View Full Version : GPS tracking SW called Comet or M-Comet

02-11-2006, 11:45 PM
I have this SW on my old bananna phone, an i86 I think, (don't have it w/me right now) called comet or M-comet that tracks my where abouts and reports them to my employer. This is for routing our techs. My problem is I HATE that big yellow phone and have an i730 I would much rather carry. I can put the sim from the bannana in the i730 and all is ok till the boss calls and wants me to turn on the comet tracker software. We are not supposed to use our own phones so you can see my delima. Does anyone have this SW so I can load it on my i730. THANKS!

02-14-2006, 08:18 PM
good luck on that one.. i doubt u can get that sw w/ activation.. just go to your boss and tell him what up. tell him u will sign a waver for the 730 u want to use. who know boss might like it and change them all.. good luck.


02-15-2006, 07:01 PM
good luck on that one.. i doubt u can get that sw w/ activation.. just go to your boss and tell him what up. tell him u will sign a waver for the 730 u want to use. who know boss might like it and change them all.. good luck.


Thanks but I already tried that and he's an A-hole. Someone has to have it. I C all these games and apps for d/l on the site. :confused: Oh well I keep looking and checking here. I'll post it if I find it.


02-15-2006, 07:21 PM
I just signed up for it, my company anyways.... we should be up and running w/ it in a week or so. If i have a copy ill post it as well.


02-15-2006, 07:51 PM
U will B da man then!! :D

02-25-2006, 12:31 PM
Ah ha !!! I figured it out. I had to "log out" of mComet on my old phone and it displayed me accot# and my ser ID. I then xfr the sim over 2 the new phone, d/l mComet to the phone again. Installed it and entered the acct. and user id when it asked for it and vvwaa la. Been working 4 a few days now as I wanted 2 make sure it reported back correctly. :yahoo:

02-25-2006, 01:25 PM
im supprised that your company hasent hit u up about the 730.. that thing dont track for crap.... i Have 3 of those things on commet and for some reason they dont track worth a dam...could be my dickheads loggin out too... who knows.. Alot of my employees are pissed now that we have comet though.. its kinda funny, now they have to do there job instead of hanging out for a 2 hour lunch at the beach... cant say i blame them though...