View Full Version : Poll: Should Samsung ditch One UI so you can get faster Android updates?

10-31-2024, 05:14 PM
Right now, Pixel owners everywhere are running Android 15 on their phones. And just earlier today, Google shared that Android 16 (https://www.androidauthority.com/android-16-release-date-info-3495210/) is going to be upon us sooner than anyone expected. But the vast majority of Android users out there are still operating devices running Android 14 or older. That includes everyone with a Samsung phone — but does this really need to be the case?

Usually Samsung gets a public beta program running by this time in the year, at least giving particularly eager Galaxy users the chance to try out the latest features a little bit early. But with One UI 7 (https://www.androidauthority.com/one-ui-7-3429831/), as Samsung’s implementing Android 15, that timetable has shifted back — and no one seems very happy about this.

More... (https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-stock-android-3495945/)