View Full Version : This app helped me track my monthly subscriptions, but it’s no silver bulle

10-31-2024, 12:54 PM
We all have too many subscriptions throttling our bank balance. I know I do. Some are essential, while others are probably not integral to our daily lives. To separate these two categories, I sought the help of technology, specifically a subscription tracker app that would present this information in an easily digestible way.

This wasn’t my first solution, though. Initially, I tried using a note-taking app to jot down my subscriptions, but this was only a first step. I then tried Notion, but I spent more time creating the perfect layout than I did looking at the subscriptions. But, after much experimentation, I stumbled upon a fairly good solution: a subscription manager called SubX that bills itself as the “home of all your subscriptions” and allows users to list, monitor, budget for, and receive pending payment reminders.

More... (https://www.androidauthority.com/subscription-tracker-app-android-3495371/)