View Full Version : Award Request for TaylorSPJ!

07-06-2009, 11:39 PM
- menikfire

Sender Information

Userid: 15305 (https://www.wckediden.com/member.php?u=15305)
User Name: menikfire
What is your name?: Nahum

Request Information:
Award ID: 4 (https://www.wckediden.com/awards.php#award4)
Name: Trouble User Of The Month
Description: Please select a user that is a trouble member.And would like to nominate that user the asshole award.
https://www.wckediden.com/images/awards/asshole-of-the-month.gif (https://www.wckediden.com/awards.php#award4)

Recipient username : TaylorWckediden (https://www.wckediden.com/member.php?username=TaylorWckediden)

Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.

he already has one!!! lol

07-06-2009, 11:41 PM
ummmmmm im a little lost on this ones description

07-06-2009, 11:50 PM
As am i.. Yes taylors an AS$HOLE and should get this award but he will be MIA for Some time so it leaves opportunity for any other AS$HOLE to bcome 'AS$HOLE OF THE MONTH'.. I say we wait and see if someone more deserving comes along..:highfive:

07-07-2009, 12:03 AM
As am i.. Yes taylors an AS$HOLE and should get this award but he will be MIA for Some time so it leaves opportunity for any other AS$HOLE to bcome 'AS$HOLE OF THE MONTH'.. I say we wait and see if someone more deserving comes along..:highfive:

too bad im not a dick and dont flip on the boards anymore......

07-07-2009, 05:30 AM
too bad im not a dick and dont flip on the boards anymore......

we could just give it to kaos?? :)