View Full Version : [NEWS] ARTICLE: RIM and T-Mobile announce the BlackBerry Bold 9700, coming in Nove

10-21-2009, 07:10 PM

After months of speculation, and quiet on the RIM front, T-Mobile has finally broke the silence and announced the BlackBerry Bold 9700. Hot on the heels of the BlackBerry Storm 2 (or perhaps before, both launch dates are still somewhat up in the air), the Bold is a significant upgrade for the GSM side - and more importantly, enters the field as the second HSDPA BlackBerry.

The successor to the Bold 9000 (though it's not going anywhere anytime soon), the redesigned 9700 will offer:

624 MHz processor
256 MB memory
3G connectivity
Built-in GPS
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g
UMA capable for Hotspot @ Home service
3.2-megapixel camera
OS 5.0
MicroSD card slot with support for up to 32 GB
The Bold 9700 will be available for $199.99 after rebate and a new two-year customer agreement. According to the press release, it will be out by "the holiday shopping season." Not a concrete date, but based on information we've received, we're still shooting for a mid-November release.

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Read More From Source (http://feeds.phonedog.com/~r/phonedog_cellphoneblog/~3/066Q0j64h5s/rim-and-t-mobile-announce-the-blackberry-bold-9700-coming-in-november.aspx)