View Full Version : Marvel

10-01-2009, 03:56 PM
Hey everyone,
i am looking to start making a Marvel theme on my TouchPro2 but am looking for something.
I am looking for a good Marvel flip card intro. The comics flipping at the beginning of all Marvel movies or games.
I would like to use it for boot up but cant seem to find a nice high quality version. So here i am reaching out to anyone that might have or seen a good copy lying around out there.

10-01-2009, 03:59 PM
Hey everyone,
i am looking to start making a Marvel theme on my TouchPro2 but am looking for something.
I am looking for a good Marvel flip card intro. The comics flipping at the beginning of all Marvel movies or games.
I would like to use it for boot up but cant seem to find a nice high quality version. So here i am reaching out to anyone that might have or seen a good copy lying around out there.

check these out http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=marvel+comics+wallpaper&aq=7&aqi=n1g10&oq=marvel+comic&fp=cfa5904f5913bf03

10-01-2009, 04:55 PM
check these out http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=marvel+comics+wallpaper&aq=7&aqi=n1g10&oq=marvel+comic&fp=cfa5904f5913bf03

Thanks for the response but I am looking for that animated flip card not just wall paper. I found a bunch on youtube but they all look like crap. If i knew how to get a copy directly from a movie i would but a dont know where to start with that

10-01-2009, 05:13 PM
Thanks for the response but I am looking for that animated flip card not just wall paper. I found a bunch on youtube but they all look like crap. If i knew how to get a copy directly from a movie i would but a dont know where to start with that

search google for startup animation marvel video game an you should find some good quality ones.... even add rapidshare to the end and your bound to find some incluing forums with the best quality ones.

10-01-2009, 09:41 PM
hey i know exactly what ur looking for seeing as im in the middle stages of designing a marvel tp2 theme for tf3d2, the animated bootscreen ur looking for can be done but it will have more frames per second so it will take longer for ur phone to load if it even does bcuz i had it freeze up my phone. plus with u might not get to see all the frames by the time ur phone boots up.. so its kinda a waist of time IMO but yea it can be done :highfive:

10-02-2009, 12:33 PM
hey i know exactly what ur looking for seeing as im in the middle stages of designing a marvel tp2 theme for tf3d2, the animated bootscreen ur looking for can be done but it will have more frames per second so it will take longer for ur phone to load if it even does bcuz i had it freeze up my phone. plus with u might not get to see all the frames by the time ur phone boots up.. so its kinda a waist of time IMO but yea it can be done :highfive:

Have you found a good one Nine? If so could you throw it my way? Even if its possible to shorten it a sec or two i could try