View Full Version : How To: Theme Your Pre - Icons

09-21-2009, 02:59 PM
Here is the tutorial in an easy to find thread. At the bottom are other tutorials on theming other aspects of your Pre.

Changing Icons

Upload your themed icons to your favorite storage or photo site.

In terminal navigate to the first application that is on your bar. Mine is the browser so we'll start off with that.


cd /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.browser/

Then type:


sudo mv icon.png icon.png.backup

<--if you plan on theming your Pre a lot I would recommend that after the first backup you ignore this step and from then on use this command-->


sudo rm icon.png

This way, your original Palm Pre icons will remain as backup and each time you theme you aren't wasting space by keeping old themed icons.



sudo wget (url of where your browser icon is located)

Now let's say your next icon on your quick launch bar is the camera.



sudo cd /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.camera/


sudo mv icon.png icon.png.backup


sudo wget (url of where your browser icon is located)

Continue on with the next app by changing directory (cd), making backups (mv), and downloading your icon (wget). The only deviation from the above would be with the calendar. The icons (all 31 of them) can be found here: "/usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.calendar/images/launcher".

Launcher icons can be found here: "/usr/lib/luna/system/luna-applauncher".

All icons have to be named icon.png, unless you are changing the calendar icons. They have to be in named as such icon-1.png, icon-2.png.

If you've downloaded an icon that has a different filename type this:


sudo mv faultyfilenamehere.png icon.png

Also, just a quick rundown on what some of these commands mean.

cd =change directory
mv = rename
rm = remove
wget = download

Also wanted to add that if you come back with this error "Read-only file system" type this


sudo mount -o remount,rw /

How To Get Your Avatar In The Chat & Change the Color of the Chat Balloons (http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/192840-how-get-your-avatar-chat-change-color-chat-balloons.html)

How to make bookmark icon look cooool (http://forums.precentral.net/palm-pre/190139-how-make-bookmark-icon-look-cooool.html)

How to Change Stored Bookmark Icons (http://forums.precentral.net/web-os-development/194160-does-anyone-know-where-browser-images-stored.html#post1769990)

Modify Your Signal Strength Wifi Ev 1x Icons (http://forums.precentral.net/palm-pre/195807-modify-your-signal-strength-wifi-ev-1x-icons.html)

originally found here: