View Full Version : [NEWS] iPhone users aren't the only ones to get cool apps

09-10-2009, 04:40 PM
The long-awaited flood of Google Android devices is about to hit the market, which should help bring more cool applications to new Android phones.

Motorola will be the next big manufacturer to announce its Android phone. The company plans to formally unveil it at an event on Thursday in San Francisco. Motorola has already been reaching out to developers to get them on board to create new applications that it hopes will drive demand for the new phones.

Mobile applications for smartphones are hot. The fact that Apple's App Store has had more than 1 billion downloads after only being around for a year means that smartphone users are hungry for applications that make their phones more useful and fun. But developers, whether they are large or small, have limited resources and time, and they must choose which platforms to develop applications for first.

So far, it's clear that the iPhone is the first platform developers target. As a result, Apple now has the largest mobile App Store on the market with over 75,000 applications. What this means for consumers is that it's more likely that the newest and hottest applications are available on the iPhone before other devices.

More Can Be Read >> HERE (http://news.cnet.com/8301-30686_3-10348863-266.html?tag=nl.e703)

09-10-2009, 04:56 PM
i feel android will be the ones that will give the iphone the biggest run for their money, they have the name of google behind them, the look and htc now behind them, motorola making for them, samsung also making a device thats android based.... with all these different providers and manufacturers of these android phones will help grow the app store majorly since its not just covering one service provider and just one device.... when and if the iphone goes to other providers i can seee that helping them amjorly too, but by the time that happens i feel android will be hot on their tales already and have the momentum going sicne many would use the upgraddes to gett trhe android phone not knowing the iphone is coming to their service provider.

09-10-2009, 05:16 PM
i agree with u dash, i cant wait to get my htc hero.....

09-10-2009, 05:27 PM
i agree with u dash, i cant wait to get my htc hero.....

me too! im getting a tp2, them im ma turn around and sell it cash, so i can get the hero, shit i might get 2 heros! lol.

09-10-2009, 05:29 PM
now thats some smart thinking..........

09-10-2009, 05:31 PM
i agree with u dash, i cant wait to get my htc hero.....

u and i both, i passed on the pre ! passing on the tp2 and finally i get MY HERO.!!!!! lol

09-12-2009, 12:10 AM
u and i both, i passed on the pre ! passing on the tp2 and finally i get MY HERO.!!!!! lol

awww im glad that im your hero elboriyorker :smile: