View Full Version : DoubleTwist 23 (Freeware)

09-16-2009, 07:16 AM
DoubleTwist 2.3 (Freeware)
Requirements:[/u]Windows XP , Vista
Overview:[/u]The doubleTwist application enables users to send photos and videos to their friends and sync their media library to a wide variety of portable devices

-doubleTwist works with your phone, MP3 player, PSP, camera, and much more! Take your music, videos and other media wherever you go.
-Browse through your media and play anything. doubleTwist supports all major audio and video formats.
-Publish a video to YouTube, upload photos to Flickr or privately share an experience with friends.
enables users to send photos and videos to their friends and sync their media library to a wide variety of portable devices.

Supported Devices:

*BlackBerry - We have many happy BlackBerry users and support all the recent BlackBerry models such as the Curve, Pearl, Storm, Bold and Flip.
*Sony PSP - Use doubleTwist to automatically convert your videos and sync them to your PSP; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
*Palm Pre - automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Palm Pre; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
*Archos 605 - sync your videos, iTunes playlists and photos. Other Archos models should work as well.
*INQ1, INQ Mini and INQ Chat - sync your videos, iTunes playlists and photos to your INQ phone!
*G1 and Magic Android phones - automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Android phone; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
*Nokia N & E Series phones, including the N95, E61i, E62, and many others such as the 5800 XpressMusic- automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Nokia; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
*Sony Ericsson Walkman & Cybershot phones
*Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 platform (e.g. Treo, HTC, Samsung) -- currently PC only, will be available for the Mac very soon - automatically convert your videos and sync them to your Windows Mobile; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
*LG Viewty and Shine - automatically convert your videos and sync them to your LG; sync your iTunes playlists and photo library.
*Motorola (V9 and V3xx) and most Razr phones
*Sansa View and Sansa e200 series
*Amazon Kindle - sync audio files to your Kindle
*iPhone with 2.0 firmware - load your iPhone with movies and let doubleTwist make the necessary conversions; iTunes playlists are also supported (PC only but Mac coming soon, 3.0 firmware not supported yet)
*iPod - load your iPod with movies and let doubleTwist make the necessary conversions; iTunes playlists are also supported (PC only but Mac coming soon)
*Nintendo DSi - coming soon! Load your DSi with music and let doubletwist do the necessary conversions
*Most digital cameras
*Most flash-memory-based camcorders are supported

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