View Full Version : [NEWS] Urban Mole robot could deliver your mail via insane network of underground

08-02-2009, 12:53 AM
Urban Mole robot could deliver your mail via insane network of underground tubes


Designer Phillip Hermes has come up with a new system to transport packages which, if ever instituted, could probably be much faster than any of today's available options (trucks, mailmen, airplanes, ponies). The Urban Mole -- which recently placed second in the Vision Works contest -- enables the use of "existing networks" of underground pipes (yes, sewer pipes) to transport packages up to about the size of a shoebox, which are put in capsules to fully protect the contents from the surrounding sewer water. The packages would be moved via a system of electric rails within the pipes, creating a robotic underground highway for transporting goods to drop off points, or "Mole Stations" where people can pick up their goods. Hermes estimates that an average cross-town trip could take less than ten minutes. Sounds a lot more eco-friendly and way faster than the grumpy mailman, right? It doesn't sound like there are any plans to bring this project to fruition, but we sure will keep hoping.

08-02-2009, 03:58 AM
I wonder if they have sterile solution and gloves at the mole station, lol... damned if I'm picking up a package that ben flowing in shit and piss water, lol.

08-02-2009, 04:11 AM
its a good idea but what happens if one of those viles or containers they place the stuff in springs a leak? is their still an option at insurance and stuff.... and could you imagine the cost of one of them getting stuck underground sicne they would have to dig up something to get to it and dig up the ground to get them all fabrocated and such.... dont think we will be seeing it in our lifetime but not ruling this or something better out for the future with the rapid groewth of technology.

08-02-2009, 04:16 AM
its a good idea but what happens if one of those viles or containers they place the stuff in springs a leak? is their still an option at insurance and stuff.... and could you imagine the cost of one of them getting stuck underground sicne they would have to dig up something to get to it and dig up the ground to get them all fabrocated and such.... dont think we will be seeing it in our lifetime but not ruling this or something better out for the future with the rapid groewth of technology.

I agree. I think it's a good idea, but there would be a lot of work to make this happen! I mean total reconstruction underground plus have to have several access points in case it got jammed etc. I mean, I believe it's possible for something like this don't get me wrong, I just think the timing is off and they will have lots of details to explain especially on insurance etc!