, oral sex, intercourse positions (including “orgasm potential for her” and “how to make it even better”) and much more.

Simply download and Have fun!!!
:soldier:.:: A simple "THANKS" is greatly appreciated ::. :soldier:

well here you all go more links


07-02-2009, 02:47 AM
LOL nice post bro this is reallly funny!!!!

07-02-2009, 02:56 AM
The first thing that came to my mind when i seen this was... everybody is gunna thank him but no one is gunna mark as installed(admittedly)

07-02-2009, 03:34 AM
LMFAO i think you right!!! i may get a lot of thanks for this but no one will mark as install!!!

07-02-2009, 03:52 AM
I think only the immature people will have that problem. Anyone who enjoys sex should always be open minded and willing to learn as much possible to not only help themselves but also to the one they care most about. Nobody should be ashamed for downloading this. IMO people should be more comfortable about the topic. 1st of all.... 9 out of 10 people in this world have sex. If you enjoy sex and you enjoy pleasing others when having sex then you should be interested and try to learn as much possible for yourself and even more so for the one your having sex with! Maybe you read this and learn nothing...you didn't loose nothing either. If you DO learn something you get to experiment and reap the benefits. Why are people so shy when it comes to sex?? I don't get it. No need for me to go on and on about this, but I personally will take a look at it, thank the author..which happens to be my boy Menikfire....and mark as INSTALLED. No reason for anyone to be ashamed about installing this....if you do read this or DL it and you don't mark as installed then you have a personal issue you need to handle or you just are one of those people who think you know it all and actually believe that load of crap (because NOBODY knows it all). Besides, if the sex is great than it makes up for other flaws you might have, lol. Sex can make up for a lot of shit actually. Thanks for sharing bro and I gonna take a look at it and see if anything interesting is inside. Peace

07-02-2009, 08:32 AM
Weesje this is not for you only meant for humans not robots lol

07-02-2009, 08:52 AM
There is just way too much giggling going on here.

In actuality, it appears to be geared towards a female reader. More like it was written so that maybe males would take a look at it and try to take as much from it as they do the porn they never watch.

Seriously, there isn't anything wrong with having awesome sex. All giggling aside, if there is a chance that by listening (to something that someone who doesn't know you or your mate has written) you can achieve a more awesome sex life, what would be the reason not to listen?

There are a lot of catch phrases and sage wisdom that have been passed down from generation to generation about sex. Best one I ever heard was that it might look the same, it might feel the same, it might smell the same, it might even taste the same, but it all reacts different. Each person's sexuality (likes and dislikes) is as individual as a fingerprint.

Having started the download, I will probably wind up listening to it sometime, not sure when. Don't know if I can report back about that or not.

Best advice I could give is to think back to the last time you had awesome, toe curling, kinda stuff that just rocked the world and made everything better. Don't try to duplicate it, don't dwell on it, but just learn from it.

As a side note, it's a lot cheaper if you remember two simple things - tequila and twister!:qq:

07-02-2009, 09:17 AM
yes gadget u r so right;
U can always make this"sex" thing better or more enjoyable.
Because after a wile when u are out of ideas best thing then is to learn about it to make the sexlife better again.I am also going to dl this and try to take my advantages out of it.If its more pointed to female listenersi wil have my wife look into it.she is always open for new and special things.

07-02-2009, 02:58 PM
There is just way too much giggling going on here.

In actuality, it appears to be geared towards a female reader. More like it was written so that maybe males would take a look at it and try to take as much from it as they do the porn they never watch.

Seriously, there isn't anything wrong with having awesome sex. All giggling aside, if there is a chance that by listening (to something that someone who doesn't know you or your mate has written) you can achieve a more awesome sex life, what would be the reason not to listen?

There are a lot of catch phrases and sage wisdom that have been passed down from generation to generation about sex. Best one I ever heard was that it might look the same, it might feel the same, it might smell the same, it might even taste the same, but it all reacts different. Each person's sexuality (likes and dislikes) is as individual as a fingerprint.

Having started the download, I will probably wind up listening to it sometime, not sure when. Don't know if I can report back about that or not.

Best advice I could give is to think back to the last time you had awesome, toe curling, kinda stuff that just rocked the world and made everything better. Don't try to duplicate it, don't dwell on it, but just learn from it.

As a side note, it's a lot cheaper if you remember two simple things - tequila and twister!:qq:

exactly i love sex and not emabarassed to talk about it at all as many hear can tell or have already told hahahaha, im open with anyone that asks on my sex life and even embarass my friends sometimes when the topic gets brought up since i can go into detail sometime...... they are cool with it now and all but what the big deal? everyone has sex, everyone enjoys it, and everyone wants better sex, to learn you have to be taught so why not listen to this.... im downloading now and will see what this is all about.... also got marked as installed now.

07-02-2009, 03:56 PM
exactly i love sex and not emabarassed to talk about it at all as many hear can tell or have already told hahahaha, im open with anyone that asks on my sex life and even embarass my friends sometimes when the topic gets brought up since i can go into detail sometime...... they are cool with it now and all but what the big deal? everyone has sex, everyone enjoys it, and everyone wants better sex, to learn you have to be taught so why not listen to this.... im downloading now and will see what this is all about.... also got marked as installed now.

haha same here downloaded and marked as installed, maybe we can spice things up again dashy <3

07-02-2009, 04:00 PM
Yes everyone,its one of the things that realy good for u.
Someone made a song out of it before.
"sexual healing"
Healing ......so that means its good for u.
But watch out if u have alot partners then u should be careful a bit lol.

07-02-2009, 04:00 PM
haha same here downloaded and marked as installed, maybe we can spice things up again dashy <3

Lmao oh no god can someone get these 2 another room lol

07-02-2009, 05:05 PM
haha same here downloaded and marked as installed, maybe we can spice things up again dashy <3

yessir that we can :) i got the prostate massager ready for you venum :)

Lmao oh no god can someone get these 2 another room lol
hahahhahhaha o was waiting for timmy to start it this time :) i knew it was coming hahahaha

07-02-2009, 05:08 PM
yessir that we can :) i got the prostate massager ready for you venum :)

hahahhahhaha o was waiting for timmy to start it this time :) i knew it was coming hahahaha

Lol so who is the one that recives it

07-02-2009, 05:28 PM
Lol so who is the one that recives it

thats for us to know and for you to find out :brows: hahahahahahahhashhaa im done now.

07-02-2009, 05:34 PM
thats for us to know and for you to find out :brows: hahahahahahahhashhaa im done now.

Aww man another not to be dissucussed thread by DASH

07-02-2009, 08:09 PM
haha same here downloaded and marked as installed, maybe we can spice things up again dashy <3

yessir that we can :) i got the prostate massager ready for you venum :)

hahahhahhaha o was waiting for timmy to start it this time :) i knew it was coming hahahaha
I am gonna start keeping count of these 2 and their "comments" on eachother. Then I'll write a book called, "The Homosexual experience at Wckediden, The Story of VenAsh"

07-02-2009, 08:23 PM
OK, I wanna try this out but I do not have the patience to wait for the upload site. Anybody feel like posting some RS mirrors?

10-02-2009, 05:10 AM
OK, I wanna try this out but I do not have the patience to wait for the upload site. Anybody feel like posting some RS mirrors?

WOW no rapidshare re-up?... i just finished dl off the other sites, i'm tired - i'll try and up it to RS this weekend.

10-02-2009, 08:16 AM
giggity giggity ....nuff said :lol: :D :D

10-02-2009, 09:01 AM
First the vibrator app, and now this? what's Wckediden turning into? :rofl:

10-02-2009, 01:37 PM
its turning into CYBER PHONE SEX JUNKIES :lol: jk :D ....

10-02-2009, 02:37 PM
giggity giggity ....nuff said :lol: :D :D

its turning into CYBER PHONE SEX JUNKIES :lol: jk :D ....

hahaha you always crack me up :) giggity giggity giggity, i got to go to b-dubbz tonight and get my giggity on.

10-02-2009, 11:48 PM

checked these today - they are working.... giggity giggity giggity

still say tequila and twister ROCKS!

10-03-2009, 12:24 AM

checked these today - they are working.... giggity giggity giggity

still say tequila and twister ROCKS!

thanks gadget sorry everyone i had to stay at work late!!
well here you all go more links



enjoy!!! lol :wink::wink::wink:

can someone edit fist post hint hint gadget!!! lol

10-03-2009, 12:34 AM
interesting ... lets see whats this all about and how it turns out to be

10-03-2009, 02:42 PM
thanks gadget sorry everyone i had to stay at work late!!
well here you all go more links

http://hotfile.com/dl/13278240/ba77b82/HotS_10to12.rar.htmlenjoy!!! lol :wink::wink::wink:

can someone edit fist post hint hint gadget!!! lol

got all updated with the links in the first post for you