View Full Version : [NEWS] Epic Games Store to offer more free games on phones and tablets

10-03-2024, 11:09 AM
In August this year, Epic Games (https://www.sammobile.com/tag/epic-games/) launched the Epic Games Store for Android and iOS (https://www.sammobile.com/news/epic-games-store-live-android-phones-tablets/), which offers the developer's own and third-party games and apps for free. Unfortunately, it has a very limited collection at the moment with only three games and an app on offer: Fortnite, Fall Guys, Rocket League Sideswipe, and Postparty. Well, the company has revealed that it will soon expand the collection by adding up to 50 third-party games on the platform that it will offer for free.

At the Unreal Festival event in Seattle, the Vice President and General Manager of Epic Games Store, Steve Allison, said (https://mobilegamer.biz/epics-mobile-games-store-up-to-50-titles-by-q4-free-games-program-lower-fees-for-unreal-devs-more/) that the Epic Games’ “free games” program is coming to mobile in the fourth quarter of this year. Under the program, the company is planning to offer up to 50 games from third-party developers on Epic Games Store for free. One of those fifty games will be Ark:Ultimate Mobile Edition, which is expected to hit Android (https://www.sammobile.com/tag/android/) and iOS (https://www.sammobile.com/tag/ios/) by the end of this year.

The story continues after the video…

Along with games, Epic Games will also offer third-party applications on the Epic Games Store around the same time, as it had announced earlier. Epic Games offering more games and applications for free on the Epic Games Store will attract more people to the platform.

The company said that it will also offer self-publishing tools to developers so that they can publish their games and apps without any intervention from Epic Games. That could lure many developers to the Epic Games Store. The brand says that this feature will arrive in 2025.

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