View Full Version : One UI 7 fixes one of the most frustrating parts of setting up a smart home

12-17-2024, 04:06 PM
Connecting older or cheaper smart home devices to your Wi-Fi network can be a headache.
Some smart devices can’t see combined 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks.
One UI 7 has added a new mode for setting up 2.4GHz smart devices.

Samsung’s One UI 7 (https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-one-ui-7-beta-hands-on-3506502/) has many headline features, like splitting the notification and quick settings panel and finally giving us the vertical app drawer we’ve wanted for so long. It also has more minor quality-of-life changes that add up to something more meaningful. One such addition is a hidden Wi-Fi feature that makes one of the most painful parts of setting up smart home (https://www.androidauthority.com/best-smart-home-devices-3496884/) devices a breeze.

Many smart home devices use 2.4GHz Wi-Fi instead of 5GHz. That makes sense, as 2.4GHz can be more reliable and has greater range, and your smart bulb doesn’t need the higher speeds offered by 5GHz. Many companies have also started to release devices that connect straight to Wi-Fi without needing a hub. The issue is that some of the cheaper smart home products don’t work well with modern routers.

More... (https://www.androidauthority.com/one-ui-7-2-4ghz-wi-fi-3509729/)