The EvolutionX (Evox) Complete Guide (If U Need This Here It Is)
Guide to setup EvolutionX - Installing Evoltion-X Tutorial
Background Finding EvolutionX Creating ISO using XISO Burning EvolutionX ISO using NERO Loading EvolutionX dashboard Background WARNING: This is a long tutorial, but by following it closely you WILL get the EvolutionX dashboard loaded onto your Xbox. Overview: In this tutorial you are going to learn how to configure and burn evolutionX to a cdrw or DVD. Before you can burn the EvolutionX program to a disc, you will learn how to convert the files to a special ISO format. You will need an EvolutionX disc burned from this special ISO format in order to boot your Xbox with the EvolutionX dashboard. Once the EvolutionX dashboard is started, you will be able to FTP into your Xbox from your Computer. You will then back up a few critical files from your Xbox to your Computer, and finally you will transfer the EvolutionX files from the disc to your Xbox so that you can boot up EvolutionX on your Xbox without needing the EvolutionX boot disc in the future. EvolutionX is a very confusing xbox program for novice xbox modders. The reason for this confusion is because EvolutionX is actually two separate programs. It is both an alternative dashboard for the Xbox, as well as a hacked bios. The problem is that the term "EvolutionX" is often used interchangeably with the term "EvoX". EvoX and EvolutionX are the same thing, but the bios part of EvolutionX is discussed in a separate tutorial related to Xbox bios?s. This particular article deals with the dashboard part of EvolutionX and assumes that you have already installed a BIOS onto your modchip (such as the EvolutionX bios, or the X2 bios, preferably). If you have not already installed an alternative hacked bios onto your modchip, then you will not be able to complete the procedures outlined in this article. Once your modchip is installed and flashed with an alternate bios, You will need to download evox install the EvolutionX dashboard (or some other Xbox dashboard such as Nexgen, Avalaunch, UnleashX, etc.) regardless of which mod chip you purchase. The dashboard is what appears when you turn on your Xbox console without a disc in the disc tray. The dashboard will let you adjust system settings, including audio, video, language and memory management. The dashboard is an integral component to Xbox modding because in order to connect to the Xbox from your PC you must replace the default Xbox dashboard with an alternative dashboard. This article focuses on the EvolutionX dashboard because it is one of the most widely used, and it was the original hacked dashboard. It is also the most newbie friendly dashboard. "Where do I download EvolutionX?" This is a popular question. Unfortunately, finding EvolutionX can be challenging. The reason is because it uses hacked Microsoft development code, which some contend is illegal to reproduce. The latest version of evox will depend on when you are reading this article. A new version is released every few months. For specifics on where to find and download evolutionx please read my article about finding and downloading xbox tools and utilities. When you do find EvolutionX, it will be in one of two forms. It will either be in ISO form, or it will just be all the individual EevolutionX files standalone. If the files are standalone then you will have to convert them into xISO format. If the files are already in xISO format, then proceed to the below part titled, "Burning EvolutionX Dashboard." The vast majority of the time, when you download an "official" evox release, then the files will be standalone. However, sometime people distribute versions of evox that already have certain network settings modified (which I will discuss later), and they often take the liberty of converting the evox files with the changed network settings into an xiso file so you don?t have to worry about it. At this point, I bet there is a good possibility that you?re wondering what the hell an ISO (or xISO) file is. If you have never heard of an ISO file, don?t worry, you will if you continue reading. ISO's are basically exact images of data. Originally, .ISO's were frequently referred to mean the exact images of data contained on CD's. This kind of storage is created to make sure there will be no buffer-under runs while writing CD's using your PC. When you copy a CD, the contents of the CD will first be stored on your hard disk (the ISO or "image" file). When the reading process is done, the CD will be burned on a cdr(w), reading it from the image file on your hard disk. But this way of storage is also the perfect way to trade cd's using the internet: Simply create an image file of your data, compress it in different volumes and let others download it. Often, when you download an ISO file you actually receive two files: a .bin and .cue file. The original extension for an ISO file used to be .ISO, but as the files became more popular, the standard has evolved. There is still the original .iso standard, and there are also iso's that do not include a .iso file, but instead include .bin and .cue file. The .bin file contains all the useful data, and the .cue file contains the table of contents. If the version of EvolutionX that you download contains a filename with the extension .iso, then you?re set because someone has already converted the relevant evox files into xiso format. Just proceed to "Burning EvolutionX Dashboard", otherwise you will have to take the individual evolutionX files and convert them to an xISO file yourself. I have never actually downloaded evolutionX with .bin and .cue files. If evox is distributed in .iso format, then it is always distributed in .iso format. You may also be wondering why I am referring to ISO files and xISO files. There is a difference between a standard iso file, and an xISO. An xISO file is an ISO (an image of data), whereby the data contained in the image is formatted to be compliant with the Xbox file system. You see, the Xbox has its own special type of file system that normal computers can not read. The xbox files system is called Xbox Disc File System (xdfs). If you have ever tried to put a retail Xbox game into your computer, you will notice that you can?t see much of the data contained on the dvd. This is because the real game data is formatted in xdfs format. Therefore, when you download evox, you have to turn the individual evox files into an image of data (iso) that is compiled in the xdfs format. This is known as creating an xISO. Your computer can still read the xISO because it is only an *image* of the evox data formatted in the xdfs format. If you just converted the evox files straight to xdfs, your computer would not be able to see the files anymore. Okay, by now I hope you have some notion of what an iso file is, and what xiso means. As I said, assuming you downloaded an original version of EvolutionX, then it will not already be in xISO format, and you will have to convert the individual EvolutionX files to xISO. The individual EvolutionX files include "evoxdash.xbe", "evox.ini" AND two optional subdirectories: BIOS & Skins. You do not need the BIOS files if your xbox mod chip already has a BIOS pre-installed (such as X-ecuter v1.0 or the original X-ecuter 2 Lite). However, if you have a newer modchip (Xecuter 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc., X-bit, Xenium, SmartXX, etc.) then you may want to use the EvolutionX bios, although I highly recommend flashing your Xbox modchip with the xecuter bios. However, whether you decide to use the evox bios is not important for this part of the operation, because we are discussing using the EvolutionX DASHBOARD here (not the EvolutionX bios). The Skins are just graphical enhancements to the look of the evolutionX dashboard. Although you do not NEED either of these subdirectories, if you burn these subdirectory files to the cdrw or DVD, it won?t hurt anything. These files are optional. The important files that MUST be burned are evoxdash.xbe and evox.ini. However, before you convert these files (evoxdash.xbe and evox.ini) to xISO format you MUST rename evoxdash.xbe to "default.xbe". "default.xbe" is the filename that your Xbox with modified bios will look for when its trying to boot your dashboard. Because you will be booting your dashboard from cdrw or dvd, the main file must be named default.xbe. Don?t forget to rename evoxdash.xbe to default.xbe BEFORE you compile the xISO. Now that evoxdash.xbe is renamed to default.xbe, it?s time to make a small modification to evox.ini. Evox.ini is EvolutionX?s main configuration file. Don?t be afraid to make changes to this file, you can always start over with the original file. Evox.ini was designed to be revised by the end user. The modification you are going to make will effect the network settings of EvolutionX, and this modification is very important so that you will be able to connect your computer to your Xbox via FTP. |
When I open my evox.ini file, under the [Network] heading this is what I see:
[Network] SetupNetwork = Yes StaticIP = NO Ip = Subnetmask = Defaultgateway = DNS1 = DNS2 = The settings that you need to make sure are configured properly are the following: You definitely want to set "SetupNetwork = Yes", this tells Evox to configure your Xbox for networking. Next you will need to configure "StaticIP = Yes" if you are using a router to connect your Xbox to your PC, or "StaticIP = No" if you are using a crossover cable, or hub to connect your Xbox to your PC. Finally, if you set StaticIP = No, then you will need to specify the ip address assigned to your Xbox. You should be able to figure this out based on your computer?s network configuration. For more information on Xbox networking, please see my tutorial on how to setup an Xbox network. In my case, I use a Linksys router to connect my Xbox and my computer. Therefore, I have "StaticIP = Yes". Your case may be different. Once the evox.ini is saved with the appropriate modifications as noted above, it's time to convert those to files to xISO format. There are several xISO creation tools. The most popular xISO creation too is Craxtion. You can download Craxtion for free from Craxtion.com. Craxtion is very powerful, and has many options. Although I have downloaded Craxtion and I sometimes use it, I prefer a program that is appropriately named, "xISO" over Craxtion. "xISO" is made by Yursoft. It is one of the easiest xISO creation tools to use. It was also one of the first xISO tools available. If using xISO follow the instructions below. The instructions if using Craxtion, or any other similar program are almost the exact same. Open XISO : Go to "Tools>Make a xISO" Select the directory on your PC Harddrive where the files are. All files in that directory and subdirectories will be added in the iso file. Include default.xbe & evox.ini (there's no need to include the "bios" & "skins" directories , but it won't hurt if you do). Make sure there's a "default.xbe" in the root of the directory. Then click on "Open" Select where you want to save the xISO file. Make sure there is enough space available. Give a name for the iso file in the "File name:" form. Then click on "Save". You can name the iso file anything you like. Remember you are just creating an image. This image will eventually next be burned to a cdrw or dvd. Once the iso file has been created , xISO will confirm. Burning EvolutionX dashboard When your xISO file is ready, it's time to burn it to a CDRW (or DVD). Do not burn the ISO file that you created to a CD-R because most xbox's cannot read CD-R media. CDRW and DVD are best. To burn the ISO file you will need a program called Nero. There are other programs that are popular for burning ISO files including Primo, Veritas Recordnow Max, Discjuggler, etc. However, Nero is one of the most popular, so for this tutorial instructions for Nero will be illustrated. Nero can be used to burn CD-RWs , but newer versions of Nero will also allow you to burn DVD-R/RWs. Start Nero. Select "Recorder" > "Choose Recorder" Select the burner you want to use ... and click "OK". Now go to "File" > "Burn Image" Browse your HD and select the .iso file , then press "Open". Select "Write" and "Finalize CD". Don't put "Write Speed" too high ... max 2x (or 4x if you have a quality burner) for CD-RW and 1x for DVD-R/RW. Nero will start burning .... leave your PC alone till the CD/DVD is fully burned. If your Xbox can't read it (make sure you have a modchip installed , duh) try : -put disc in drive , shutdown xbox and restart. -put disc in drive and reset xbox Loading EvolutionX dashboard Now, take the CDRW (or DVD) disc that you just burned using NERO and insert it into the Xbox. Don?t worry if your PC can?t actually read any of the files on the disc. Remember, the files are encoded in a format for the Xbox. Turn on the Xbox and allow it to boot up. It should read the disc. If it does not read the disc, it may be because the Xbox does not like the media. Xbox?s are very peculiar and they don?t all like the same discs. One brand of CDRW that works in Xbox #1, may not work with Xbox #2. If it doesn?t boot, try to burn the ISO again with at least one or two different brands of media. The Xbox should boot up and load the EvolutionX dashboard. You will see several options after loaded. Just scroll down and select "System Utils", then select "Settings" and then scroll down to "IP". This will show you the IP of your xbox on your network. You will need this IP address in order to connect to your xbox with your PC. Next we will connect to your Xbox using an FTP program. The most popular FTP program for xbox modders is FlashFXP. You can download FlashFXP for free from the FlashFXP website. Start FlashFXP. When you load FlashFXP, the screen is divided into two parts. On the left side you should get the content of your PC HDD (hard disk drive). To switch between ftp/hdd use the top button on the right side. On the right side , click the first top button and choose "quick connect". Connect to your Xbox Now you will just need to fill in the IP that you got from the EvolutionX dashboard. The username is always "xbox" , the password is standard "xbox" (unless you got crazy and changed it in your evox.ini file). You may not need to enter a username and password at all, in which case just leave the port set to 21 and check off "Anonymous". Hit "Apply", then "Connect" and you should be in! Backup your Xbox harddrive This is a VERY important part. You want to be sure that you have a backup of your original Xbox in case anything gets screwed up. Don?t worry, usually everything is cool, but just in case. On the leftside (PC harddrive) go somewhere with at least 300MB of free space. Then select "C" & "E" on the right side. Next, right-click and select "transfer". This may take a little while depending on the speed of your local network. Enter the C directory on the Xbox harddrive (right side). The last file should be xboxdash.xbe. IMPORTANT:: if you have a special "hacked" bios that boots evoxdash.xbe or yboxdash.xbe instead of xboxdash.xbe you will need to make a small change to this guide. But, if you have an X-ecuter mod chip with a standard BIOS, then just follow the rest of these instructions. Select the xboxdash.xbe file , right-click and select "Transfer As". Fill in "msxboxdash.xbe" and click "ok" Now go to the directory on your PC harddrive where EvoX is. You will now have a : * evox.ini file : make sure to open the file with notepad and configure all the settings (most important your network settings). * default.xbe : rename this file to xboxdash.xbe When finished, transfer these 2 files to your C drive on the Xbox HDD. Evox.ini will just copy and for xboxdash.xbe it will ask if you want to overwrite the file , say "yes". You don't have to transfer the "skin" & "bios" directory. "skin" is used if you want to install new skins for EvoX , if you don't copy the skin directory you will just get the default skin. The "bios" directory is only needed if you will flash your onboard bios. (most people with a modchip already installed and flashed with another bios such as the Xecuter bios won't use this). note: It doesn't harm thought if you trasnfer both the skins & bios directory to the C drive of your xbox. Now go back where you transferred msxboxdash.xbe on your PC hard drive. And retransfer the file (with it's new filename) to the C of your xbox hard drive. (this will allow you to go the original microsoft dashboard from the evolutionx dashboard). This is what your C drive on your Xbox should look like. Your drive will probably not have the "backup" directory unless you already installed evox before. xboxdash.xbe is the default.xbe from the EvoX release msxboxdash.xbe is the old xboxdash.xbe from your C xboxdrive. evox.ini is coming from the EvoX release Remove the CD , turn off your xbox and restart. It should now boot up to the EvolutionX dashboard. If it doesn't work your xbox isn't doomed , you can still access the the xbox harddrive with the CD. (and if needed restore with the backup of C & E you made). |
good job, looks like you got a good start on ur research
yup i got everything i need to mod it but the action replay so this week ima go pick up a copy at best buy when i get some time and then start up the procress :biggrin: thankz a mill man
Right now i currently have an xbox that my friends cuzin Soft Modded for me and i dont rlly have the patience to read all of that right now but is it Soft Mod instructions or Mod Chip Instructions
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