View Full Version : [NEWS] ARTICLE: Cute and Cheap: iBend launches Artist Series iPhone stands

10-21-2009, 03:40 PM

Maybe it's because they're cute. Maybe it's because they're simple. Maybe it's because they're inexpensive and I'm tired of writing about $200 gadgets that come with $80/month contracts. Who knows why, but lately I've been fascinated with little doohickeys meant to prop up your phone or PMP in landscape mode so you can watch videos on them like the lazy fat cat you are.

The latest in the craze comes from iBend, who just launched their Artist Series of foldable stands for iPhone/iPod Touch. The new models come in your choice of graphics, most all of which are actually pretty cool. My wife likes owls, so maybe I'll have to pony up eight bucks for a two-pack, though I think I'm partial to the Moustaches design myself.


Chew on iBend's clever/annoying/strange PR blurb below, and head over to their site to peep all of the designs, including the Classic black (a bigger bargain at $4.99 for two) if you want to keep it low-profile.

Use your iBend™ on a plane, bus, or train - whilst lifting weights, eating breakfast, waiting at the sushi bar, getting your teeth cleaned, at a business meeting, sitting in traffic, serving on a jury or practicing yoga.

"Whilst lifting weights" and "waiting at the sushi bar"? Anyway ... More at myiBend.com (http://www.phonedog.com/myiBend.com)

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Read More From Source (http://feeds.phonedog.com/~r/phonedog_cellphoneblog/~3/H1uACTU652M/cute-and-cheap-ibend-launches-artist-series-iphone-stands.aspx)

10-21-2009, 07:07 PM
do those look really cheap to anyone besides me?