View Full Version : Ptech Central Merging With smartphonejunkie

09-13-2007, 05:34 PM
hello members and guest,

After careful thinking and with the newest technology that had evolved i had decided to merge ptech central with Wckediden with all content and members.I had started Ptech central in october of 2005 with the intention of sharing my knowledge about modding nextel phones and share programs to members.Now that nextel had moved on with sprint the technology had became difficult to mod phones and i lost certain interest in modify phones and sold all my spares that i had to test...lol.ptech central has mass amount of information that it will be Archived here for the members to read only.And also with my job which it has become more intense its getting hard for me to monitor both sites and so i decided to merge and concentrate on one.

This merge will take place on Friday at about 3:00pm eastern time.Before i do any merging.I will first upgrading the board to the latest vbulletin board software which that will take about 15 mins to do then i will merge all members and post and thread to Wckediden.Then thats when the work become sorting and originating the board and cleaning it up to be pretty...lol

During that time the board will be closed to members and guest for about 2 days hoping less.

You can get a hold of me on aim or my favorite software parlingo on elboriyorker@gmail.com


09-13-2007, 05:46 PM
so we're talking next friday or today elboriyorker?????? let me know... and glad to hear it and dont be shy to hit me up if you need anything. also this will be good for the memebers to have all the great work elboriyorker put into p-tech now linked with Wckediden........ only good is to come from this and the two day wait will be well worth it trust me.... and as elboriyorker said for 2 weeks after the merge we are going to have a lot of work on situating the site so please excuse the "mess" that the board will be. thanks for the understanding and as said before this is a great growing point for us here at Wckediden and P-tech together

09-13-2007, 05:49 PM
so we're talking next friday or today elboriyorker?????? let me know... and glad ot hear it and dont be shy to hit me up if yo uneed anything

my apologize this friday 09/14 this weekend will be my only free time to do it and get it done...and most def i will hit you up if i need ya for anything :assassin:

09-13-2007, 11:03 PM
good good great post lol

09-13-2007, 11:09 PM
lol ok????

09-16-2007, 11:22 AM
the merge has been completed please report any issue you come across with site browsing and please be specific if you have an error tell me the error info so i can track it down.

Otherwise enjoy there are many more things comin soon

09-16-2007, 11:25 AM
nice thanks elboriyorker....... looks awesome and p-tech is never going to be forgotten here by anyone since almost everyone in the mobile community has been helped by something from there..... Looks Great btw............ cant wait to see the effect that it will have on Wckediden........ good of course lol.....