View Full Version : Rapidshare - FreeFolders

12-03-2005, 06:43 PM
EW: Create your own interactive directories with any RapidShare-files you want. The biggest advantage is that your users can instantly see if all files are available for download or not. You may create as many folders as you want. Even sub-folders are possible. You can also protect your folders and sub-folders with a password. Of course you can edit your folders at anytime. This service is completely for free!

How does it work?
1. Enter data and click "Create folder"
2. Add as many RapidShare-files as you want in the menu
3. Share your folder-link as often as you want

You can only add existing RapidShare-files. So maybe you want to upload some files first. Of course you can always add and remove files in the folder admin-menu.

Whats the sense?

Think about it like a photo-album for files. You add all files you want and your users can browse the album. Furthermore they can instantly see if all files are still available on RapidShare.

How can I add files?

You just need to enter a valid RapidShare-URL in the admin-menu.
Example: http://rapidshare.de/files/123456/test.zip

When will my folder be deleted?

Only if you delete it yourself or if people complain about illegal content.

Whats the admin-password and whats the access-password?

You have to give an admin-password in order to administrate your folder. This was you can add or remove files. If you set an access-password, all users wanting to access your folder need the access-password in order to see the content.

Source: http://rapidshare.de/en/freefolders.html