View Full Version : Google’s AI flood forecasting can now help 700 million people stay dry

11-12-2024, 08:26 PM
Google’s AI floor forecasting model is now available in 100 countries.
The expanded availability provides early warnings to 700 million people.
Flood alerts and information are available in Google Search, Maps, and Flood Hub

Google sure puts a lot of effort into keeping you safe. Beyond just helping out with your personal safety (https://www.androidauthority.com/google-pixel-personal-safety-3475943/), the company’s been working for years to put its talents to use at detecting and warning people about natural disasters including earthquakes, fires, and floods. Google is using AI to try and aid those efforts, and its flood early warning models just received a big upgrade that will make early flood detection easier for researchers, first-responders, and residents of affected locations.

Google (https://blog.google/technology/ai/expanding-flood-forecasting-coverage-helping-partners/) shares that its AI-powered forecasting model is expanding its coverage to 100 countries, benefiting 700 million people who live in high-risk areas. That’s an impressive growth from the 80 countries covering 460 million people before the expanded availability.

More... (https://www.androidauthority.com/google-flood-detection-3498988/)