View Full Version : PST Tweaks-Boost your Signal strength etc

07-14-2009, 09:03 PM
Ok, so I was talking w my boy Phe-Nom and thought I would post this. It is nothing new, I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS, I am just passing the info along that I fiound a long time ago. I looked around and didn't see this posted, also, if Phe-nom was asking me this I thought to myself it must not be on here. So here is the step by step process of what to tweak and what it does. Most of this will boost your signal strength and you priority to the tower itself! ENJOY~

You can tweak your Slot Cycle Index (SCI) to make your phone poll the tower more often. This makes your texts and phone calls come through quicker. This setting is a trade off between lag (most noticeable when receiving calls) and battery life. The default value on our phones is 2. Every step of 1 adds 1.28 seconds to the poll time, so at a value of 2 it is only polling every 5 seconds or so. Most people lower this to 1, so the phone polls every 2.5 seconds. This won't affect battery life much in areas of good coverage, but may impact it noticeably if you're in a poor reception area. Your Access Overload Class (ACCOLC) determines your phone's priority on the cell tower. The higher the number, the lower the priority. Do note that 0 and 1 are reserved for emergency service uses, so DO NOT use these. You can ACCOLC's of 2-9, default on Sprint should be the last digit of your phone number.
Now that I've laid down the basic groundwork of the two main mods, here's how to change them. Don't mess with settings in here unless you know exactly what you're doing, as phone performance and usability will be affected. To enter programming mode, open your phone screen and dial ##778# (may be ##778 on some devices, if that doesn't work, run EPST.exe from \Windows). Click edit, type in your MSL, and hit OK. Now choose View Info in the lower left corner, and hit NAM settings. On this page you can change your ACCOLC (remember, don't use 0 or 1). Now, switch to the Modem Settings page to change your SCI (default is 2, valid values are 0-7). Now accept the changes and soft reset, and you're updated!

I can confirm these are valid and do work and help if tweaked corrwectly. BE SURE TO NOT USE 0-1 IS RESERVED FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY!!!!!!!

07-14-2009, 09:09 PM
it is here, kaos posted this, but i just didnt know the procedure...... lets see if i notice a difference now, hahaha. thanks bro. also, i used code ##3282# to get it to work, and once you hit view info, i hit advanced and then yous held/pressed my stylus over what i wanted to edit until the edit option popped up.

07-14-2009, 09:10 PM
Please add to 1st post. ... Here is another tool for the msl atached below. Also, if you absolutely have no luck with it, send me a pm with your account info and I will get your msl for you.

07-14-2009, 09:12 PM
it is here, kaos posted this, but i just didnt know the proccedure...... lets see if i notice a difference now, hahaha. thanks bro.

Yeas, I shouldve added that...I use ##3282# as well when I do it. Either way should work, I think 3282 is easier.

I looked around, it must be lost in the jumble somewhere. Sooo if need you can remove this thread and my apologies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-14-2009, 09:16 PM
Yeas, I shouldve added that...I use ##3282# as well when I do it. Either way should work, I think 3282 is easier.

I looked around, it must be lost in the jumble somewhere. Sooo if need you can remove this thread and my apologies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is okay i think, this gives you pretty solid instructions. also edited first post for ya.

07-14-2009, 09:19 PM
it is here, kaos posted this, but i just didnt know the procedure...... lets see if i notice a difference now, hahaha. thanks bro. also, i used code ##3282# to get it to work, and once you hit view info, i hit advanced and then yous held/pressed my stylus over what i wanted to edit until the edit option popped up.

yuppers i also posted this before kaos was a member here also hahahah but nice to have it here now and will move to the tutorial area.

07-14-2009, 09:23 PM
yuppers i also posted this before kaos was a member here also hahahah but nice to have it here now and will move to the tutorial area.

I knew it had to be here somewhere! But it's been out for sooo long that it prolly got burried. I actually almost forgot,. it brought back memories, lol..... I was like..... oh yeah.... I have flashed my phone a few times since then... few hundred.... and haven't played with these settings in a while. So my bad for the "Tripple Post" and thanks for the move!

07-14-2009, 11:18 PM
Thanks too you guys for this post will have to give it a try , anyone tried an noticed a difference at all ?

07-14-2009, 11:31 PM
Thanks too you guys for this post will have to give it a try , anyone tried an noticed a difference at all ?

yeap, texts and calls come through quiker. try it bro, is wroth it.

07-14-2009, 11:32 PM
yeap, texts and calls come through quiker. try it bro, is wroth it.

Thanks bro downloading now then ,an will post back !!!

07-15-2009, 01:04 AM
So Im using Sprint Touch Pro, but on Cricket services and my accolc is already set at 0, whats up with that?

--------- New Post Merged on 15/7/2009 at 12:11:33 --------

also I used ryan moguls pst settings thread over at xda-developers and one of his suggestions for better voice clarity was to switch evrc to disable and your voice settings to 13k anyone tried this? notice any differences? Ive had it set like that for a week or 2 but I havent had anyone tell me my voice comes through any clearer. Still an awesome thread for Cricket users! just in case anyones interested:


07-15-2009, 01:12 AM
So Im using Sprint Touch Pro, but on Cricket services and my accolc is already set at 0, whats up with that?

lol, i dont know, but it shouldnt be... did you set your cycle to 1? and try to set your accolc to 2...

07-15-2009, 01:16 AM
lol, i dont know, but it shouldnt be... did you set your cycle to 1? and try to set your accolc to 2...

yeah my cycles 1 but Im afraid to mess with the accolc my phones been working fine??? maybe it happened cuz my cell # ends with a 0???

07-15-2009, 01:19 AM
yeah my cycles 1 but Im afraid to mess with the accolc my phones been working fine??? maybe it happened cuz my cell # ends with a 0???

well from i've been told from the pros it should not be set to 0 or 1, thats for emergency only, and it might drain your battery faster too.....

07-15-2009, 01:20 AM
well from i've been told from the pros it should not be set to 0 or 1, thats for emergency only, and it might drain your battery faster too.....
I guess Ill switch it and see what happens!:confused:

--------- New Post Merged on 15/7/2009 at 12:27:14 --------

I m chickening out dont wanna mess wit sumpin that aint broke!!!

07-15-2009, 05:50 AM
well from i've been told from the pros it should not be set to 0 or 1, thats for emergency only, and it might drain your battery faster too.....
thats false, i use 0 on my pro sicne i got mine and havent had any troubles at all..... its the same for all sprint ppc's

07-15-2009, 11:24 AM
alright cool I feel much better then, I didnt wanna screw with it since everythings been workin fine, glad you got the same set up, appreciate the info!:highfive:

07-15-2009, 01:19 PM
alright cool I feel much better then, I didnt wanna screw with it since everythings been workin fine, glad you got the same set up, appreciate the info!:highfive:
hahaah no troubles and you can do this with any HTC device for future reference and you ont have any troubles... change it than save and soft reset and make a test call upon reboot..... if your in emergency mode for some reason just chage it back but i have never heard of that sicne slot cycle index is just how often your device picks up and syncs with the tower its running off of at the moment..... so for example if it was set to 2 it would only check that tower eve4ry 2 seconds which can be an eternity if in bad reception area or moving fast like in a vehicle..... 0 jst means that it is constantly connecting itself to the tower so there isnt that delay of 2 seconds for it to check to make sure you have signal.

07-15-2009, 10:22 PM
i dont know what to put on the MSL area. i downloaded the MSL Generator but it wont run or generate. is there any code that could work in gneral. I did view my info and my SCI is set on 2 already an the ACCOLC is on 4 bacause thats the last digit on my phone # but i still have really bad reception.

07-15-2009, 10:32 PM
i dont know what to put on the MSL area. i downloaded the MSL Generator but it wont run or generate. is there any code that could work in gneral. I did view my info and my SCI is set on 2 already an the ACCOLC is on 4 bacause thats the last digit on my phone # but i still have really bad reception.

take a look at this

07-26-2009, 12:13 PM
Thanks for this post. I was wondering how to try and boost my reception at home. I will give this a try.

07-26-2009, 05:54 PM
I MAY BE VERY WRONG... and if so I apolagize. But from what I understood Slot cycle IS just how often it pols to the tower and CAN be set to 0.............it's the ACCOLC that changes your PRIORITY to that tower and 0-1 ARE FOR EMERGENCY use only. That's what I have found and read more than once, maybe I'm mistaking. Just thought I'd throw that in there in case there was a mis-understanding or also so if I am wrong I can be corrected as well.

07-26-2009, 05:57 PM
I MAY BE VERY WRONG... and if so I apolagize. But from what I understood Slot cycle IS just how often it pols to the tower and CAN be set to 0.............it's the ACCOLC that changes your PRIORITY to that tower and 0-1 ARE FOR EMERGENCY use only. That's what I have found and read more than once, maybe I'm mistaking. Just thought I'd throw that in there in case there was a mis-understanding or also so if I am wrong I can be corrected as well.

the slot cycle index can and is to be set at 0 and the other is for the emergency. sci can be changed to 0-1 without any troubles.

07-26-2009, 06:28 PM
Cool, yeah I stand corrected. I read about some of this at ppcgeeks over a year ago and they may have just thought that was the case.

original thread here..

So I was sharring the info, but I may change mine now since it shouldn't matter. Thanks.