View Full Version : [Omina] Techmasters CF03 Wm 65 Carbon Flame Omnia i910 ONLY

08-06-2009, 02:18 AM
I Take no Credit for this. I found this over at Modoco, Made by Techmaster7545. This is a great omnia rom.

Remember that you flash at your own risk. I am not responsible for any thing that may happen to your device. So follow instructions !
This My WM 6.5 v 4.0 (23016) CF03 Rom Page pool 12mb

How to flash:
Before flashing to this ROM you must flash the CF03 ROM.

Use UMDL Omnia 2.3 and click on the PDA button. Browse to the location where you placed the bin file and click on open. The file will load. Once it is loaded click on Detect. Now turn your device completely off . Once your device is shutdown plug it in to your pc. Now press the power button to turn your device back on . UMDL should detect your device and start loading the new ROM on to your device. After a successful boot, soft reset to get XDA_UC to load let it boot back up and you are ready to go.

Sept 29/09 - 23053 in wozzers kitchen - new skinned LS buttons - WM Dialer skinned - Red theme loads default - known bugs fixed- added touch input keyboard ,to select just touch and hold kb icon 2 sec the list will pop up -- New Ani gifs & Welcomehead

Sept 15/09 - Updated build to 23047 - minor bugs fixed

Sept 10/09 - updated build to 23041 - 2 themes in this build blue is default but red is meant for matching all stuff - will take 2 mins to boot so dnt worry only bug left but it will boot so let it do its thing after 2nd reboot its fast, i will post blue apps and stuff for the people who like the blue

Aug 16/09 - Removed icontacts - XDA_UC added back - Titanium Pic Panel fixed (Thanks Hartv427) - Added Red Theme

Aug 10/09 - Updated to 23017 - added icontacts (Thanks BGA7X) - Added Jblend - New dialpad skin - Added Black camera - Krazy Radd Taskbar (Thanks KR) - New titanium Selector - Removed jbed , tv out viewer , think thats all

Aug 4/09 - Added drag&drop startmenu (Thanks BGA7X) - New Startmenu Icons - Dialer Has White Font Now - Red lisbian Taskbar - GM 3.2 (Thanks BGA7X) - Two themes to choose from

July 31/09 - Updated build to 23016 - Added GM 3.2 (Thanks BGA7X) - Call Log Fix (Matches Theme) - Added Internet Sharing - Bing Removed

July 24/09 - Link Has Been Updated --also For Those That Like Titanium Caps But dnt Want To Reflash Link At Bottom

July 23/09 - Updated to Build 23009 - Fixed Opera Panel - Added Media Album -

Thanks , to the help of BGA7X and BW

Items On Rom[/B
]HTC dlls
Jbed Java
Bubble Breaker
New Theme
Advanced Config 3.3
Hexagons for start menu
ATContacts (Titanium plugin)
Office plugin (Titanium plugin)
Showaco CHome Editor 1.6
Spb Screenshot (Thanks BW)
Psshutxp (Colored To match theme)
Cvolume Control (Titanium plugin Just Enable it)
Black Full Volume (Press Color To match theme)
Black Radio (Press Color To match theme)
Black Easy Settings (Press Color To match theme)
Black Power Calc (Press Color To match theme)
XDA_UC (after flash softreset and it will run)
New Dialpad Skinned (Colored To match theme)
Attenuation change (rings loud from the start)
Lockscreen Slider (Colored To match theme)
Shokka9_XT9_GlossBlack_v1_1 (Slighty Modded)
TitaniumWeather 4.2 (Titanium plugin updated icons)
Personalizer (Change the operator name to what ever you want)
SD Tuneup (Changes some SD card settings to make it work better)
Bluetooth Icon Broker (shows the bluetooth icon in the task bar when on)
and more....

Main Menu
Video Editor
Touch Player
Default IM
Photo Slides
Digital Frame
Smart Reader
Visual Voice Mail
Windows Update
Infrared Drivers
Connected Home
Samsung Today 1
Screen Calibration
Text Messsage Retry
Business Card Reader
Non English Keyboards
All cursors except the standard
arrowSecurity check (Thanks to Adrynalyne)
Theme Editor (icon shows in settings but does not work)
Large Display (icon shows in settings but does not work)
Welcome Center (You may need to tap the start menu button to get the today screen to load)
And more...

Known issues: when checking voicemail cant see what u dial FIX = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY\PHONE\SKIN\DIALER\PORT RAIT\TEXT --- TEXTCOLOR change to hex then change value to 000000 save and softreset

Original Thread:


Fixed Build 23053 V5.3 RoBo Skull Rom

Fixed Build 23047 V5.1 Flaming Skull Rom

Updated Build 23016 V4.1 Carbon Flame Theme

Updated Build 23016 V4.1 Crimson Den Theme

Build 23016 Carbon Flame Theme (Thanks BGA7X)

Build 23009 Carbon Flame Theme W/Titanium caps & Ringtone List Fixed

Build 23004 Carbon Flame Theme

09-29-2009, 01:21 AM
Bumb updated!!! v5.1 is great i may keep it for awhile

10-05-2009, 08:44 PM
Bumb updated!!! v5.1 is great i may keep it for awhile

I guess i wont keep it for awhile 5.3 out oh yea BUMP Updates!!!!!!