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PPC Serial Codes Thousands
I seem to have hundereds of PPC serial codes thought id share them... Most are just copied out of txt files or websites
PocketGB All versions: User: GadgetMania Code: 8076 Rumored s/n Battery Monitor KEY57496213 A Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps ART smARTwriter PLUS Name: Al Sejcek number: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1 : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7695575996874629 B BnK HTML Edit 2.12 s/n : #DESFAV45-411 Bsquare SpreadSheet (?) : s/n : BSS-010032-7821-PEN bsquare chat : s/n : 040-740020 bMOBILE Chat: s/n : 040-740020 bPRINT: 040-740020 bESSENTIAL Utilities v1.0 : s/n: 040-740020 bUSEFUL Utilities v1.1 : s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN (works) bUSEFUL Utilities V2.0 : s/n: BUP-001013-9199-IEN (works) bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020 BSquare BFax Pro V5.0 : s/n BFP-100026-4682-IEN (works) bMobile News 3.0: s/n: 015-056699 Backgammon v1.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01 : Name : w w Serial Number : 0255501956775629 BFM Casino v2.0 : FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man s/n: 2861 Bubblet 1.0 : af100523 , Any username will work (works) Bubblet 1.1.0 for Pocket PC : af100523 Bugme CE v3.1 : s/n: 01291626 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1 : s/n: B8492448 os?) Bugme CE v3.1 : s/n: 01291626 C CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CaribbeanPoker :Name:AlSejcek s/n:4487766966791929 Caribbenpoker : Name Pdazone pdazone s/n:8685565996794629 Cambridge vxWeb s/n= Albert Wdowiak; 62883413 CEBall: v1.0 only : s/n:JCB10-000AAD-0003 CHECKLIST 1.3 : s/n: vigour Chess :Name:bobbob s/n:4455786966771929 CHINESE CHECKERS v1.2 : s/n: 24680 Christopher Han : s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH : 277-4571-1649 Conversions in hand 1.25 : 277-4571-1649 CommandCE :s/n:112000763 or s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN CoolCalc 3.0 : RCCP940542127N1-1078 CrosswordPackv1 : *s/n:120-2152021016-04 D DiaryGizmo : 09kj-12sj-3471 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm Display Colors: windowce@hotmail.com; 197925 Digital I Ching : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8842857979176025 DocSafe Prof Export Version : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557425976879029 Documents To Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) E EncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 eWallet v1.0 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8841867979196025 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 F Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000073-9BWMBJ9 Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 G GroceryGizmo : cn3j-kd7gh-sj3 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm GrundleSoftware PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : Name: tony@softcomca.com S/N : 181762 *working as of 18/8/00* Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Display Colors : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GameBreak : Name: bob bob s/n: 3405796966771929 GameTrio : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9606585996704629 H Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 HPC Netprofile v1.2 : s/n: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes v1.3 : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03 : s/n: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01 : 9805-0200-81916236 (get at www.hpcmag.com under downloads as they have old files) HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro and Lite versions : 9912-PRO3-00344155 (works) HPC Spell v2.2 : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.3 (2.315.1015) : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 Harmony 97 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9870847979146027 Hum Mp3 Player : Name : register s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Hum Mp3 Player 1.62+ : KAGI-32631465-7A28A74B86B75F5E I Internet Force : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5592495976749029 Internet Force : Name: Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9692555996744629 IRC CE : Type "/register jstpenfxrx" without the quotes Ibrowser Plus (+) name: Glenn Wiggins s/n:NHEG13K71203 Intellisync 3.6 (wince and palmpilot) : s/n : 613543 J Jot v2.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 3455796966791929 Jimmy's BigFoot : User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy ralley ce: Name : bangbang S/n: fun4u Jimmy FireFrontier URL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/firefrontier login:ffuser password:tankbattle Jimmy SpaceFighter : URL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/SpacefighterCE login : sfuser password: galaga2 Jimmy Boyan Crystal : URL: http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/Crystal login: crystal password: ballburst L ListPro : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0T : name iCARUS s/n: 2392201 (works) Light Sabre IDE : Name Michael Tran s/n : CL4085256 (Not Light Sabre Explorer!) M Macromedia Generator 2.0 s/n: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 MARTIANS : s/n: 0000451-BBV2F2H MARTIANS UPDATE : User : Tetard S/N : 0000242-VXHMTCL MediaWallet : s/n : RMW940541321N1-1023 (works on latest feb 2 2000 release) Message Master 1.1: s/n : 4047-4882-3366 http://www.derdack.com/products/force.html Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack : s/n: 111-1111111 : v1.0 Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack 2 : s/n: 4653540603 milles bornes : name: Kevin C. Maughan s/n : 49EBF5EA (works) N N for None yet O One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: 3MYQK-AU0031040 P PALM COLUMNS : s/n: (2MAGIZ PalmGB v1010 wince@software.com 12364 Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB 2.0 : User = oneforgivn@aol.com Reg. Code: 12298 PALM REDIRECTOR 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 PALMCORD 1.1 : s/n: a440 PalmPlayer Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 PalmRemote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 (works) PARENS 1.3 : Name: Rishi Bagga s/n: 34598 PalmHelmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Pocket Dos V1.02.0 : s/n : KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH (Might not work) PocketC : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket Player from conduits 1.21 : Christopher Han / 17438-946868365-21019-9 Pocket Dictionary : s/n 77thw54 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Pdazone 6041206 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 POCKET ABACUS 1.0b : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60719030 Pocket Quicken Name: 11264334 Pocket Quicken : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 PocketSwap , GrundleSoftware : Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com s/n 251364 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 PILCHART : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 Primer PDF reader : 1000702 PTravelAlaram s/n : 278-3965-1190 Q Quest CE Registration : 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : s/n: 849374 (works) get it at http://www.kpoole.com/ Quick Budget v1.51: S/N: qb300 Quicksheet 3.1 Pass to unzip: jump625 R RegEdit CE v2.5 : name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg s/n : 208942 Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you S SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 (works) Star Tap : User : Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 SHADOW THEIF 0.97 : Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 SABOTAGE : s/n: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 SKETCH PAD v2.0 s/n: 4617069416 SNOOZER v1.4: s/n: 129162 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 196924 SPACEFIGHTER : Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 200928 Small Talk v1.01 s/n= 1108015659 StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If it don't work, set your PDA clock to somewhere in Nov-1999 and try again. Sentry 2020 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 2020 User: coca Jean Code: D81B A34D A8F8 D214 T TED-TRIS 1.1 : s/n: 7367291045 THISWEEK 1.4 : s/n: y2k TUNING FORK 1.1 : s/n: 6905924416 V Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5564405976779029 W Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1 : s/n: 11111111111111 X XT-CE 2.43 only : Name: PDAUser s/n: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 (works) XWordCE v2.0 : s/n: 120-2152021016-04 Z ZSS Blackjack : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7655575996874629 ZSS Slot : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7656585996894629 ZSS Casino Pack I : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7657595996894629 ZSS Keno : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7658505996804629 ACTION NAMES 2.05: s/n: A#EJC-Y30AL-30&Z4-PILOTGEAR ACTIONEER 1.10: s/n: xqpr-7kcf-j8lh APORTIS MOBILE DOC 2.1 s/n: D6456021 ART smARTwriter PLUS : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5556405976799029 Backgammon v1.0 : Name: bob bob Code: 4455706966771929 bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020 BFM Casino 2.0 : First Name: WinCE Initial: W Last Name: Man Password: 2861 bPRINT : s/n: 040-740020 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1: s/n: B8492448 Bugme CE 3.1 : s/n: 01291626 bUSEFUL Utilities v1.1 : s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN Calcy Force : Name: dsfd sg Code: 9850867979976025 Caribbean Poker :Al Sejcek 4487766966791929 CEBall : JCB10-000AAD-0003 CHECKLIST 1.3: s/n: vigour Chess : Name: bob bob Code: 4455786966771929 CHINESE CHECKERS: 1.2 s/n: 24680 Command CE : s/n: 112000763 CoolCalc 3.0: RCCP940542127N1-1078 Digital I Ching : Name: dsfg sg Code: 8842857979176025 DISPLAY COLORS Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 197925 DocSafe Prof Export Version : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5557425976879029 DRAG & DROP HACK 2.2.0: s/n: DRDPH000 EncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5568445976779029 eWallett v1.0 : Name: dsfg sg Code: 8841867979196025 Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV GameBreak : Name: bob bob Code: 3405796966771929 Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet - windowce@hotmail.com;200928 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE Registration code- windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GrundleSoftware PocketSwap- sexotic_comic@hotmail.com;251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE- winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware Display Colors- windowce@hotmail.com;196924 HANDMAIL: s/n: 013034-05491-0-42273 HANDPHONE 1.1 s/n: 061114-13349-0-24180 Harmony 97 : Name: dsfg sg Code: 9870847979146027 HPC Netprofile v1.2 : 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Spell v2.2 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Notes v1.3 : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 6546415976779029 H/pc Notes 2.03 : s/n 9805-0200-81916236 Internet Force : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5592495976749029 IRC CE : Type "/register jstpenfxrx" without the quotes. Jimmy's BigFoot: User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jisen Information System's CEBall -JCB10-000AAD-0003 Jot v2.0 : Name: bob bob Code: 3455796966791929 llium ListPro : Name: dsfg sg Code: 7841897979146020 MARTIANS s/n: 0000451-BBV2F2H Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack : s/n: 4653540603 PALM COLUMNS s/n: (;)2MAGIZ PALMCORD 1.1 s/n: a440 Palm GB : Name wince@software.com s/n: 12364 or Name=gquan@msn.com s/n:=8479 Palmplayer : Username=karl@weckstrom.com Password=02686-027466122 or Name: Christopher Han s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9 PALM REDIRECTOR 2.01 s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 PARENS 1.3 Name: Rishi Bagga s/n: 34598 PILCHART Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5507435976779029 POCKET ABACUS 1.0b Name: Pdazone s/n: 60719030 PocketC : Name: pocketc hpc Code: 809657344 Pocket BizCalc : Al Sejcek 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com 251364 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 POCKET QUICKEN s/n: 11264334 Quest CE : s/n: 770613 or s/n: 849374 QUICKBUDGET 1.51 s/n: qb300 RALLY CE Name: bangbang s/n: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97- dsfg sg;9870847979146027 RedEdit CE v2.5 : Name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg Code: 208942 SABOTAGE s/n: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 SHADOW THEIF 0.97 Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com Code: 196924 SPACEFIGHTER Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com Code: 200928 SysInfo : s/n: 120-2012020976-01 TED-TRIS 1.1 s/n: 7367291045 THISWEEK 1.4 s/n: y2k TUNING FORK 1.1 s/n: 6905924416 Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player : Name: Highly Illegal Company: Serials '99 s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg Code: 9860867976776029 or Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5564405976779029 Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1 :11111111111111 XT-CE Name: PDAUser s/n: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 XWordCE 2.0 : s/n: 120-2152021016-04 Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet windowce@hotmail.com; 200928 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE windowce@hotmail.com; 196924 Light Sabre IDE Name: PDAZone Serial: CL3799901 bPRINT reg number= 040-740020 bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020 The only serial I have seen for Remind Me is: REMP940542127N1-1090 This serial works on any version prior to 1.1 which unfortunatly I don't have any longer. Try HPC Notes Professional 3.05 and register it with 9912-PRO3-00344155 I knoow it's not the same thing but I use it instead. Remindme REMP940542127N1-1090 CoolCalc RCKP940542127N1-1086 ===========//=========== A Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps Action Names 2.05 s/n= A#EJC-Y30AL-30&Z4-PILOTGEAR Actioneer 1.10: S/N: xqpr-7kcf-j8lh Aportis Mobile DOC 2.1 s/n= D6456021 ART smARTwriter PLUS: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7695575996874629 B bEssential Utilities v1.0: S/N: 040-740020 bFAX Pro: S/N: 040-740020 bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bPRINT: S/N: 040-740020 bProductive: S/N: 040-740020 bSquare BFax Pro V5.0: S/N: BFP-100026-4682-IEN bSquare bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bSquare chat: S/N: 040-740020 bSquare SpreadSheet: S/N: BSS-010032-7821-PEN bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: 040-740020 bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: BUP-000135-1387-HEN bUseful Utilities v2.0: S/N: BUP-001013-9199-IEN Backgammon v1.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01: Name: w w S/N:: 0255501956775629 iBFM Casino v2.0: FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man S/N: 2861 Bubblet 1.0: S/N: af100523 / PDAZone BugMe 2.61: S/N: europa Bugme CE v3.1: S/N: 01291626 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1 : s/n: B8492448 (palm os?) BrainForest Mobile 2.1 s/n= B8492448 C CalcyForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9850867979976025 Cambridge vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 Caribbean Poker: Name: AlSejcek S/N: 4487766966791929 Caribbean Poker: Name: Pdazone pdazone S/N: 8685565996794629 CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Chess: Name: bobbob S/N: 4455786966771929 Chinese Checkers v1.2: S/N: 24680 Christopher Han: S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CommandCE: S/N: 112000763 Conversions in hand 1.25: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CoolCalc v3.0: S/N: RCCP940542127N1-1078 Crossword Pack v1.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CheckList 1.3 s/n= vigour D Digital I Ching: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8842857979176025 DocSafe Prof Export Version: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557425976879029 Desktop2Go 2.503 Reg. Num. - 4016040-9305 Display Colors: windowce@hotmail.com S/N: 196924 Documents2Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) Drag & Drop Hack v2.0: S/N: DRDPH000 E EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 eWallet v1.0: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 8841867979196025 eWallett v1.0: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8841867979196025 EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) ncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 F Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 FindForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres: S/N: 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV G GameBreak: Name: bob bob S/N: 3405796966771929 GameTrio: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9606585996704629 Grundlesoftware Display Colors : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GrundleSoftware PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 H HandPhone 1.1: S/N: 06111413349-0-24180 Harmony 97: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9870847979146027 HPC Netprofile v1.2: S/N: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes v1.3: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro & Lite: S/N: 9912-PRO3-00344155 HPC Spell v2.2 & v2.3: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.315.1015: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D HandFax 1.04 s/n= 0310-0111704-61792 HandMail 2.0 s/n= 013034-05491-0-42273 Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 I Ibrowser Plus (+): Name: Glenn Wiggins S/N: NHEG13K71203 Ilium ListPro: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 7841897979146020 Intellisync 3.6: S/N: 613543 Internet Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5592495976749029 Internet Force: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9692555996744629 IRC CE: /register jstpenfxrx J Jimmy's BigFoot: User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy's Ralley CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Jisen Information System's CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Jot v2.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 3455796966791929 K Nothing Here Yet! L ListPro by llium: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0T: Name: iCARUS S/N: 2392201 M Martians: S/N: 0000451-BBV2F2H MediaWallet: S/N: RMW940541321N1-1023 Message Master 1.1: S/N: 4047-4882-3366 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v1.0: S/N: 111-1111111 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v 2.0: S/N: 465-3540603 Milles bornes: Name: Kevin C. Maughan S/N: 49EBF5EA MovSoftware's IrcCE: /register Jstpenfxrx Macromedia Generator v2.0: S/N: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 N NSBasic v2.10a: S/N: 3000003 O One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: PDAZone S/N: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: http://www.onemanandacat.com/ P Palm GB v1010: Name: gquan@msn.com S/N: 8479 Palm GB v1010: Name: wince@software.com S/N: 12364 Palm GB v 2.0 : Name: oneforgivn@aol.com S/N: 12298 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2: S/N: 599M86VC02 Pocket Artist 1.14: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket C v1.0: Name: pocketc hpc S/N: 809657344 Pocket C v2.0: Name: FreddyZaz S/N: 760379904 Pocket Dictionary: Name: dictionary S/N: 77thw54 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken: S/N: 11264334 Pocket Quicken: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 PhoneTone: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5507435976779029 Power Time: S/N: 704-318-090 Primer PDF reader: S/N: 1000702 PTravel Alarm: S/N: 278-3965-1190 Palm Chord 1.1 s/n= a440 Palm Columns : s/n: (;)2MAGIZ Palm Columns s/n= ;2MAGIZ Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB v1010 : Name: wince@software.com s/n: 12364 Palm Helmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ Palm Player Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 Palm Player Name: Christopher Han S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 Palm Redirector 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 (works) Pocket Abacus v1.0b: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60719030 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: name: andy poes / 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Swap , GrundleSoftware, Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Pocket C : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60412016 Pocket Dictionary : name : dictionary s/n:77thw54 (all lowercase) Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken Name: 11264334 Pocket Quicken : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Web site : http://www.onthegosoftware.com/products/pq.htm 2.1 upgrade can be downloaded from: http://www.onthegosoftware.com/support/updates.htm Pocket Swap , GrundleSoftware, Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Parens 1.3 s/n= Rishi Bagga/34598 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 Pilchart : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo PopUpCalculator 0.95 s/n= BadToast/10210 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 Primer PDF reader : 1.07 www.ansyr.com (freeware now) Primer PDF reader : 1000702 PTravelAlaram s/n : 278-3965-1190 Q Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE: S/N: 849374 Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE v3.2a: S/N: 849374 Quest CE Registration : 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : s/n: 849374 (works) get it at http://www.kpoole.com/ Quick Budget v1.51: S/N: qb300 Quicksheet 3.1 Pass to unzip: jump625 Quest CE vnull : s/n: 849374 Quest CE s/n= 770613 R Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9870847979146027 RegEdit CE v2.5 : name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg s/n : 208942 Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97 s/n= Al Sejcek; 9870847979146027 Reg. Nr.: 72033693 S Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine: S/N: 0000001-T8051V0 Sentry 20/20: Name 1337 inc. S/N: FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Small Talk v1.01: S/N: 1108015659 Snoozer v1.4: S/N: 129162 Spacefighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Star Tap: User: Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 Sentry 20/20 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Shadow Theif 0.97 : Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 SketchPad v2.0: S/N: 4617069416 Small Talk v1.01 s/n= 1108015659 Snoozer v1.4: S/N: 129162 Space Fighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 196924 Spacefighter : Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 Star Tap : User : Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If no work; set your PDA clock to 11/99 and try again. Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 200928 SysInfo : s/n: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 T Ted-Tris 1.1 : S/N: 7367291045 Thisweek 1.4 : S/N: Y2k Tuning Fork 1.1 : S/N: 6905924416 Time&Chaos 5.3.5 Sync s/n: airplane TipU v1.1 s/n: "evsoftbetter" U Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player : Name: Highly Illegal Company: Serials '99 S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D V Virtual Courier: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5564405976779029 vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 W Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1: S/N: 11111111111111 X XWordCE v2.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 XT-CE: 2.43: Control Panel\Owner: PDAUser S/N: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 Y Nothing Here Yet! Z ZSS Blackjack: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Slot: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Casino Pack I: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Keno: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 PdaNet Serial: 123 Auto Code: 9LTDEXVSE8X1 <-----================================================== =-----> WinCE Serials List version 2.2 (17/04/01) by |iCARUS| <-----================================================== =-----> A ALL APPLIAN Software: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 (Thanks Gadget) Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps ART smARTwriter PLUS Name: Al Sejcek number: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1 : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7695575996874629 B BnK HTML Edit 2.12 s/n : #DESFAV45-411 Bsquare SpreadSheet (?) : s/n : BSS-010032-7821-PEN bsquare chat : s/n : 040-740020 bMOBILE Chat: s/n : 040-740020 bPRINT: 040-740020 bESSENTIAL Utilities v1.0 : s/n: 040-740020 bUSEFUL Utilities v1.1 : s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN (works) bUSEFUL Utilities V2.0 : s/n: BUP-001013-9199-IEN (works) bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020 BSquare BFax Pro V5.0 : s/n BFP-100026-4682-IEN (works) bMobile News 3.0: s/n: 015-056699 Backgammon v1.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01 : Name : w w Serial Number : 0255501956775629 BFM Casino v2.0 : FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man s/n: 2861 Bubblet 1.0 : af100523 , Any username will work (works) Bubblet 1.1.0 for Pocket PC : af100523 Bugme CE v3.1 : s/n: 01291626 C CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CaribbeanPoker :Name:AlSejcek s/n:4487766966791929 Caribbenpoker : Name Pdazone pdazone s/n:8685565996794629 CEBall: v1.0 only : s/n:JCB10-000AAD-0003 CHECKLIST 1.3 : s/n: vigour Chess :Name:bobbob s/n:4455786966771929 CHINESE CHECKERS v1.2 : s/n: 24680 Christopher Han : s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH : 277-4571-1649 Conversions in hand 1.25 : 277-4571-1649 CommandCE :s/n:112000763 or s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN CoolCalc 3.0 : RCCP940542127N1-1078 CrosswordPackv1 : *s/n:120-2152021016-04 CETUNER: EN40-105708195-04669 D DiaryGizmo : 09kj-12sj-3471 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm Display Colors: windowce@hotmail.com; 197925 Digital I Ching : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8842857979176025 DocSafe Prof Export Version : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557425976879029 Documents To Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) E EncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 eWallet v1.0 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8841867979196025 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 F Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000073-9BWMBJ9 or 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 G GroceryGizmo : cn3j-kd7gh-sj3 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm GrundleSoftware PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : Name: tony@softcomca.com S/N : 181762 *working as of 18/8/00* Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Display Colors : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GameBreak : Name: bob bob s/n: 3405796966771929 GameTrio : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9606585996704629 H Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 HPC Netprofile v1.2 : s/n: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes v1.3 : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03 : s/n: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01 : 9805-0200-81916236 (get at www.hpcmag.com under downloads as they have old files) HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro and Lite versions : 9912-PRO3-00344155 (works) HPC Notes Pro 3.4 - 9912-pro3-00344155 HPC Spell v2.2 : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.3 (2.315.1015) : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 Harmony 97 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9870847979146027 Hum Mp3 Player : Name PDAZone : register s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Hum Mp3 Player 1.62+ : KAGI-32631465-7A28A74B86B75F5E I Internet Force : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5592495976749029 Internet Force : Name: Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9692555996744629 IRC CE : Type "/register jstpenfxrx" without the quotes Ibrowser Plus (+) name: Glenn Wiggins s/n:NHEG13K71203 Intellisync 3.6 (wince and palmpilot) : s/n : 613543 Intellisync 4.0 (Wince And Palm) : S/n : SALES01 J Jot v2.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 3455796966791929 Jimmy's BigFoot : User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy ralley ce: Name : bangbang S/n: fun4u Jimmy FireFrontier URL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/firefrontier login:ffuser password:tankbattle Jimmy SpaceFighter : URL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/SpacefighterCE login : sfuser password: galaga2 Jimmy Boyan Crystal : URL: http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/Crystal login: crystal password: ballburst Jisen Information System's CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 L ListPro : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0T : name iCARUS s/n: 2392201 (works) Light Sabre IDE : Name PDAZone Serial: CL3799901 Light Sabre Explorer : PDAZone Serial: KD2775439 M Macromedia Generator 2.0 s/n: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 MARTIANS : s/n: 0000451-BBV2F2H MARTIANS UPDATE : User : Tetard S/N : 0000242-VXHMTCL MediaWallet : s/n : RMW940541321N1-1023 (works on latest feb 2 2000 release) Message Master 1.1: s/n : 4047-4882-3366 http://www.derdack.com/products/force.html Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack : s/n: 111-1111111 : v1.0 Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack 2 : s/n: 4653540603 milles bornes : name: Kevin C. Maughan s/n : 49EBF5EA (works) multiie serial is email: gadgetmania / code: 3B97-07B24B37 MiniGolf = 3c1amsigo N N for None yet Smile O One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: D3MYQK-AU0031040 P PALM COLUMNS : s/n: (;)2MAGIZ PalmGB v1010 wince@software.com 12364 Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB 2.0 : User = oneforgivn@aol.com Reg. Code: 12298 PALM REDIRECTOR 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 PALMCORD 1.1 : s/n: a440 PalmPlayer Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 PalmRemote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 or 233J39GP7 Use the softkeyboards RETURN key (works) PARENS 1.3 : Name: Rishi Bagga s/n: 34598 PalmHelmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Pocket Dos V1.02.0 : s/n : KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH (Might not work) Pocket C 1.x : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket Player from conduits 1.21 : Christopher Han / 17438-946868365-21019-9 Pocket Dictionary : Name: dictionary s/n 77thw54 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Pdazone 6041206 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 POCKET ABACUS 1.0b : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60719030 Pocket Quicken Name: 11264334 Pocket Quicken : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 PocketSwap , GrundleSoftware : Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com s/n 251364 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 PILCHART : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 Primer PDF reader : 1000702 primer : ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 : EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE PTravelAlaram s/n : 278-3965-1190 Pocket Organizer : ZAW711*BK-227 PocketLock 1.30+ : SN: RPL971167832N1-1030 PocketGB All versions: User: GadgetMania Code: 8076 (Thanks Gadget!) Q Quest CE Registration : 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : s/n: 849374 (works) get it at http://www.kpoole.com/ Quick Budget v1.51: S/N: qb300 Quicksheet 3.1 Pass to unzip: jump625 R RegEdit CE v2.5 : name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg s/n : 208942 Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you S SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 (works) Star Tap : User : Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 SHADOW THEIF 0.97 : Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 SABOTAGE : s/n: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 SKETCH PAD v2.0 s/n: 4617069416 SNOOZER v1.4: s/n: 129162 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 196924 SPACEFIGHTER : Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 200928 Small Talk v1.01 s/n= 1108015659 StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If it don't work, set your PDA clock to somewhere in Nov-1999 and try again. Sentry 2020 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 2020 User: coca Jean Code: D81B A34D A8F8 D214 T TED-TRIS 1.1 : s/n: 7367291045 THISWEEK 1.4 : s/n: y2k TUNING FORK 1.1 : s/n: 6905924416 V Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5564405976779029 W Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1 : s/n: 11111111111111 Winphone: Licence: 100143 - 1331 - 0127 Serial: 100144 1341 0146 X XT-CE 2.43 only : Name: PDAUser s/n: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 (works) XWordCE v2.0 : s/n: 120-2152021016-04 Z ZioGolf 1.2: S/N: ZIGF1WPPC12DRE0000555 ZSS Blackjack : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7655575996874629 ZSS Slot : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7656585996894629 ZSS Casino Pack I : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7657595996894629 ZSS Keno : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7658505996804629 ================================================== ===================== | *History* | *Version* | *Whats new* | ================================================== ===================== 30/04/01 2.4 Winphone 25/04/01 2.3 Multi-ie Miniture Golf 17/04/01 2.2 All Applian Software PocketGB 01/04/01 2.1 CETUNER 14/08/00 2.0 Pocket Player from Conduits (thanks Jontelofo) New code for FunkySpheres 11/08/00 1.9 *removed* Jimmy Ark as they have changed login codes 07/08/00 1.8 GroceryGizmo DiaryGizmo BnK HTML Edit 2.12 23/06/00 1.7 Jimmy Games direct download Passwords and logons (get em while they are hot!) these logins seem to work for updates too! SUPER SPECIAL THANKS TO Makaveli of PDANET.NET Razz 07/06/00 1.6 Message Master 1.1 (thanks |ales| I've been looking for this for ages!) Light Sabre IDE (only for nokia mobile phones) 23/05/00 1.5 Pocket DOS 1.02 Bubblet 1.1.0 for Pocket PC (thanks goes to Makaveli for info) 17/05/00 1.4 Hum Mp3 player 1.62 (its now freeware) http://www.utopiasoft.com/ 24/04/00 1.3 Pocket Dictionary 12/04/00 1.2 iBrowser + 28/03/00 1.1 Sentry 2020 (thanks Zi) ZSS Blackjack ZSS Slot ZSS Casino Pack I ZSS Keno removed a few things that might be PalmOS 27/03/00 1.0 StarBucks (might not work) PTravelAlaram (thanks Rainx) ================================================== ===================== *Keys* (works) means it works for me *Final notes* If you have any serials PLEASE email me at icarus@clubicky.iwarp.com so i can add it.This list is released under the *GPL* license, you can do whatever you want with it even change the name etc. Latest copy of this list can always been found at: http://www.ceserials.com Don't forget to join the newsletter! http://www.cewarez.com <- damn good site! |
Re: PPC Serial Codes Thousands
5Account R2.4 Name = Registered User Code = 5ELYVOWLEHYBTLE 5Talk 1.01 Code = AQ090671 5Time 3.2 Name = Registered User Code = WSXAKLRXSXFACQXS 5Xpence 3.9 Name = Registered User Code = RJIVOFCIJIBV_DIJ Action Names 2.05 s/n= A#EJC-Y30AL-30&Z4-PILOTGEAR ACTIONEER 1.10: s/n: xqpr-7kcf-j8lh Activation Key : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F Activation Key: A847-3D80KKQCCE7F Address Beam 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 227-882-415 Agenda Plus 0.92.2 Name = Registered User Code = 4473684 ALL APPLIAN Software: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 (Thanks Gadget) All In One V2 Code = reg2861 AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps Alter Net 1.00 Code = #W81206152 AnaeLog 1.77 Name = Registered User Code = 12666 Ansyr Primer: ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 No.EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE Aportis Mobile DOC 2.1: D6456021 Aportis Mobile DOC v2.1 : D6456021 APPLIAN Dial-A-Matic 3.11 : RDM940542127N1-1024 APPLIAN Picture Perfect 5.01: RPQU988070576N1G-1197 APPLIAN Picture Perfect: RPPP940542127N1-1104 APPLIAN PocketLock 1.30+: RPL971167832N1-1030 APPLIAN PocketLock 2.12 Applian RPL940542127N1-1020 or the Applians bundle serial APPLIAN PocketLock 2.12 Applian SIBQ940542227N1-1086 APPLIAN Remind Me 1.01:REMP940542127N1-1090 APPLIAN RemindMe 1.1:REM940542127N1-1010 APPLIAN RemindMe 2.0:SIBQ940542227N1-1086 APPLIAN Virtual Wallet 4.10 Applian: RVW940542127N1-1037 Applian's SIB : PktLk2.12RmdMe2Virt.Wlt4.11 : SIBQ940542227N1-1086 Art Cabinet 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = 172343440C ART smARTwriter PLUS : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7695575996874629 ArtSKey v1.1 : Pdazone Pdazone : 7695575996874629 ArtSKey1.1 Pdazone Pdazone7695575996874629 Assistant 1.98 Name = Registered User Code = 7URE=2a9D12@r Asteroid 2.0 Code = astdala12 Astroworld Numerology : PDAnet Key : 366-7173939051ENP Astroworld Numerology: Name: PDAnet Key : 366-7173939051ENP Backgammon v1.0 : bob bob : 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01 : w w : 0255501956775629 Backgammon V3 Code = abdfs Backgammon1.0 bob bob4455706966771929 Backgammon1.01 w w0255501956775629 Backlite + Plus V3 Name = Registered User Code = 100748 Bank Plus 1.00 Code = 678249 Battery Monitor 1.2: KEY57496213 Battery Monitor v.2 : KEY57496213 Battery Monitor1.2Solar KEY57496213 bEssential Utilities v1.0: S/N: 040-740020 BFax Pro v5.0 : BFP-100026-4682-IEN bFAX Pro: S/N: 040-740020 BFax Pro5.0BSquare BFP-100026-4682-IEN BFM Casino v2.0 : FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man s/n: 2861 BFM Casino v2.0 : WinCE -W -Man : 2861 BFM Casino2.0 WinCE -W -Man2861 BigFoot : bigfootusr : tkn9psv Biorhythms 1.2b Name = Registered User Code = 2355-8836-400013 Blackjack : Pdazone Pdazone : 7655575996874629 Blackjack ZSSPdazone Pdazone7655575996874629 BlackJack5 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = E65X0GP-D04Z1PL Blobs 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = 10EDB6B1A9 bMOBILE Chat: s/n : 040-740020 bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bMobile News v3.0 : 015-056699 bMobile News3.0 015-056699 BnK HTML Edit 2.12 s/n : #DESFAV45-411 BnK HTML Edit v2.12 : #DESFAV45-411 BnK HTML Edit2.12 s/n : #DESFAV45-411 Book Cabinet 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = 172343440C Boyan Crystal : login : crystal : password : ballburst bPRINT : s/n: 040-740020 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 bPRINT reg number= 040-740020 bPRINT: 040-740020 bPRINT: S/N: 040-740020 bProductive: S/N: 040-740020 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1 : s/n: B8492448 (palm os?) BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1 : s/n: B8492448 os?) BrainForest Mobile 2.1 s/n= B8492448 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1: s/n: B8492448 Bricks Name = Registered Version Code = 3FA36E73FC bSquare bEssential Utilities v1.0 : 040-740020 bSquare bEssential Utilities1.0 040-740020 bSquare bFax Pro : 040-740020 bSquare bFax Pro 040-740020 BSquare BFax Pro V5.0 : s/n BFP-100026-4682-IEN (works) bSquare BFax Pro V5.0: S/N: BFP-100026-4682-IEN bSquare bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bSquare bPrint : 040-740020 bSquare bPrint 040-740020 bSquare bProductive : 040-740020 bSquare bProductive 040-740020 bSquare bUseful Utilities v1.1 : BUP-000135-1387-HEN bSquare bUseful Utilities1.1 BUP-000135-1387-HEN bsquare chat : s/n : 040-740020 bSquare Chat 040-740020 bSquare Chat v1.1 : 040-740020 bSquare chat: S/N: 040-740020 Bsquare SpreadSheet (?) : s/n : BSS-010032-7821-PEN bSquare SpreadSheet : BSS-010032-7821-PEN bSquare SpreadSheet BSS-010032-7821-PEN bSquare SpreadSheet: S/N: BSS-010032-7821-PEN Bubblet 1.0 : af100523 , Any username will work (works) Bubblet 1.0: S/N: af100523 / PDAZone Bubblet 1.1.0 for Pocket PC : af100523 Bubblet v1.1 : af100523 Bubblet1.1 af100523 BugMe ! v1.0 : 01291626 BugMe !1.0Electric Pocket 01291626 BugMe 2.61: S/N: europa Bugme CE v3.1: 01291626 BugMe v2.61 : europa BugMe2.61 europa bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: 040-740020 bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: BUP-000135-1387-HEN bUSEFUL Utilities2.0: BUP-001013-9199-IEN Business 5 1.0b Name = Registered User Code = 240652 Business Warior 2.0 Name = Registered User Code = 160512 Busy View 2.20 Name = Registered User Code = 70125904 BVPR Pocket Theme Manager: Last name: TaMaMBoLo First name: bLACK sQUADRON/EPSiLON/PARADOX Licence number: 392800-4301-137d Calcy Force : Name: dsfd sg Code: 9850867979976025 CalcyForce : dsfdsg : 9850867979976025 CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CalcyForce dsfdsg9850867979976025 CalcyForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9850867979976025 CallCalc 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 3675375 Calorie Watch 2.0 Name = Registered User Code = 266-592-836 Cambridge vxWeb : Albert Wdowiak : 62883413 Cambridge vxWeb Albert Wdowiak62883413 Cambridge vxWeb s/n= Albert Wdowiak; 62883413 Cambridge vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 Caribbean Poker :Al Sejcek 4487766966791929 Caribbean Poker: Name: AlSejcek S/N: 4487766966791929 Caribbean Poker: Name: Pdazone pdazone S/N: 8685565996794629 CaribbeanPoker : AlSejcek : 4487766966791929 CaribbeanPoker :Name:AlSejcek s/n:4487766966791929 CaribbeanPoker AlSejcek4487766966791929 Caribbenpoker : Name Pdazone pdazone s/n:8685565996794629 Casino Pack I : Pdazone Pdazone : 7657595996894629 Casino Pack I ZSSPdazone Pdazone7657595996894629 Castle 2 Name = Registered Version Code = 43DF5F7386 Castle III 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = FA3A6B73D Caterpillar V1 Name = Registered User Code = agrm1869 CE Ball 1.0 JCB10-000AAD-0003 CE Ball v1.0 : JCB10-000AAD-0003 CE Tuner : EN40-105708195-04669 CE Tuner Paragon EN40-105708195-04669 CEBall : JCB10-000AAD-0003 CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 CEBall: v1.0 only : s/n:JCB10-000AAD-0003 Cefans/2BCE9828 CETuner v 1.0: EN40-105708195-04669 CETUNER: EN40-105708195-04669 Chain Reaction 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = 12ECB0B985 Chart Note 2.00 Name = Registered User Code = 90683305 CHECKLIST 1.3 : s/n: vigour CheckList 1.3 s/n= vigour CHECKLIST 1.3: s/n: vigour CheckList v1.3 : vigour CheckList1.3 vigour Chem Tools 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = ZYHQJVUILP Chess : bobbob : 4455786966771929 Chess : Name: bob bob Code: 4455786966771929 Chess :Name:bobbob s/n:4455786966771929 Chess bobbob4455786966771929 Chess: Name: bobbob S/N: 4455786966771929 Chinese Checkers1.2: 24680 Chopper Alley : rattanon chp : 4262516 Chopper Alley rattanon chp4262516 Chopper Alley: Username: rattanon chp S/N: 4262516 Christopher Han : s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9 Christopher Han: S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH : 277-4571-1649 CIH: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CNetX FlashFormat 1.2: CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98F CNetX HandyZip 1.71 : DXA7F 5IZ1R 655AO PMTFY CodRiver 1.10 Name = Registered User Code = XMESKW Columns 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = E20V4KTO Command CE : s/n: 112000763 CommandCE: 112000763 or s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN Company: Serials '99 Concept! 1.4 Name = Registered User Code = 8910 Conduits Pocket Player 1.21: Name= Christopher Han serial = 17438-946868365-21019-9 Contact Manager 4.00 Name = Registered User Code = 601988 Contact! Name = Registered User Code = IQ@NAa?LBJP2@M9E;s;:987m654325 Conversions in hand 1.25 : 277-4571-1649 Conversions in hand 1.25: S/N: 277-4571-1649 Conversions in Hand v1.25 : 277-4571-1649 Conversions in Hand1.25 277-4571-1649 CoolCalc 3.0 : RCCP940542127N1-1078 CoolCalc 3.0: RCCP940542127N1-1078 CoolCalc 3.15 : RCKP940542127N1-1086 CoolCalc 3.15s : RCK940542127N1-1006 CoolCalc 3.15s(January 2001): RCK940542127N1-1006 CoolCalc 3.15s: RCKP940542127N1-1086 CoolCalc RCKP940542127N1-1086 CoolCalc v3.0 : RCCP940542127N1-1078 CoolCalc v3.0: S/N: RCCP940542127N1-1078 CoolCalc v3.15 : RCKP940542127N1-1086 CoolCalc v3.15s : RCK940542127N1-1006 CrackShot 0.8b Name = Registered User Code = 2220 Cribbage 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = 20292 Crossword 0.99 Name = Registered User Code = 33249643 Crossword Pack v1.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 CrosswordPack v1.0 : CrosswordPack CrosswordPackv1 : *s/n:120-2152021016-04 CTimer 5.1b Name = Registered User Code = 2330112 DataFileManager 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = 594-138-716 Dcp 2.2c Name = Registered User Code = 162272 DCP 5.1 Name = Registered User Code = 48461 Demolition 1.02 Name = Registered User Code = 15738 Desktop 1.2 Name = Registered User Code = 10395 Desktop2Go 2.503 Reg. Num. - 4016040-9305 deVender 1.01 Name = Registered User Code = 342455584 DeVender 1.02 Name = Full Version Code = 761090240 Dial-A-Matic 3.11s: RDM940542127N1-1024 or applian Bundle serial Dial-A-Matic v3.11 : RDM940542127N1-1024 : Or applian Bundle serial Dial-A-Matic: RDMiCE-657 Diamonds 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 15535 DiaryGizmo : 09kj-12sj-3471 DiaryGizmo : 09kj-12sj-3471 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm DiaryGizmo 09kj-12sj-3471get at http://www.powergizmo.com/downloa Digital I Ching : dsfg sg : 8842857979176025 DISPLAY COLORS Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 197925 DocSafe Prof Export Version : Al Sejcek : 5557425976879029 Documents To Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) Documents2Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) Doodler 3.02y Name = Registered User Code = ow[znUVnnUT DRAG & DROP HACK 2.2.0: s/n: DRDPH000 Drag & Drop Hack v2.0: S/N: DRDPH000 Draughts 1.0 Code = fthrtd Draw5 1.01 Name = walter moss Code = 4a1a6a1x0 DstEdit 1.02 Name = Mitchell Mccain Code = cxTqZFmQlhUmfcZvGoKngNsRnyvvOK Dungeons 0.51(A1.1) Name = Registered User Code = 22275 EasyNote 2.0 Name = Registered User Code = 4455 EBook 2.1 Code = XM35542165 Ebook 2.1: XM35774474 Empire 2.5 Code = mon290 EncloseIt : Al Sejcek : 5568445976779029 EncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5568445976779029 EncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 Encrypt-It! 2.1 Name = SPIKE Code = CsP#138652E!s@12 Euro Calculator 1.1 Name = Felix Code = 355-032-408 EVEdit : evedit001998 EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 EVEdit1.6 evedit001998 eWallet 2.0.4(Desktop): Name: My Friend; Code: 068756 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) eWallet v1.0 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8841867979196025 eWallet v1.0: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 8841867979196025 eWallet v2.0.4 : My Friend : 068756 eWallet v2.0t : icarus : 671886 EWallet2.0t icarus671886DesktopVersion eWallett v1.0 : Name: dsfg sg Code: 8841867979196025 eWallett v1.0: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8841867979196025 Exchange 5.0c Name = user 163 Code = 1141314 ExtraBars 1.10f Name = Registered User Code = 91972 Fax 2.0 Code = 217470551 Ferret 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = ZGHrN-szwPWLbehv2QK File Explorer3.40RescoName : David Spiegel File Explorer3.5Rescodarkfire1@yandex.ru2926308381 Financial Consultant : Al Sejcek : 5566435976779029 Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5566435976779029 Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 Financial Consultant Al Sejcek5566435976779029 Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Al Sejcek : 5594405976799029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5594405976799029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 FindForce Al Sejcek5594405976799029 FindForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 FireFrontier : login : ffuser : password : tankbattle FireFrontierJimmy login:ffuserpassword:tankbattleURL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Downloa Flash Format(CNetX) 1.2: CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98F Flashback 1.0b Name = Registered User Code = CsP#553963Fqr&78 FlashFormat v1.2 : CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98F FlashFormat1.2CNetx CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98F FlyTERM 1.07 Name = Registered User Code = iVTRHGVIVWUfHVIT Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Foreign Exchange 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 373-403-185 Freecell 2.07 Name = Registered User Code = 2145 Friend Indeed 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 718-638-364 Funky Spheres : 0000073-9BWMBJ9 : 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000073-9BWMBJ9 Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000073-9BWMBJ9 or 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV Funky Spheres 0000073-9BWMBJ9 or ....0000001-JZVJ5ZHV Funky Spheres: S/N: 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV GameBreak : bob bob : 3405796966771929 GameBreak : Name: bob bob Code: 3405796966771929 GameBreak : Name: bob bob s/n: 3405796966771929 GameBreak bob bob3405796966771929 GameBreak: Name: bob bob S/N: 3405796966771929 GameTrio : Pdazone Pdazone : 9606585996704629 GameTrio: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9606585996704629 Gemtile 1.0 Code = 05701182 Globe 1.0: KEY75469021 Golfcard 5.04 Code = 2802 Grapher 1.35 Name = Registered User Code = OQHGSZQTICOOBL GreenPages 1.05 Name = SPIKE Code = #WRHNEI12 GroceryGizmo : cn3j-kd7gh-sj3 GroceryGizmo : cn3j-kd7gh-sj3 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm GrundleDisplay Colors windowce@hotmail.com196924 Grundlesoftware Display Colors- windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GrundleSoftware PocketSwap: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com;251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : Name: tony@softcomca.com S/N : 181762 *working as of 18/8/00* Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE 2.6: tony@softcomca.com : 181762 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE- winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE Registration code- windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE windowce@hotmail.com; 196924 Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 H/pc Notes 2.03 : s/n 9805-0200-81916236 HANDANGO CUSTOMERLY5E-2SHL-J2RZ-KSAE HandFax 1.04 s/n= 0310-0111704-61792 Handmail : 013034-05491-0-42273 Handmail 013034-05491-0-42273 HandMail 2.0 s/n= 013034-05491-0-42273 Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HANDMAIL: s/n: 013034-05491-0-42273 HANDPHONE 1.1 s/n: 061114-13349-0-24180 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandPhone 1.1: S/N: 06111413349-0-24180 HandPhone v1.1 : 06111413349-0-24180 HandPhone1.1 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb : 2.02 : 042024-05156-0-00001 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 HandWeb2.02 042024-05156-0-00001 HandyZip 1.7 DXA7F 5IZ1R 655AO PMTFY HandyZip v 1.51: DXA7F 5IZ1R 6MQAO IHRDD HandyZip v 1.71 : DXA7F 5IZ1R 655AO PMTFY HandyZip v1.51 : DXA7F 5IZ1R 6MQAO IHRDD HandyZip v1.71 : DXA7F 5IZ1R 655AO PMTFY HandyZip1.71 DXA7F 5IZ1R 655AO PMTFY Hangman 1.2 Code = 914lexie Harmony 97 : dsfg sg : 9870847979146027 Harmony 97 : Name: dsfg sg Code: 9870847979146027 Harmony 97 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9870847979146027 Harmony 97 dsfg sg9870847979146027 Harmony 97: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9870847979146027 Haunted House 2 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 480.097.5027 Hearts 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = 23070 HexEditor 2.5.0 Name = Registered User Code = HAIEDIB HPC Netprofile v1.2: S/N: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes Pro 3.4 - 9912-pro3-00344155 HPC Notes PRO v3.07 : 9912-PRO3-00344155 HPC Notes PRO3.07 9912-PRO3-00344155 HPC Notes v1.3: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro & Lite: S/N: 9912-PRO3-00344155 HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro and Lite versions : 9912-PRO3-00344155 (works) HPC NOTES V3.07 Pro: 9912-PRO3-00344155 (works) HPC Spell v2.2 & v2.3: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.2 : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.2 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.3 (2.315.1015) : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.315.1015: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.5 : 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.5 : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HTMLConv 1.01 Name = Registered User Code = 177330419H Hum Mp3 Player : Name : register s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Hum Mp3 Player : Name PDAZone : register s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Hum Mp3 Player 1.62+ : KAGI-32631465-7A28A74B86B75F5E HUM MP3 Player v1.62 : KAGI-32631465-7A28A74B86B75F5E Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D HUM MP3 Player1.62 KAGI-32631465-7A28A74B86B75F5E I Ching 1.01 Name = Registered User Code = 4677750 IA Album v1.0 : b2k@hotmail.com : 10702 iBFM Casino v2.0: FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man S/N: 2861 Ibrowser Plus (+) name: Glenn Wiggins s/n:NHEG13K71203 Ibrowser Plus (+): Name: Glenn Wiggins S/N: NHEG13K71203 Ibrowser Plus : Glenn Wiggins : NHEG13K71203 Ibrowser Plus Glenn WigginsNHEG13K71203 IceLog 1.3.0 Name = Registered Code = 23182 iGolf 1.1 4SZBXB44X4AC-1100231-0002011 or TS45XW44U4BB-1200231-0000972 iGolf 1.1: 4SZBXB44X4AC-1100231-0002011 or TS45XW44U4BB-1200231-0000972 IGolf TS45XW44U410-1200231-0001002 IGolf v1.1 : TS45XW44U410-1200231-0001002 : 4SZBXB44X4AC-1100231-0002011 Ilium ListPro: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 7841897979146020 Imperium 1.1 Code = clanxwen364 Imperium 1.5b Name = user 163 Code = user163_637 Insulin+ 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 235-217-649 Intellisync 3.6 (wince and palmpilot) : s/n : 613543 Intellisync 3.6: S/N: 613543 Intellisync 4.0 (Wince And Palm) : S/n : SALES01 Intellisync v4.0 : SALES01 : Wince+Palm Intellisync3.6 613543(wince and palmpilot) Intellisync4.0 S/n : SALES01Wince+Palm Internet Force : Al Sejcek : 5592495976749029 Internet Force : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5592495976749029 Internet Force : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5592495976749029 Internet Force : Name: Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9692555996744629 Internet Force Al Sejcek5592495976749029 Internet Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5592495976749029 Internet Force: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9692555996744629 Invaders 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = 107122500 Invasion 1.2 Name = Registered User Code = 62S/`6e7k-o4shoeh!Vndt Invoice Manager 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = 178356460I IRC 0.04a Name = Registered User Code = 1A82qW IRC CE : Type """"""""/register jstpenfxrx"""""""" without the quotes JetCet Print Pro v2.1 : 11111111111111 JetCet Print Pro2.1Westtek 11111111111111 Jimmy Boyan Crystal : URL: http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/Crystal login: crystal password: ballburst Jimmy Boyan Crystal login: crystal password: ballburst Jimmy FireFrontier URL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/firefrontier login:ffuser password:tankbattle Jimmy ralley ce: Name : bangbang S/n: fun4u Jimmy ralley ce: Name : bangbang S/n: fun4you Jimmy SpaceFighter : URL http://www.jimmysoftware.com/Download/SpacefighterCE login : sfuser password: galaga2 Jimmy's BigFoot : User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy's BigFoot Jimmybigfootusrtkn9psv Jimmy's BigFoot: User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy's Ralley CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Jisen Information System's CEBall -JCB10-000AAD-0003 Jisen Information System's CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Jot 2.0 bob bob3455796966791929 Jot v2.0 : bob bob : 3455796966791929 Jot v2.0 : Name: bob bob Code: 3455796966791929 Jot v2.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 3455796966791929 Jot v2.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 3455796966791929 JotPad 3.0 Name = Registered User Code = 273304 Jumpy! Plus 3.00 Name = Andy 61 Code = 938B-FF6C-CC40-FD10 Keepfit 1.0 Name = EPOCWAREZ Code = 514-294-560 Klax5 1.00 Name = Regit Code = G22V0PL> Light Sabre : Name Michael Tran s/n : CL4085256 Light Sabre Explorer : PDAZone : PDAZone Light Sabre Explorer : PDAZone Serial: KD2775439 Light Sabre Explorer PDAZonePDAZone Light Sabre IDE : Name Michael Tran s/n : CL4085256 (Not Light Sabre Explorer!) Light Sabre IDE : Name PDAZone Serial: CL3799901 Light Sabre IDE : PDAZone : CL3799901 Light Sabre IDE Name: PDAZone Serial: CL3799901 Light Sabre IDE PDAZoneCL3799901 LightBox 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 86331 LinkOnOff 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = 15780776 Lister 2.00b Name = Registered User Code = #?ya ListPro : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0.1T : Name = kazachkov s/n: 759877 ListPro 2.0T : name iCARUS s/n: 2392201 (works) ListPro 2.0T: Name: iCARUS S/N: 2392201 ListPro by llium: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 7841897979146020 ListPro v2.0.1T : kazachkov : 759877 LIstPro v2.0T : iCarus : 2392201 ListPro2.0.1TIlliumkazachkov759877 LIstPro2.0T iCarus2392201 llium ListPro : Name: dsfg sg Code: 7841897979146020 Lotto5 2.00 Name = Registered User Code = 8076801 Macromedia Generator 2.0 s/n: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 Macromedia Generator v2.0: S/N: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 Magic Keys 1.04 Name = Registered User Code = 27045327 Martians : 0000451-BBV2F2H MARTIANS : s/n: 0000451-BBV2F2H MARTIANS s/n: 0000451-BBV2F2H Martians Update : Tetard : 0000242-VXHMTCL MARTIANS UPDATE : User : Tetard S/N : 0000242-VXHMTCL Martians: S/N: 0000451-BBV2F2H MBMView 2.21 Name = Registered User Code = 22439166 MBMView 4 Name = Jonathan Code = 22407262 MediaWallet : RMW940541321N1-1023 MediaWallet : s/n : RMW940541321N1-1023 (works on latest feb 2 2000 release) MediaWallet RMW940541321N1-1023 MediaWallet: S/N: RMW940541321N1-1023 Menus5 1.7 Name = Registered User Code = TELNU[KYEE$]nq|_R Merlin 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = xwzusk{yzwpxx{{ Message Master 1.1 s/n : 4047-4882-3366 Message Master 1.1: s/n : 4047-4882-3366 Message Master 1.1: s/n : 4047-4882-3366 http://www.derdack.com/products/force.html Message Master 1.1: S/N: 4047-4882-3366 Message Master v1.1 : 4047-4882-3366 Messenger : BIM-000155-9710-IEN Messenger BIM-000155-9710-IEN MetaConvertor 3.1 : 281062-1403 Meter 1.01 Name = Fillip Code = wbyDPL Metro 3.2 Name = Registered Code = RX5G-L-/7000651 Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack : s/n: 111-1111111 : v1.0 Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack : s/n: 4653540603 Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack 2 : s/n: 4653540603 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v 2.0: S/N: 465-3540603 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v1.0: S/N: 111-1111111 Milles Bornes : Kevin C. Maughan : 49EBF5EA milles bornes : name: Kevin C. Maughan s/n : 49EBF5EA (works) Milles bornes: Name: Kevin C. Maughan S/N: 49EBF5EA Miniature Golf 1.01: 3c1amsigo or 3i1pmagq MiniatureGolf 3i1pmagqARM MiniatureGolf v1.1 : 3i1pmagq : 3c1amsigo MiniCalc 5.09a Name = Registered User Code = 52306 Registered User MiniGolf = 3c1amsigo MiniGolf 3c1amsigo MondoPondo ? MoneyMinder : EF16935733 MoneyMinder oopdreams EF16935733 Moneyminder: EF16935733 Monnaie 5.02 Name = Registered User Code = 36221 Registered User Montana 5 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = MSEVMOIK Mosaic 1.0 Code = 16652156 MovSoftware's IrcCE: /register Jstpenfxrx MultiIE : 1.1 : gadgetmania multiie serial is email: gadgetmania / code: 3B97-07B24B37 MultiIE: gadgetmania: 3B97-07B24B37 MultiIE: Name: gadgetmania S/N: 3B97-07B24B37 MultiIE1.1 gadgetmania3B97-07B24B37 Music Cabinet 2.4 Name = Unit M1 Code = 116352245C nArchive: Name:Jep - Code: 2.71652 nArhive 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = 2.882006 Naricssus 3.0 Name = Registered User Code = 2017 NavPro3 Name = Registered User Code = ~N91426190 ncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 nConvert 0.02 Name = Registered User Code = kzkgilxzfuvzk{t NewsReader 0.05a/fin Code = 3ccc39ml NewTELnet 1.00 Name = Registered User Code = 268452980 nFTP 1.10 Name = Registered User Code = D2emFLqm nICQ 1.22 Name = Registered User Code = Sj%Ty{fd'gtftqa Nothing Here Yet! NSBasic : 2.10a : 3000003 NSBasic v2.10a: S/N: 3000003 Nyditot Virtual Display 1.2 : NVD010501-122560-04928 Nyditot Visual Display v1.2 : NVD010501-122560-04928 Ocean 2.0 Name = Registered User Code = 4717584 Oedipus 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 64199 One Cat Doodler 3.0 D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: http://www.onemanandacat.com/ One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: 3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: PDAZone S/N: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler v3.0 : D3MYQK-AU0031040 Opera 3.62 Code = e-M6sxP-B3zAH-S5R7s-irWfX-RYsHv OPLPlus 1.12 Name = Registered User Code = eTRxfhPfSSKIFTB Othello 2.0 Name = Registered User Code = 074055626967 Pacs5 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 11101980Rr Palm Chord 1.1 s/n= a440 Palm Columns : s/n: (;)2MAGIZ PALM COLUMNS : s/n: (2MAGIZ PALM COLUMNS s/n: (;)2MAGIZ Palm Columns s/n= ;2MAGIZ Palm GB (for PocketPC): Name: GadgetMania s/n: 8076 Palm GB : Name wince@software.com s/n: 12364 or Name=gquan@msn.com s/n:=8479 Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB 2.0 : User = oneforgivn@aol.com Reg. Code: 12298 Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB v 2.0 : Name: oneforgivn@aol.com S/N: 12298 Palm GB v1010 : Name: wince@software.com s/n: 12364 Palm GB v1010: Name: gquan@msn.com S/N: 8479 Palm GB v1010: Name: wince@software.com S/N: 12364 Palm Helmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ Palm Player Name: Christopher Han S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 Palm Player Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 Palm Redirector 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 PALM REDIRECTOR 2.01 s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 (works) Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2: S/N: 599M86VC02 PALMCORD 1.1 : s/n: a440 PALMCORD 1.1 s/n: a440 PalmGB : GadgetMania : 8076 PalmGB v1010 wince@software.com 12364 PalmHelmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Palmplayer : Username=karl@weckstrom.com Password=02686-027466122 or Name: Christopher Han s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9 PalmPlayer Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 PalmRemote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 (works) PalmRemote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 or 233J39GP7 Use the softkeyboards RETURN key (works) PARENS 1.3 : Name: Rishi Bagga s/n: 34598 PARENS 1.3 Name: Rishi Bagga s/n: 34598 Parens 1.3 s/n= Rishi Bagga/34598 Parens v1.3 : Rishi Bagga : 34598 Pdf Primer 2.3 serial: PDF Primer v2.3 : HANDANGO CUSTOMER : LY5E-2SHL-J2RZ-KSAE PDF Primer2.3Ansyr PDF-Primer 2.3AnsyrANSYR CUSTOMERV23EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE PenPad 1.2 Code = 4791 Phoneman Pro Name = epocwarez Code = 94425818 PhoneTone : Al Sejcek : 5507435976779029 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5507435976779029 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 PhoneTone Al Sejcek5507435976779029 PhoneTone: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5507435976779029 Piano 2.61 Code = FUMF993Q Picture Perfect : RPPP940542127N1-1104 Picture Perfect 4.07s(March 6,2001) : RPP940542127N1-1024 Picture Perfect 5.01: RPQU988070576N1G-1197 Picture Perfect RPPP940542127N1-1104 Picture Perfect serial: RPPP940542127N1-1104 Picture Perfect V4.2 is RPPP940542127N1-1104 Picture Perfect v5.01 : RPQU988070576N1G-1197 : RPPP940542127N1-1104 Picture Perfect V5.02 is RPQU991857714N1H-1199 - You must first HEX edit the serial OUT of the EXE file Picture Perfect V5.1 is RPQU988070576N1G-1197 Picture Perfect5.01 RPQU988070576N1G-1197 Picture Viewer3.51RescoEmail: concertini@orgio.netS/N: 2878938290 PicturePerfect: RPP976700825N1-1034 Pilchart : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 PilChart : Pdazone : 60716032 PILCHART Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 PilChart Pdazone60716032 Plan5 5.6 Name = Registered User Code = o-9ipw7rB,MRazz-D Plan5 Code = oDGXbU Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Planetarium 1.8: serial = aPoLLo Planetarium v1.8 : aPoLLo POCKET ABACUS 1.0b : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60719030 POCKET ABACUS 1.0b Name: Pdazone s/n: 60719030 POCKET ABACUS v1.0b : Pdazone : 60719030 Pocket Abacus v1.0b: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60719030 POCKET ABACUS1.0b Pdazone60719030 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket Artist 1.14: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket Artist v1.14 : andy poes : 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: name: andy poes / 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket Artist1.14Conduitsandy poes59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc : Al Sejcek : 5557435976779029 Pocket BizCalc : Al Sejcek 5557435976779029 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 Pocket BizCalc Al Sejcek5557435976779029 Pocket BizCalc: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557435976779029 Pocket C : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 1.x : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 & 3.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket C 2.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket C v1.0: Name: pocketc hpc S/N: 809657344 Pocket C v2.0 : FreddyZaz : 760379904 Pocket C v2.0: Name: FreddyZaz S/N: 760379904 Pocket C2.0 FreddyZaz760379904 Pocket Card : FUQ_CE@HOTMAIL.COM : 4PHMA19WSDYX6FDF1DXS Pocket Card : Name=FUQ_CE@HOTMAIL.COM serial=4PHMA19WSDYX6FDF1DXS Pocket Card: User: FUQ_CE@HOTMAIL.COM; S/N: 4PHMA19WSDYX6FDF1DXS Pocket CCTV v1.0 : Pdazone : 60412016 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60412016 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Pdazone 6041206 Pocket CCTV1.0 Pdazone60412016 Pocket Context Dictionary : CTXB-845782639 Pocket Context Dictionary Spanish English CTXB-845782639 Pocket Dictionary : dictionary : 77thw54 Pocket Dictionary : name : dictionary s/n:77thw54 (all lowercase) Pocket Dictionary : Name: dictionary s/n 77thw54 Pocket Dictionary : s/n 77thw54 Pocket Dictionary dictionary77thw54 Pocket Dictionary: Name: dictionary S/N: 77thw54 Pocket Dos v1.02 : KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH Pocket Dos V1.02.0 : s/n : KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH Pocket Dos V1.02.0 : s/n : KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH (Might not work) Pocket Dos1.02 KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket Gambler : 1600A0RGPRXE Pocket Gambler: 1600A0RGPRXE Pocket Informant 2.5.1a: Owner Name: PDAnet (change it in SETTINGS/PERSONAL/OWNER INFOMATION) Key: 14E01BE0 Pocket Informant 2.5.1b : 2-B5290240-247 Pocket Informant v 2.5 : Name:PDAnet rulez; Serial: 13D776F2 Pocket Informant v2.5 : Cefans : 2BCE9828 Pocket Informant v2.5 : PDAnet rulez : 13D776F2 Pocket Informant v2.5.1b : 2-B5290240-247 : No longer requires you to change device name Pocket Informant2.5 Cefans2BCE9828 Pocket Informant2.5 PDAnet rulez13D776F2u will have to change Owner Name on Devi Pocket Lock 1.3 : RPL971167832N1-1030 Pocket Lock 1.3 : RPLP940542127N1-1100 Pocket Lock 2.12s: RPL940542127N1-1020 Pocket Lock v1.30 : RPL971167832N1-1030 Pocket Lock v2.1 : RPLP940542127N1-1100 Pocket Lock v2.12 : SIBQ940542227N1-1086 : RPL940542127N1-1020 Pocket Lock1.30Applian RPL971167832N1-1030 Pocket Lock2.1Applian RPLP940542127N1-1100 Pocket Organizer : ZAW711*BK-227 Pocket Organizer ZAW711*BK-227 Pocket Player : Christopher Han : 17438-946868365-21019-9 Pocket Player from conduits 1.21 : Christopher Han / 17438-946868365-21019-9 Pocket Player1.21ConduitsChristopher Han17438-946868365-21019-9 Pocket Quicken : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken bob bob4465786966741928might be Palm(thx Phil) Pocket Quicken Name: 11264334 POCKET QUICKEN s/n: 11264334 Pocket Quicken: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken: S/N: 11264334 Pocket Swap: Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 PocketC : Name: pocketc hpc Code: 809657344 PocketC : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? PocketGB 1.25 : User: Kyle VanHemert; S/N: d9e5b2fddc5e PocketGB 1.34: FuQ-CE 0b4544bd40b5 PocketGB All versions: User: GadgetMania Code: 8076 (Thanks Gadget!) PocketGB All versions: User: GadgetMania Code: 8076 Rumored s/n PocketGB GadgetMania8076 PocketGB v1.25 : Kyle VanHemert : d9e5b2fddc5e PocketLock 1.30+ : SN: RPL971167832N1-1030 PocketLock 2.12s: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 PocketSwap , GrundleSoftware : Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com s/n 251364 PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com : 251364 PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com 251364 PocketSwap Grundlesexotic_comic@hotmail.com251364 poker 1.0 Code = 7142870 PopUpCalculator 0.95 s/n= BadToast/10210 Porfolio 5.05 Name = Registered User Code = 51448 Registered User Power Level 2.5: 471651604337 Power Time : 704-318-090 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 Power Time 704-318-090 Power Time: S/N: 704-318-090 Powerlevel v2.5 : 471651604337 PregTracker 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 787-707-341 primer : ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 : EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE primer 2.3: ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 : EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE Primer 2.3: HANDANGO CUSTOMER : LY5E-2SHL-J2RZ-KSAE Primer PDF reader : 1.07 www.ansyr.com (freeware now) Primer PDF reader : 1000702 Primer PDF Reader 2.3 - Name: ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 - Pass: EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE Primer PDF Reader 2.3 Name: ANSYR CUSTOMERV23 Pass: EDE9-YRMU-CM4Z-KSAE Primer PDF reader: S/N: 1000702 Print PocketCE 2.2: 4M4M0D075 PrintPocket CE 2.2 : 4M4M0D075 PrintPocket CE v2.3 : 4M4M0D075 PrintPocket CE2.2FieldSoftware Pscrawl 1.0 Code = Ng95>=9 PsiBlocks 2.2 Name = Registered User Code = 93386634543-9699838939 PsiCards Name = epoc Code = 637343-673663 Psi-List 1.2 Name = Registered User Code = 5940 PTravel Alarm: S/N: 278-3965-1190 PTravelAlaram s/n : 278-3965-1190 PTravelAlarm : 278-3965-1190 PTravelAlarm 278-3965-1190 pyramid 1.0 Code = 8141021 Q-Calc 2.0 Name = Registered User Code = 5773.82421907 Quest CE : s/n: 770613 or s/n: 849374 Quest CE Registration : 770613 Quest CE s/n= 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : 849374 : 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : s/n: 849374 (works) get it at http://www.kpoole.com/ Quest CE v3.2a: S/N: 849374 Quest CE vnull : s/n: 849374 Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE: S/N: 849374 Quest CE3.2a 849374 Quest CE3.2akpoole 849374http://www.kpoole.com/ Quick Budget v1.51 : qb300 Quick Budget v1.51: S/N: qb300 Quick Budget1.51 S/N: qb300 QUICKBUDGET 1.51 s/n: qb300 Quicklist 1.5 Code = 1.999999 Quicklist 3.10 Name = Registered User Code = 5F:cwdxzBefxdxK@qexd QuickP 3.2b Name = Registered User Code = 137734 Quicksheet 3.1 Pass to unzip: jump625 Racing Days: User: PdaNet - Serial: 123 - Auto Code: 9LTDEXVSE8X1 Rally CE : bangbang : bangbang Rally CE bangbangbangbang RALLY CE Name: bangbang s/n: fun4you Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97- dsfg sg;9870847979146027 Randsoft Harmony 97 s/n= Al Sejcek; 9870847979146027 Randsoft Harmony 97: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9870847979146027 Realmaps 1.15a Name = Fred Code = 565831 Reckless Thief 1.0: IUBO1WFDEONCHFF Recycle 1.01 Name = Reg User Code = WphYkv Recycle Bin 2.0 Code = 72616803 RedEdit CE v2.5 : Name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg Code: 208942 RegEdit CE Grundletony@softcomca.com181762 RegEdit CE v2.5 : edwinli@pacific.net.sg : 208942 RegEdit CE v2.5 : name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg s/n : 208942 RegEdit CE v2.6 : tony@softcomca.com : 181762 RegEdit CE2.5Grundleedwinli@pacific.net.sg208942 Registration Name: HANDANGO CUSTOMER Registration Number: LY5E-2SHL-J2RZ-KSAE RemindMe 1.01s : REMP940542127N1-1090 RemindMe 1.1s : REM940542127N1-1010 Remindme 2.0: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 Remindme REMP940542127N1-1090 RemindMe v1.1 : REM940542127N1-1010 RemindMe v2.0 : SIBQ940542227N1-1086 Resco Explorer 3.33 Email : giagoulas@hotmail.com; Code : 2871413287 or email: darkfire1@yandex.ru; Code: 2926308381 Resco File Explorer 3.5 Cont. code : 2926308381 or eMail: giagoulas@hotmail.com Code: 2871413287 Resco File Explorer 3.5: User name : Your Own Name Your e-mail : darkfire1@yandex.ru Registr ---> Next line Resco File Explorer v3.2: Name: David Spiegel - Email: giagoulas@hotmail.com - Code: 2871413287 Resco File Explorer v3.40 : David Spiegel : giagoulas@hotmail.com Resco File Explorer v3.5 : David Spiegel : darkfire1@yandex.ru Resco Picture View 3.31 Email: concertini@orgio.net S/N: 2878938290 Resco Picture Viewer 3.51 : Email: concertini@orgio.net S/N: 2878938290 Resco Picture Viewer v3.51 : Resco Picture View : concertini@orgio.net Resco Zipper 3.3: email: darkfire1@yandex.ru; Code: 2948775137 Resco Zipper 3.3: User name = Your Own Name : Your e-mail=darkfire1@yandex.ru : Registr. code = 2948775137 Resco Zipper 3.3Rescoemail:darkfire@yandex.ru2948775137any User name Resco Zipper v3.3 : Use any user name : darkfire1@yandex.ru RMR Bank Code = TPNPPYAITMJIgQY RMRArt 2.0 Name = Epocwarez Code = Z69WEXC86bV RMRAutoText 1.04 Name = Epocwarez Code = 28116556 RMRBoxx 1.09 Name = Epocwarez Code = 5856167 RMRDiet 2.0 Name = Epocwarez Code = NYXI[H[ldeZ RMRFile 2.01f Name = Epocwarez Code = LAKHJBJULKOKMDJFJKMR RMRFruit 2.0 Name = Epocwarez Code = W19122cqO-169 RMRFuel Name = Rmruser Code = XQY^WKWYR RMRHome 2.0 Name = Epocwarez Code = WZ RMRInvest Name = Epocwarez Code = `Z RMRList 1.01 Name = Epocwarez Code = Akyih\oXhZn RMRReverse 1.00 Name = Epocwarez Code = IUUL`JXId mZ RMRShop 1.00 Name = Epocwarez Code = ITXL`GVLdeZ RMRSol 2.0 Name = Epocwarez Code = LYSI\HZMdZZ RMRSol 2.1 Code = SNOOPIE WIN_RV RMRTask 2.40 Code = IWXGgFYJj[z RMRTester 1.01 Name = Epocwarez Code = Fpnjatm_s RMRText 2.0 Name = Epocwarez Code = NYXI[H[ldaZ RMRTv 1.00 Name = Epocwarez Code = NYXG[FXNd oZ RMRUtils 1.11f Code = Kqrhn RMRZip 2.01f Name = Epocwarez Code = LAHOQIOWNEIMJKQKOMOL RockFall 1.05+ Name = Registered Version Code = 1607836726 RPNCalc 1.46 Name = Registered User Code = 30426589476411 Sabotage : 0000448-LPFB43V SABOTAGE : s/n: 0000448-LPFB43V SABOTAGE s/n: 0000448-LPFB43V Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 Screen Saver Engine: S/N: 0000001-T8051V0 SeaStrike 1.03 Name = Registered User Code = 3341250 Sentry 20/20 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 20/20: Name 1337 inc. S/N: FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 2020 : 1337 inc. : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 2020 : coca Jean : D81B A34D A8F8 D214 Sentry 2020 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 2020 1.8 User: coca Jean Code: D81B A34D A8F8 D214 Sentry 2020 1337 inc.FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sentry 2020 coca JeanD81B A34D A8F8 D214 Sentry 2020 User: coca Jean Code: D81B A34D A8F8 D214 SERIAL FOR POCKET INFORMANT v2.5: Name: PDAnet rulez - Serial: 13D776F2 SHADOW THEIF 0.97 Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 Shadow Thief v.97 : beatgen : IToZ7CX3t5 Shadow Thief0.97 beatgenIToZ7CX3t5 Shortcut Wizard 2.23 Name = Registered User Code = 15774750 Sketch Pad v2.0 : 4617069416 SKETCH PAD v2.0 s/n: 4617069416 Sketch Pad2.0 4617069416 SketchPad v2.0: S/N: 4617069416 Slated 1.0 Code = 914eixel Sleeper 3.1 Name = Registered User Code = 46998581 Small Talk v1.01 : 1108015659 Small Talk v1.01: S/N: 1108015659 SmartFind 2.0 Code = 113671240 smARTwriter PLus : Al Sejcek : 5556405976799029 smARTwriter PLus ARTAl Sejcek5556405976799029 Snake 1.01 Name = Registered User Code = 315950625 SnapIt : 0000024-08BX82R SnapIt Information: 0000024-08BX82R SnapIt: Serial= 0000024-08BX82R Snoozer v1.4 : 129162 SNOOZER v1.4: s/n: 129162 Sokoboxx 1.09 Name = Registered User Code = 7875609 SoundOnOff 2.3 Name = Registered User Code = 15775463 Space Fighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 196924 Spacefighter : sfuser : galaga2 SPACEFIGHTER Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 SpaceFighter v2.0 Username: sfuser Password: galaga2 - these are to download from sight www.jimmysoftware.com Spacefighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Star Tap : Joe Doe : AXF003456F45683G23 Star Tap : User : Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 Star Tap Joe DoeAXF003456F45683G23 Star Tap: User: Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If it don't work, set your PDA clock to somewhere in Nov-1999 and try again StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If no work; set your PDA clock to 11/99 and try again. Statistics 1.1 Name = me Code = CsP#34658.Skm Stickies 1.20 Name = Registered User Code = 15783913 Stockmanager : Pgb : 7D390A Stockmanager 3.1 : Name = Pgb : Serial= 7D390A :change owner name to Pgb Stockmanager3.1TinyStocksPgb7D390Achange owner name to Pgb Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com Code: 200928 Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 200928 Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com : windowce@hotmail.com Storage Card Applet windowce@hotmail.comwindowce@hotmail.com Storage Card Applet: name = windowce@hotmail.com serial=windowce@hotmail.com Swapper 1.17 Name = Registered User Code = AT6E2XDT5J Sweet Dreams 1.2 Code = ETRF993R SwitchOn5 Code = swon51 SysInfo : 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo : s/n: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 (works) SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 T5Img 1.10 Name = Registered User Code = 1801827915 Take It Easy 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 36169 tdDomlink 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 522247 Tdfive 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 274287 tdOXO3D 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 379734 Tdreversi 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 247933 Ted-Tris 1.1 : S/N: 7367291045 TED-TRIS 1.1 s/n: 7367291045 TED-TRIS v1.1 : 7367291045 TED-TRIS1.1 7367291045 TheSkyPocketEdition: 3456 Thisweek 1.4 : S/N: Y2k THISWEEK 1.4 s/n: y2k THISWEEK v1.4 : y2k THISWEEK1.4 y2k Tickle 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 381455626967 TicTackToe 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 657-296-257 Time&Chaos 5.3.5 Sync s/n: airplane Time&Chaos 5.3.5: Name : Sync Serial : airplane Time&Chaos v5.3.5 : Sync : airplane TimePlan 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 7425 TipU v1.1 : 'evsoftbetter' TipU v1.1 s/n: evsoftbetter Tomeraider2.1 ? TourMate 1.0 Name = Registered User Code = 956-266-964 Trainer 1.3 Name = Registered User Code = 137177 TripPlus 1.1b Name = Registered User Code = 112689 Tuning Fork 1.1 : S/N: 6905924416 TUNING FORK 1.1 s/n: 6905924416 Tuning Fork v1.1 : 6905924416 Tuning Fork1.1 6905924416 Ultimate Poker 3.43 Name = Registered User Code = 16605 Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player : Name: Highly Illegal Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player : Name: Highly Illegal Company: Serials '99 s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D VacTrak 1.3.7 Name = Registered User Code = 115E0B6B3B7FFDF4 Video Cabinet 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = 172343440C Virtual Courier : Al Sejcek : 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg Code: 9860867976776029 or Name: Al Sejcek Code: 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier Al Sejcek5564405976779029 Virtual Courier: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9860867976776029 Virtual Display Nyditot removed on request Virtual Wallet 4.10s: RVW940542127N1-1037 Virtual Wallet 4.11s: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 Virtual Wallet v4.10 : RVW940542127N1-1037 Virtual Wallet v4.11 : SIBQ940542227N1-1086 vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 Ward Five 3.01d Name = Registered User Code = FKR[NBGY^B Web site : http://www.onthegosoftware.com/products/pq.htm WebWorld 5 1.1 Name = Registered User Code = VXPYYHYY Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1 : s/n: 11111111111111 Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1 :11111111111111 Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1: S/N: 11111111111111 Win CE Entertainment Pack v2 : 4653540603 Win CE Entertainment Pack2Microsoft 4653540603 Windows CE Serials: Wine Cabinet 2.4 Name = Registered User Code = 172343440C Winphone 3.0 (German Version): 0A012C-0D29-012E Winphone 3.0: Licence: 100143 - 1331 - 0127 Serial: 100144 1341 0146 Winphone Pocket v3.0 : 0A012C-0D29-012E : German Version Winphone Pocket v3.0 : 100143 - 1331 - 0127 : 100144 1341 0146 Winphone Pocket(German) : 0A012C-0D29-012E Winphone Pocket: 100143-1331-0127 or 100144-1341-0146 Winphone: 100143 - 1331 - 0127 Winphone: 100144 1341 0146 Winphone: Licence: 100143 - 1331 - 0127 Serial: 100144 1341 0146 WinphonePocket3.0BVRP100143 - 1331 - 0127 XT-CE 2.43 only : Name: PDAUser s/n: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 (works) XT-CE Name: PDAUser s/n: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 XT-CE v2.43 : PDAUser : c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 XT-CE: 2.43: Control Panel\Owner: PDAUser S/N: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 XT-CE2.43 PDAUserc146737214aa7c5d8bf1 XWordCE 2.0 : s/n: 120-2152021016-04 XWordCE v2.0 : 120-2152021016-04 XWordCE v2.0 : s/n: 120-2152021016-04 XWordCE v2.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 Yartsie 1.25 Name = Registered User Code = 2AD3D2BA ZioGolf 1.2: S/N: ZIGF1WPPC12DRE0000555 ZioGolf1.2 ZIGF1WPPC12DRE0000555 Zip Manager 1.0 Code = 175018249 ZSS Blackjack : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7655575996874629 ZSS Blackjack: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Casino Pack I : name : Pdazone Pdazone s ZSS Casino Pack I : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7657595996894629 ZSS Casino Pack I : Pdazone Pdazone : 7657595996894629 ZSS Casino Pack I Pdazone Pdazone7657595996894629 ZSS Casino Pack I: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Keno : name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n : 7658505996804629 ZSS Keno : Pdazone Pdazone : 7658505996804629 ZSS Keno Pdazone Pdazone7658505996804629 ZSS Keno: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Slot : Pdazone Pdazone : Pdazone Pdazone ZSS Slot Pdazone PdazonePdazone Pdazone ZSS Slot: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 CNetX Flash Format: CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98F Rekless Thief key: IUBO1WFDEONCHFF Pocket Gambler Registration Code: 1600A0RGPRXE Pocket Lock: RPL971167832N1-1030 Serial Number for Applian SIB for PocketPC! RemindMe: REM940542127N1-1010 Virtual Wallet: RVW940542127N1-1037 Dial-a-Matic: RDM940542127N1-1009 Picture Perfect: RPP940542127N1-1024 Pocket Lock: RPL940542127N1-1020 CoolCalc: RCK940542127N1-1006 Nyditot Virtual Display :NVD010501-122560-04928 PalmGB All versions:User: GadgetMania Code: 8076 Print Pocket CE: 4M4M0D075 Picture Perfect serial: RPPP940542127N1-1104 Pdf Primer 2.3 serial: Registration Name: HANDANGO CUSTOMER Registration Number: LY5E-2SHL-J2RZ-KSAE MultiIE: gadgetmania , 3B97-07B24B37 Pocket Informant: Name: PDAnet rulez , Serial: 13D776F2 ---------------SERIALS--------------- A Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps Action Names 2.05 s/n= A#EJC-Y30AL-30&Z4-PILOTGEAR Actioneer 1.10: S/N: xqpr-7kcf-j8lh Aportis Mobile DOC 2.1 s/n= D6456021 ART smARTwriter PLUS: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7695575996874629 B bEssential Utilities v1.0: S/N: 040-740020 bFAX Pro: S/N: 040-740020 bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bPRINT: S/N: 040-740020 bProductive: S/N: 040-740020 bSquare BFax Pro V5.0: S/N: BFP-100026-4682-IEN bSquare bMobile News 3.0: S/N: 015-056699 bSquare chat: S/N: 040-740020 bSquare SpreadSheet: S/N: BSS-010032-7821-PEN bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: 040-740020 bUseful Utilities v1.1: S/N: BUP-000135-1387-HEN bUseful Utilities v2.0: S/N: BUP-001013-9199-IEN Backgammon v1.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01: Name: w w S/N:: 0255501956775629 iBFM Casino v2.0: FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man S/N: 2861 Bubblet 1.0: S/N: af100523 / PDAZone BugMe 2.61: S/N: europa Bugme CE v3.1: S/N: 01291626 BRAINFOREST MOBILE 2.1 : s/n: B8492448 (palm os?) BrainForest Mobile 2.1 s/n= B8492448 C CalcyForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9850867979976025 Caligrapher V6: CGR0-029-69125972E Cambridge vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 Caribbean Poker: Name: AlSejcek S/N: 4487766966791929 Caribbean Poker: Name: Pdazone pdazone S/N: 8685565996794629 CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Chess: Name: bobbob S/N: 4455786966771929 Chinese Checkers v1.2: S/N: 24680 Christopher Han: S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CommandCE: S/N: 112000763 Conversions in hand 1.25: S/N: 277-4571-1649 CoolCalc v3.0: S/N: RCCP940542127N1-1078 Crossword Pack v1.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CheckList 1.3 s/n= vigour D Digital I Ching: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8842857979176025 DocSafe Prof Export Version: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557425976879029 Desktop2Go 2.503 Reg. Num. - 4016040-9305 Display Colors: windowce@hotmail.com S/N: 196924 Documents2Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) Drag & Drop Hack v2.0: S/N: DRDPH000 E EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 EncloseIt: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5568445976779029 eWallet v1.0: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 8841867979196025 eWallett v1.0: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 8841867979196025 EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) ncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 F Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Financial Consultant: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5566435976779029 FindForce: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres: S/N: 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV G GameBreak: Name: bob bob S/N: 3405796966771929 GameTrio: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9606585996704629 Grundlesoftware Display Colors : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GrundleSoftware PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 H HandPhone 1.1: S/N: 06111413349-0-24180 Harmony 97: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9870847979146027 HPC Netprofile v1.2: S/N: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes v1.3: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01: S/N: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro & Lite: S/N: 9912-PRO3-00344155 HPC Spell v2.2 & v2.3: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.315.1015: S/N: 9809-0200-00266940 Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D HandFax 1.04 s/n= 0310-0111704-61792 HandMail 2.0 s/n= 013034-05491-0-42273 Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 I Ibrowser Plus (+): Name: Glenn Wiggins S/N: NHEG13K71203 Ilium ListPro: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 7841897979146020 Intellisync 3.6: S/N: 613543 Internet Force: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5592495976749029 Internet Force: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 9692555996744629 IRC CE: /register jstpenfxrx J Jimmy's BigFoot: User: bigfootusr Pass: tkn9psv Jimmy's Ralley CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Jisen Information System's CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 Jot v2.0: Name: bob bob S/N: 3455796966791929 K Nothing Here Yet! L ListPro by llium: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0T: Name: iCARUS S/N: 2392201 M Martians: S/N: 0000451-BBV2F2H MediaWallet: S/N: RMW940541321N1-1023 Message Master 1.1: S/N: 4047-4882-3366 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v1.0: S/N: 111-1111111 Microsoft WinCE Entertainment Pack v 2.0: S/N: 465-3540603 Milles bornes: Name: Kevin C. Maughan S/N: 49EBF5EA MovSoftware's IrcCE: /register Jstpenfxrx Macromedia Generator v2.0: S/N: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 N NSBasic v2.10a: S/N: Not available because its a great software house and we all must support it O One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: PDAZone S/N: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: D3MYQK-AU0031040 One Cat Doodler 3.0: http://www.onemanandacat.com/ P Palm GB v1010: Name: gquan@msn.com S/N: 8479 Palm GB v1010: Name: wince@software.com S/N: 12364 Palm GB v 2.0 : Name: oneforgivn@aol.com S/N: 12298 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2: S/N: 599M86VC02 Pocket Artist 1.14: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: Name: andy poes S/N: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket C v1.0: Name: pocketc hpc S/N: 809657344 Pocket C v2.0: Name: FreddyZaz S/N: 760379904 Pocket Dictionary: Name: dictionary S/N: 77thw54 Pocket Finance v1.1: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken: S/N: 11264334 Pocket Quicken: Name: bob bob S/N: 4465786966741928 PhoneTone: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5507435976779029 Power Time: S/N: 704-318-090 Primer PDF reader: S/N: 1000702 PTravel Alarm: S/N: 278-3965-1190 Palm Chord 1.1 s/n= a440 Palm Columns : s/n: (;)2MAGIZ Palm Columns s/n= ;2MAGIZ Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB v1010 : Name: wince@software.com s/n: 12364Palm GB v1010 : Name: wince@software.com s/n: 12364 Palm Helmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ Palm Player Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 Palm Player Name: Christopher Han S/N: 17438-946868365-21019-9 Palm Redirector 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 Palm Remote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 (works) Pocket Abacus v1.0b: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60719030 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket ARTIST: name: andy poes / 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket BizCalc : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557435976779029 Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Swap , GrundleSoftware, Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Pocket C : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket CCTV v1.0: Name: Pdazone S/N: 60412016 Pocket Dictionary : name : dictionary s/n:77thw54 (all lowercase) Pocket Finance v1.1 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4465786966741928 Pocket Quicken Name: 11264334 Pocket Quicken : Name: bob bob Code: 4465786966741928 Web site : http://www.onthegosoftware.com/products/pq.htm 2.1 upgrade can be downloaded from: http://www.onthegosoftware.com/support/updates.htm Pocket Swap , GrundleSoftware, Name: sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Parens 1.3 s/n= Rishi Bagga/34598 PhoneTone : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5507435976779029 Pilchart : Name: Pdazone s/n: 60716032 Planetarium 1.8 s/n= aPoLLo PopUpCalculator 0.95 s/n= BadToast/10210 Power Time : s/n: 704-318-090 Primer PDF reader : 1.07 www.ansyr.com (freeware now) Primer PDF reader : 1000702 PTravelAlaram s/n : 278-3965-1190 Q Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE: S/N: 849374 Quest CE: S/N: 770613 Quest CE v3.2a: S/N: 849374 Quest CE Registration : 770613 Quest CE v3.2a : s/n: 849374 (works) get it at http://www.kpoole.com/ Quick Budget v1.51: S/N: qb300 Quicksheet 3.1 Pass to unzip: jump625 Quest CE vnull : s/n: 849374 Quest CE s/n= 770613 R Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 9870847979146027 RegEdit CE v2.5 : name: edwinli@pacific.net.sg s/n : 208942 Rally CE: Name: bangbang S/N: fun4you Randsoft Harmony 97 s/n= Al Sejcek; 9870847979146027 Reg. Nr.: 72033693 S Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine: S/N: 0000001-T8051V0 Sentry 20/20: Name 1337 inc. S/N: FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Sim City 2000: JQ9PTO9U078X Small Talk v1.01: S/N: 1108015659 Snoozer v1.4: S/N: 129162 Spacefighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Star Tap: User: Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 Sabotage: S/N: 0000448-LPFB43V Screen Saver Engine : s/n: 0000001-T8051V0 Sentry 20/20 : name 1337 inc. s/n : FDE2 849F DA61 1BA7 Shadow Theif 0.97 : Name: beatgen s/n: IToZ7CX3t5 SketchPad v2.0: S/N: 4617069416 Small Talk v1.01 s/n= 1108015659 Snoozer v1.4: S/N: 129162 Space Fighter: Name: sfuser S/N: galaga2 Space Hog CE : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 196924 Spacefighter : Name: sfuser s/n: galaga2 Star Tap : User : Joe Doe Code: AXF003456F45683G23 StarBuck (version unknown) : s/n 5526693 If no work; set your PDA clock to 11/99 and try again. Storage Card Applet : Name: windowce@hotmail.com s/n: 200928 SysInfo : s/n: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo Registration Code: 120-2012020976-01 SysInfo: S/N: 120-2012020976-01 T Ted-Tris 1.1 : S/N: 7367291045 Thisweek 1.4 : S/N: Y2k Tuning Fork 1.1 : S/N: 6905924416 Time&Chaos 5.3.5 Sync s/n: airplane TipU v1.1 s/n: "evsoftbetter" U Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player: Name: PDAZone Company: PDAZone S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Utopiasoft Hum Mp3 Player : Name: Highly Illegal Company: Serials '99 S/N: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D V Virtual Courier: Name: dsfg sg S/N: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier: Name: Al Sejcek S/N: 5564405976779029 Virtual Courier : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9860867976776029 Virtual Courier : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5564405976779029 vxWeb: Name: Albert Wdowiak S/N: 62883413 W Westtek JetCet Print Pro v2.1: S/N: 11111111111111 X XWordCE v2.0: S/N: 120-2152021016-04 XT-CE: 2.43: Control Panel\Owner: PDAUser S/N: c146737214aa7c5d8bf1 Y Nothing Here Yet! Z ZSS Blackjack: Name: Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Slot: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Casino Pack I: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 ZSS Keno: Name : Pdazone Pdazone S/N: 7655575996874629 www.pdanet.net http://clubicky.iwarp.com/wince/ http://www.dencity.com/forums/forums...olor=lightblue PDAZone (C) 2000 WinCE Serials List version 2.5.2 (17/06/01) by |iCARUS| <-----================================================== =-----> A ALL APPLIAN Software: SIBQ940542227N1-1086 (Thanks Gadget) APPLIAN Virtual Wallet 4.10 Applian: RVW940542127N1-1037 APPLIAN Remind Me 1.01:REMP940542127N1-1090 APPLIAN RemindMe 1.1:REM940542127N1-1010 APPLIAN RemindMe 2.0:SIBQ940542227N1-1086 APPLIAN PocketLock 1.30+ : SN: RPL971167832N1-1030 APPLIAN PocketLock 2.12 Applian SIBQ940542227N1-1086 APPLIAN PocketLock 2.12 Applian RPL940542127N1-1020 or the Applians bundle serial APPLIAN Picture Perfect 5.01 RPQU988070576N1G-1197 APPLIAN Picture Perfect RPPP940542127N1-1104 APPLIAN Dial-A-Matic 3.11 : RDM940542127N1-1024 Aportis Mobile DOC 2.1 D6456021 Activation Key: s/n : A847-3D80KKQCCE7F AllTime 2.0 Serial for iambic Reports 1.04 s/n= iambi-c.eng-ineer-ing.corps ART smARTwriter PLUS Name: Al Sejcek number: 5556405976799029 ArtSKey 1.1 : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 7695575996874629 Astroworld Numerology: Name: PDAnet Key : 366-7173939051ENP B Battery Monitor 1.2: KEY57496213 BnK HTML Edit 2.12 s/n : #DESFAV45-411 Bsquare SpreadSheet (?) : s/n : BSS-010032-7821-PEN bsquare chat : s/n : 040-740020 bMOBILE Chat: s/n : 040-740020 bPRINT: 040-740020 bESSENTIAL Utilities v1.0 : s/n: 040-740020 bUSEFUL Utilities v1.1 : s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN (works) bUSEFUL Utilities V2.0 : s/n: BUP-001013-9199-IEN (works) bFAX Pro : s/n: 040-740020 BSquare BFax Pro V5.0 : s/n BFP-100026-4682-IEN (works) bMobile News 3.0: s/n: 015-056699 Backgammon v1.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 4455706966771929 Backgammon v1.01 : Name : w w Serial Number : 0255501956775629 BFM Casino v2.0 : FirstName: WinCE Initial: W LastName: Man s/n: 2861 Bubblet 1.0 : af100523 , Any username will work (works) Bubblet 1.1.0 for Pocket PC : af100523 Bugme CE v3.1 : s/n: 01291626 C CalcyForce :Name:dsfdsg s/n: 9850867979976025 CaribbeanPoker :Name:AlSejcek s/n:4487766966791929 Caribbenpoker : Name Pdazone pdazone s/n:8685565996794629 CEBall: v1.0 only : s/n:JCB10-000AAD-0003 CHECKLIST 1.3 : s/n: vigour Chess :Name:bobbob s/n:4455786966771929 CHINESE CHECKERS v1.2 : s/n: 24680 Christopher Han : s/n: 17438-946868365-21019-9 CIH : 277-4571-1649 Conversions in hand 1.25 : 277-4571-1649 CommandCE :s/n:112000763 or s/n: BUP-000135-1387-HEN CoolCalc 3.0 : RCCP940542127N1-1078 CoolCalc 3.15 : RCKP940542127N1-1086 CoolCalc 3.15s : RCK940542127N1-1006 CrosswordPackv1 : *s/n:120-2152021016-04 CETUNER: EN40-105708195-04669 Conduits Pocket Player 1.21: Name= Christopher Han serial = 17438-946868365-21019-9 CNetX HandyZip 1.71 : DXA7F 5IZ1R 655AO PMTFY CNetX FlashFormat 1.2: CBHSK QY3ME Q76BR WZ98F D DiaryGizmo : 09kj-12sj-3471 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm Display Colors: windowce@hotmail.com; 197925 Digital I Ching : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8842857979176025 DocSafe Prof Export Version : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5557425976879029 Documents To Go 2 registration : 4233889-3678 key : 5K5E-24083F02A3A5-FFFF (palm os?) E EncloseIt : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5568445976779029 eWallet v1.0 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 8841867979196025 Ewallet 2.0t (desktop version) : Name : icarus : s/n : 671886 (works) EVEdit 1.6 s/n= evedit001998 F Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 Funky Spheres : s/n: 0000073-9BWMBJ9 or 0000001-JZVJ5ZHV Financial Consultant : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5566435976779029 FindForce : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5594405976799029 G GroceryGizmo : cn3j-kd7gh-sj3 http://www.powergizmo.com/downloads.htm GrundleSoftware PocketSwap : sexotic_comic@hotmail.com; 251364 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : edwinli@pacific.net.sg ; 208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : winli@pacific.net.sg;208942 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE 2.6: tony@softcomca.com : 181762 Grundlesoftware RegEdit CE : Name: tony@softcomca.com S/N : 181762 *working as of 18/8/00* Grundlesoftware Storage Card Applet : windowce@hotmail.com;200928 Grundlesoftware Space Hog CE : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 Grundlesoftware Display Colors : windowce@hotmail.com;196924 GameBreak : Name: bob bob s/n: 3405796966771929 GameTrio : Name : Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9606585996704629 Globe 1.0: KEY75469021 H Handmail: 013034-05491-0-42273 HandPhone 1.1: 06111413349-0-24180 HandWeb 2.02 s/n 042024-05156-0-00001 HPC Netprofile v1.2 : s/n: 9811-0110-00065877 HPC Notes v1.3 : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 6546415976779029 HPC Notes v2.03 : s/n: 9805-0200-81916236 HPC NOTES V3.01 : 9805-0200-81916236 (get at www.hpcmag.com under downloads as they have old files) HPC NOTES V3.02 Pro and Lite versions : 9912-PRO3-00344155 (works) HPC Notes Pro 3.4 - 9912-pro3-00344155 HPC Spell v2.2 : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.3 (2.315.1015) : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 HPC Spell v2.5 : s/n: 9809-0200-00266940 Harmony 97 : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 9870847979146027 Hum Mp3 Player : Name PDAZone : register s/n: KAGI-326312AF-C8202B63E8A0E42D Hum Mp3 Player 1.62+ : KAGI-32631465-7A28A74B86B75F5E I Internet Force : Name: Al Sejcek s/n: 5592495976749029 Internet Force : Name: Pdazone Pdazone s/n: 9692555996744629 IRC CE : Type "/register jstpenfxrx" without the quotes Ibrowser Plus (+) name: Glenn Wiggins s/n:NHEG13K71203 IGolf TS45XW44U410-1200231-0001002 iGolf 1.1 4SZBXB44X4AC-1100231-0002011 or TS45XW44U4BB-1200231-0000972 Intellisync 3.6 (wince and palmpilot) : s/n : 613543 Intellisync 4.0 (Wince And Palm) : S/n : SALES01 J Jot v2.0 : Name: bob bob s/n: 3455796966791929 Jisen Information System's CEBall v1.0: S/N: JCB10-000AAD-0003 L ListPro : Name: dsfg sg s/n: 7841897979146020 ListPro 2.0T : name iCARUS s/n: 2392201 (works) ListPro 2.0.1T : Name = kazachkov s/n: 759877 Light Sabre IDE : Name PDAZone Serial: CL3799901 Light Sabre Explorer : PDAZone Serial: KD2775439 M Macromedia Generator 2.0 s/n: XFW200-01353-37003-19376 MARTIANS : s/n: 0000451-BBV2F2H MARTIANS UPDATE : User : Tetard S/N : 0000242-VXHMTCL MediaWallet : s/n : RMW940541321N1-1023 (works on latest feb 2 2000 release) Message Master 1.1: s/n : 4047-4882-3366 http://www.derdack.com/products/force.html Messenger BIM-000155-9710-IEN Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack : s/n: 111-1111111 : v1.0 Microsoft Win CE Entertainment Pack 2 : s/n: 4653540603 milles bornes : name: Kevin C. Maughan s/n : 49EBF5EA (works) multiie serial is email: gadgetmania / code: 3B97-07B24B37 MoneyMinder: EF16935733 MiniGolf = 3c1amsigo MetaConvertor 3.1 : 281062-1403 N Nyditot Virtual Display 1.2 : NVD010501-122560-04928 O One Cat Doodler 3.0: Name: [enter any name]: Reg: D3MYQK-AU0031040 P PALM COLUMNS : s/n: (;)2MAGIZ PalmGB v1010 wince@software.com 12364 Palm GB gquan@msn.com 8479 Palm GB : Name: ******* s/n: (None) Palm GB 2.0 : User = oneforgivn@aol.com Reg. Code: 12298 PALM REDIRECTOR 2.01 : s/n: 012345678910111213141516171819 PALMCORD 1.1 : s/n: a440 PalmPlayer Name: Karl Weckstrom ; Email: karl@weckstrom.com : 02686-027466122-21019-5 PalmRemote 2.1 or 2.2 : s/n : 599M86VC02 or 233J39GP7 Use the softkeyboards RETURN key (works) PARENS 1.3 : Name: Rishi Bagga s/n: 34598 PalmHelmet s/n= ;1MAGIZ (can someone tell me if this is a PALMOS prog?) Pocket Dos V1.02.0 : s/n : KGKIHWPOWLYOVVOPPJNH (Might not work) Pocket C 1.x : Name: pocketc hpc s/n: 809657344 v1.* only? Pocket C 2.0 & 3.0 FreddyZaz/760379904 Pocket Artist 1.14 : User Name: andy poes s/n: 59295 884650791 21019 9 Pocket Player from conduits 1.21 : Christopher Han / 17438-946868365-21019-9 Pocket Dictionary : Name: dictionary s/n 77thw54 Pocket Finance |
Re: PPC Serial Codes Thousands
Some I found (HERE)
http://www.selboriyorkersoftwarehouse.com/ SelboriyorkerFullScreenKeyboard 2 : 24500927 SelboriyorkerFullScreenKeyboard 3 : 45436801 Selboriyorker GPRS Monitor 1.7 : 92873292 SelboriyorkerGPRS Monitor2 :92873292 Selboriyorker Pocket Plus : 19257395 Selboriyorker Pocket Plus 2 : 71297438 SPB PocketPlus 3 : 30372645 or 65461245 or 65352283 SelboriyorkerDiary 1.7.x :75349409 SPB Dairy 2.x : 20051978 or 93476932 SPB Time 1.0: 72383490 selboriyorker Time 2.0 :72383490 Selboriyorker Finance 1.0 :19376423 Selboriyorker Finance 2.0 : 88956234 or 66543744 SPB Xonix : GZ1935I5 SPB XONIX II : 59028964 SPB Arkaball : FC22483A SPB Arkaball II: 67622831 SPB Weather Panel : 46123413 SPB Palbum Picture Optimizer: A223F822 Selboriyorker Bubbles : 47385623 SelboriyorkerFreeCell : 727DAC24 SelboriyorkerImageer : 21428451 Selboriyorker lines: 78812321 SPB Minesweeper : 83059383 Selboriyorker Pocket Highscores : free SPB PocketPC Tips & Tricks : 82702398 Selboriyorker Kiosk Explorer.v3.0 : KIE003VP001PG923147 SPBBackup : 19732456 SPBBackup 1.5.1 : 76366732 SPB Insight : use keygen SelboriyorkerTime : 72383490 or 53174628 SPB Weather : 46123413 SPB Air Island : 92119833 SPB Game Pack 1.0 : 39578F38 |
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codes, ppc, serial, thousands |
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